Monday, 18 February 2019

We Are All One

You want someone to ‘fill the bill’ as being ‘the anti-Christ’?  I’ll give you a target, to assist in your waking-up process:

You are your own savior.

You have to ‘save’ yourself.

And until you grok that, you will stay stuck on the 3D level, of Duality-Polarity.  As in a school.  For, that is what ‘life’ - this life; this existence in what we call matter (mater; our Mother) - is.  The purpose of which is for you - each of us - to graduate.  

Consider, if you will.  

If you will.

There is considerable evidence in our time - through Near Death Experiences, and dreams and visions and feelings that can be proven, be verifiable (and have been, as recorded in various books and videos and studies) - of the reality of the concept of reincarnation.  Leading to the awareness that we are each playing parts in a Drama.  Of our making.  Thus, you are essentially not a ‘poor sinner,’ needing external ‘saving’.  Which ‘expectation’ many incarnate souls live down to, in most of their lives.  Forgetting - ignoring; conveniently(1) - the fact the Play has a Purpose.  Of elucidation.  Is not merely for entertainment.   

Which many get caught up in.  Until the ‘day' - to say, the incarnation - that you ‘wake up’ and think, ‘Oh - I get it.  That I am, we are, in a school, where we are learning primarily that actions have consequences; and further, that we - we individually - are responsible for the consequences of our individual, and collective, actions.  To the point where we will be visited with the consequences of our actions, through the medium of reincarnation.  For a Grand Purpose: To learn our lessons, and achieve balance; and thereby, Release..  Through a cleaning of our slates.’

Learning, in summary, that As you do unto others so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, we are all One.  And All IS One.

Now, none of this precludes the rather obvious fact that some incarnate souls - spiritual beings having a human experience - are further along their ‘Waking’ Path than others at any given point in Time; and that they can be looked up to, for guidance.  And to say, ‘guidance’ each along their own individual  paths.(2)  But you have to do the ‘heavy lifting’ yourself.  Nobody - no ’Savior’ - is going to do it for you.  

You are, then, your own Savior.  Or there would be no Point to

The Process.

That’s the lesson for today.

Make of it what you will.

What you will.

Hopefully, in alignment with the highest


For us All.


(1) An in the case of Jews and Christians, because of a faulty belief system.  Which has allowed one to take oneself off the hook.  Like a fish, being reeled in.  
   In The Great Catch.
   Your Self.

(2) Up the same mountain.  To ‘the sunlit highlands’ of the higher levels.  Ultimately, to
   the crowning glory - experiencing fully Oneness - on the very tip Top.
   Each of us.
   All, of us.
   Unless you choose otherwise.

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