David Wilcock, in his current live video series and in his books, has talked about the subject of ‘the living universe,’ in relation to such events as synchronicities. I had an interesting bit of ‘synchronicity’ happen to me today. First things first:
1. I have a standing order in to ‘be of service’.(1) Thus my life is a living invocation to that end.
2. Today I went by the Main P.O. first. to post a letter, and then stopped in at my local supermarket on the way back home, as is often my wont when I go out in that direction for my daily, and also this day to take advantage of whatever Online Special items that I had clicked on for the week that I hadn’t partaken of yet, which good deal ends on Tuesdays. Having picked up several such items, and a couple of other things, I was waiting in one of the lines at the Checkout counters when suddenly I had a feeling, and checked in my coat pocket, and sure enough - I had left my wallet at home.(2) Now, to point out at this point: I never do that. Or if I have, I have forgotten the incident, it is such a non-regular thing for me. Anyway, in taking a moment to figure out what to do - and note that this was the last day to take advantage of my Specials; not something to pass by easily, especially somebody living on basic S.S., who is always on the lookout for Specials - I backed out of the checkout lane and trundled my shopping cart to the Manageress, who was at the Personal Checkout cash register, and whom I knew to be in charge because I am a Regular at that store, to whom I explained my predicament, and said that I would be back in a half hour to pick up those same items. She said that she would hold them for me for that time period, and away I went, walking briskly; wondering how I could have been so stupid as to do what I had done. I felt a little better about the whole thing when, approaching my apartment from the alley (as I often do, living at the back of the complex as I do), I saw one of the neighborhood recycler Regulars just leaving my Green bin on his bike. He is an older Hispanic guy, who has been very friendly over the years, and we always say hello to each other. This time I was able to ‘take advantage’ of my ‘plight’ because I had picked up around 3 or 4 such plastic water bottles on my walk, and could catch him before he left my alleyway and went on in his daily rounds. I felt good about that, and figured, ‘So, if I hadn’t been so ‘stupid’ as to leave my wallet behind, I would have missed being able to help the Regular out ‘. But that was to turn out to be only the half of it.
When I got back to the supermarket (and, in looking for a freebie that I had failed to check on in my original stop there. failed to find it but in the course spotted a very good sale on one of my regular items, to add to my cart) I checked in with the Manageress, who had put my items in a hand-carry basket to hold at her work station while I was away. She was busy with some problem with an irate customer (an Hispanic man who felt that he had been slighted, in some way or another, at the checkout counter by the employee there; a black guy, as it turned out, for whatever that may have had to do with the matter)(3), so she signaled for one of the young box boys to get me a shopping cart for my items, which filled the little basket a bit too much to hand carry. The boy shortly appeared with a proper shopping cart, and putting the hand-carry basket in it, and adding the item that I had ‘fortuitously’ discovered to add to my list of Specials, away I went, to check it all out. After which I took the cart back to the storage space, and, after sorting out the contents for my return home, some into my daypack and the others balanced out into the two bags that I had brought with me, I chose to take the hand basket to the front door, to store it there. Whereupon returning to the cart to retrieve my bags that I had left there while I ran my errand, I saw a piece of paper that had been in the cart underneath the hand basket. It didn’t look like just someone’s shopping receipt - which in any event have had ads on the backs recently (sometimes they don’t, and I use those for notepaper for my shirt pocket) - and so I took it out to look at it. And if turned it to be an Hispanic-named guy’s wages check. For a rather large sum of money. Dated today. The whole thing looking very much like someone had just been paid, and gone shopping…
I turned it in, of course. But what are the chances???
And having said that, I note that this is all associated, in a tangential but meaningful way, with another, very recent incident that happened ‘to’ me, when I found a wallet on the sidewalk - in the other main direction that I take for my dailys; this one to a bench overlooking the ocean, to get some reading in in the late afternoon sun - and, in trying to get it back into its owner’s hands, discovered that neither the phone number nor the email on the business card of the guy - an Hispanic, by name and photo on his driver’s license - actually worked. Curious, that. Which led me to believe that this could all be an example of how illegal aliens in this state are able to access all kinds of ID stuff, to cover their illegal status. And so, it could quite likely have been easy for someone who found that check mentioned above to come up with some ID to go cash it, in the presenting form of an Hispanic guy by name.(4)
But that’s all actually another story for another time. I want here to follow up this lead-in by commenting on a subject that I have come across online, about mysterious shapes in Nature that look very much like figures - faces, and sometimes parts of bodies associated with them in the same ‘sculpture’. The phenomenon is being presented as possible evidence of ‘giants in the earth in those days’ - the fossilized remains of giants. Given some semblance of believability with the associated story of how - reportedly - some Russian soldiers were turned into stone when they confronted some ETs coming out of a UFO that they had downed with a SAM. The report had a ‘stamp’ of authenticity about it, with an accompanying photo of what was purported to be an official CIA report. The whole story being enhanced with accompanying stories, and pictures, mostly out of the late 1890s-early 1900s about giant skeletal Indian remains having been found in the U.S., at various sites; and with other, more recent reports of such skeletons. Of humans - or humanoids - being well over seven feet tall. Which some humans have reached in our modern times, too. But some of these remains have been of real giants. And then, what to make of this fossilization business??
One online site has drawn attention to the ‘fact’ that even the veins of such a huge face have been shown, with some of the 'blood' having oxidized and then fossilized down the side of the ‘fossil’. Very curious finding. A reasonably intelligent person is apt to believe that these are just accidents of nature. We ‘all’ have seen rocky outcroppings that look like faces from the side, e.g. But complete with veins, that show ‘evidence’ of blood having run and oxidized down the side???…
And Wilcock has talked about his sources who have told him about giants in the solar system as well. All - as I say - very curious.
