Sunday, 24 February 2019

On Living By And With Truth

(To build on John Adams’s point, as I referred to in one of my blogs of yesterday.)

Now let me get this straight  You people let a private corporation - of bankers; whose very professional natures is, er, ‘making’ money - have access to the nation’s currency printing presses, plates and paper.  Without stringent and certifiable audit measures put in place, on that, and all of its doings.  Thus opening the door for such shenanigans as ‘insider trading’.  And worse.

‘What could go wrong.’  Right?…

Stupid is as stupid does.

No wonder some people think of the majority lot of you as cattle.  To be dealt with like stupid cattle.  Or sheep, to be sheared.  Regularly.  And passing the ‘ritual’ on to your children.  And your children’s children.  Ad infinitum.  At least, until a stop is put to the charade.

Welcome to

The Big Stop.

That presenting issue is one Truth for us now to be involved in exposing, and dealing with, and then the principle in iiving by.  Others:

The truth - the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - about the  likes of:

* the Sandy Hook very unfunny business;

* the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site ‘Drill,’ gone wrong, depending on whose point of view you take;

and other such ‘exercises’ designed to build up pressure for gun control and ultimate outright gun confiscation -

as totalitarian regimes have engaged in all throughout history.  

But let me conclude this short list of execrable activities with a real biggie: that of

9/11.  Now to be exposed, for all to see who all was really behind it.  Which list of perpetraitors includes members of the Bush W. administration - known collectively as NeoCons, some Saudis and other money sources, and Mossad; the latter entity especially involving a group of so-called ‘Israeli art students’ who prepared the buildings ahead of time with explosives, to aid and abet in the deception and outrage on The Day.  The whole thing designed to allow this country’s (and the world's) Deep State actors to go into the Middle East, both to secure access to oil, and to assist the state of Israel in its plans for a Greater Israel; those plans to gain it hegemony over a vast area in the Middle East.  The whole caper part of a Grand Design to take over the whole world in a totalitarian New World Order.  To be controlled by this bunch of gangsters.

Whom you allowed to gain access to your currency printing presses.

What a bunch of toads they are.

And you.  For having allowed them to gain such power over you.

A lot of lessons to be learned.  In this whole nasty business.

By a whole lot of people.

Who are now going to be allowed to rise above such shenanigans.  As actors on the stage of Life.  And inherit their true identities.

Speaking of ‘identity politics’.  Which does not consist of the parts that we have been playing, in The Great Play.  But of our true identities.
As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

Now, to wrap up that experience on one level.

The level of all the angst that we have created.  And accrued, to our ‘names’.

And enter into, and onto, another, higher level.  Of the journey that we have all been on.  Designed to head back ultimately to

The One

expressing Itself

through Us.

Our individual journeys being not just for us, and our personal ’education’.  But being also

for The One to Know Itself.

As we humans were encouraged to do, a long, long time ago -

as we reckon time -

 by one



A colony of incarnate souls.  Finding our way through

the Maze

of our learning experience.  As apprentice


And certainly not to think less of some of our fellow fractals.

In our current incarnations.

All, being susceptible to being



Because of

The Plan


and Purpose




And that is

the Truth

that we are all





So, wake up, everyone.  Our ride is




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