Tuesday, 12 February 2019

On Urban & Other Myths

I was reminded over the weekend of a story I heard ‘reported’ many years ago, more than once, about (let’s say) a friend of a friend who was driving one day when they saw a box ahead in the road and was almost going to drive over it, to smash it ‘out of the way’ when they decided at the last minute not to, and, upon passing it and looking back at it in their rear mirror, saw a child climb out of it.  Each time I read that story it was reported as a true story.  What are the chances??

I was reminded of this story when I was watching a copy of David Wilcock’s first live presentation, from his home.(1)  During it - which was chock-full of very interesting stuff, on the general theme of ‘Ascension’ - he told a story that is a riff on one that I read about many years ago, in a book about Near Death Experiences, especially as reported from hospitals.  The one I read was about a man who found himself leaving his body during an operation and, while ‘out there,’ saw a pair of tennis shoes on the outer sill of a window in the building, which reportedly was later confirmed.  David told a similar story, apparently from a book that he had read, only this time there was a single tennis shoe on the roof of the building, which reportedly also was later confirmed.  

As I say: What are the chances??

Now, I don’t mean to put down stories of NDEs (or the similar OOBEs) per se.  There is plenty of evidence in by now that there is such a thing, and such evidences.  But we need to be careful in telling - ‘reporting’ - these stories.  Or it will begin to be a riff on the story about the boy crying ‘Wolf’.  And we should not let that happen.  For, these are very important times.  And we need to keep our focus clearly and responsibly on the utmost of integrity in moving into them.

And this is all to refer to something else similar, and of utmost importance.  And that is the releasing of various religions, in order to move ‘ecumenically’ into the New.

I refer, from my Western perspective and upbringing, to Christianity in particular.  And yes, I know about the disturbing, and even ominous, talk about how the Roman Catholic Pope is looking to make of both Christianity and Islam one religion, in a move calculated to establish a One World Government with a One World Religion.  But bear with me for a moment, as I unpack what I am attempting to get at, in this blog.

For one thing, regarding that last point: I don’t see how he would ever accomplish his/that attempt.  Yes, both Christianity and Islam feel that they have ‘the truth’ on their side, and ultimately are worshiping the same God.  But Christianity is nowhere’s near as dictatorial, and even fanatical, as Islam is.  The latter showing no, or very small, signs of changing its spots from the Middle Ages, when it ruled its conquered territories and peoples with an iron fist, and treated unbelievers unbelievably bad.(2)  Those religions, each in their own ways, are too set in their ways, to be accorded supremacy on the planet.  As for them both (in conjunction with the Jews) being ‘People of the Book’: a word about Jesus (to say, the Jesus of the New Testament); and in the context of the opening, and theme, of this blog.

A man who reportedly walked on water, and raised the dead, and multiplied the loaves and fishes, and was born of a virgin, and ‘ascended’ upon his death, to - wherever.  A little vague, that claim.  But no worries.  People enjoyed the stories, details be hanged.  And actually, almost all of the claims about him were said of other god-men, talked about at the time.  Going back way back into the past of even that time distant from ours.  My point: The New Testament, serious research of our time shows, was a work of fiction, concocted by members of the imperial household of a family called the Flavians, consisting of the patriarchy of Vespasian the Father, Titus the eldest Son, and Domitian the younger Son; all, attempted by that work of fiction to be made out as gods, to be revered: Titus as the Son of Man (who engaged in the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple there) of the Jewish literature, chastising them thereby for failing to acknowledge the Roman emperor as their god, or at least, their ruler (“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”).  All of this, engaged in

for a gullible people.  The Gentiles of the empire, who believed, or were at least told about, various similar god-men, now to (attempt to get them to) transfer their homage exclusively to the Roman emperor.  And the Jews, hopefully by the subterfuge to get them to stop their incessant rebelling against the yoke of Rome, in anticipating a militaristic Messiah, to come and help them defeat their enemies; giving them instead a pacifist of a Messiah, who, in being not just rejected but scorned by them (or so the story went), ‘prophesied’ as a consequence the wrack and ruin of Jerusalem and the temple there.(3)

I am coming now to my main point.  How we need to release a lot of the past, in order to move, cleanly and clearly, into our future.  And not to trust blindly what we have been told about either the past, or the present.  With some among us wanting to fool us.  Into moving into their gulag.  

The NWO crowd wanting - scheming - to take over this country, and take us into their (dystopian) future.  And they can’t have Christians standing in their way, with their competing vision.(4)  So, they will be - are - attempting to undercut Christians and Christianity, as much as possible.

The irony being that it needs to be moved beyond.

Having been part of the historical Process.  To get us to where we are today.  Now needing to move forward.  Not back.  (Religiously.  And nationally.)  In

The Process.

To Synthesize the best of the past.

And leave the chaff behind.

And be able to know the difference.

Both the Individual and the Collective to stand equally tall - i.e., balanced - in

The New - to say One; and True - Light.

Together.  In the awareness of

One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.

Now, there’s something that we can all

believe in.


(1) Complete with spontaneous asides to his off-camera wife, who was apparently continually holding up various directorial signs for him, including, as he reported, at one point looking at her watch, as if wanting him to wrap it up, which unsettled him a bit.  Folksy, amusing, not at all ‘professional’ - really ‘live’.  Judging by the comments to the video, most of his audience look it in stride that way.  Go David!  We love ya!  And your wife!

(2) See, e.g., ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’ by Ralph Ellis.  Chronicling not just how barbaric Islam was in the Middle Ages, but right up into our own time, with the likes of the ‘sacking’ of the town of Smyrna, including putting it to the torch, as part of a deliberate policy for the systematic cleansing of all Christians from Turkey, in 1922.   

(3) None of the copies of the books collated into what we in our day call the New Testament date to before the historical siege and sacking of Jerusalem.  There is no historical evidence of any of the story predating that time.  
   The case is that the whole thing was written after the fact.  Mostly/especially by a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian name of Josephus; who managed to beguile his way into the household of the soon-to-become emperor Vespasian, and along with him, some of his Jewish priestly-line brethren (with their families).  All, especially with the writing on the wall (the way the Jewish Revolt was going), to live to fight another day.  And some of whose lineage became bishops, and even popes, of the new religion concocted for that purpose: Christianity. 
   And another name for Josephus was that of his alter ego, Saul-become-Paul.  (In writing himself into his own work of fiction.)
   Now, what are those chances???

(4) The Muslims have a competing vision, too.  But theirs was tolerated, to help break down the Christian, Western-civilization one - as championed by the U.S. Declaration of Independence, and Constitution, regarding the rights of the individual as against the power of the state - and would be dealt with later.
   Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


P.S. Do I think that all will go well in the transition period between the Dark and the Light?
     Not necessarily.
     That's free will for you.
     For you.

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