Not to put anything beyond the possibility. For example, there is plenty of evidence that there have been civilizations on this planet before our ‘times,’ in such ‘forms’ as stories of Atlantis, and enormous stonework, well beyond anything that we humans could have carried off in ancient times. Unless they had access to levitation abilities that have been lost to us ‘moderns’. Which could be the case. But to get back to the specific issue, of ‘stoned’ bodies. Some modern-day observers are taking this as evidence that these are, indeed, the remnants of actual personages. But there is another possibility. Which takes us back to the theme of this blog.
And which can also be an answer to, or at least a partial answer to, a phenomenon of our times, in the form of what we call ‘crop circles’. That there are entities - whom we call ETs - that can produce such phenomena, with technology that we can only dream of. As Shakespeare (or whoever wrote ‘his’ plays; another mystery of and for our times) had one of ‘his’ characters say: ‘ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ A good attitude to have.
Submit things to inspection. The surface, presenting ‘face’ can be misleading.(5)
And this can also refer to
what we take as ‘reality’ itself.
Which is said by some to be an illusion. A matrix. A hologram.
Which, if so, makes it accessible
to the likes of sculptors.
Who, besides playing the parts of what we have come to call ‘guardian angels’ -
who could be behind the ‘sculptures’ of what we call ’synchronicities’ in our lives -
could also be behind such phenomena as
rock seeming sculptures.
Having some creative fun with
the corral that we are already in.
And for another possible purpose. To wit:
To ‘catch our consciences’.
So as not to go asleep in
the dream.
So to speak.
Of 'such things'.
(1) A school of ‘philosophical’ thought - which Wilcock also subscribes to; called The Law of One. Channeled material with quite a ‘true’ ring to it, to many. Including me - talks about the subject of ’Service to Self’ and ’Service to Others’. ‘Service to Self’ is one spiritual evolutionary path; but not the highest such path, leading, as it does, many on it to get caught up in such ‘impure’ thinking as ‘What’s in it for me’. (As, e.g., Big Pharma has gotten caught up in, in our day; to the point of even killing people who threaten their profits.) ’Service to Others’ is the higher path of the two; leading to such positions as desiring ’the greatest good for the greatest number’.
And, of course, honoring the individual in the process. As a ’spiritual being having a human experience,’ as another thoughtful source has expressed it. (In the latter case: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.)
(2) I never carry it in my back pocket. That’s where people lose their wallets from; and also, that’s where often I put recycled water bottles that I find along the way on my outings. One of the pockets for such ‘gifts,’ that I then put in the Recycled bin outside of our apartment complex, for the local Recyclers. More on whom, to follow.
(3) This is a very ‘cosmopolitan’ neighborhood. As such, there is considerable competition, especially between blacks and Hispanics, for available blue-collar jobs.
And how about ‘our’ education systems, which are turning out so many blacks especially, who are functionally illiterate and innumerate?? From the way that they teach both reading and mathematics. And from the brain damage caused by vaccines, especially, according to a major study, to black children..
All, another story. For another day.
Which had better be addressed soon. Or there will be hell to pay.
On more than one front.
(4) For the record: I ended up turning it in to the Police Station. If he was legitimate, he could retrieve it through that vector.
I had been ‘tempted’ to take it down to the site of a Diving outfit further down the coast that he had a business card for, who could very possibly have contact info on him. But a) that would cost me the bus fare there and back, with no guarantee that they had any ‘forwarding’ info on him; and b) by then I was wondering about the lack of actual contact info on him in his wallet, and didn’t actually want anything more to do with the matter. Best to leave it between him and the police.
(5) Think the Mainstream Media in the U.S. today. In the ‘light’ of what a former Director of the CIA was (reliably) reported as having said once: “We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.”
Which could easily have been assumed. Before the advent of The People’s media:
the Internet.
Which, ironically, was the creation of the very Deep State players who are attempting to corral humanity as we speak.
P.S. Speaking of not believing all that we are led and told to believe:
I happened this evening to check out a couple of the Flat Earth videos of a guy’s site named jeranism. Between them, he answered quite a few of the debate questions that have surfaced regarding this issue. But one ‘issue’ in particular in this subject area has stayed with me for some time; particularly from having seen the night sky from both the, er, Northern Hemisphere and the, er, Southern Hemisphere. My comment to his posting, on Oct. 7, 2018, titled ‘IFL Science 7 Proofs of Flat Earth SMASHED! Live’ (his title a take on an article that supposedly debunked 7 points of the Flat Earthers’ arguments, but which he did a good job of dealing with):
1 second ago (now gone February 20)
Basically good stuff here. And I have not followed all the debate points that you have answered. But one caveat; and speaking of the Pole Star, as you have:
Neither it nor Ursa Major - the Big Dipper - is overhead, er, 'down' in Australia. They have the, er, Southern Cross. Different constellations. Different night sky scene overhead. Some of the same constellations can be seen along and near the ecliptic. A feature answerable on a globe. Comment?
Not that I expect that he will actually see this Comment at this late date, and respond to it. But others auditing his material might. And I hope that it stimulates some thinking on the matter. Along with the fact that sailors use trigonometry to navigate by. Not geometry.
But it’s all good for thinking about. Because it is obvious that we have been lied to about the whole Moon Landing thing; and if so, why. And if it’s simply a matter of having wanted to pretend to have beaten the Russians to the Moon, why all the continued mystery regarding Antarctica, e.g. And the Van Allen Belt keeping us from voyaging out to a further destination now than the Moon.
Questions. For adults. About their existence.
And its terms.
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