Ruth Bader Ginsburg - she of the current mystery - is on record as being a proponent of the curious idea - well; at least to me - of looking to foreign laws as a guide to the interpreting of our laws, i.e., of the Constitution. Why?? Well, because - as I understand the rationale - attitudes change. Oh. I see. I think. ‘You’ are saying that the Constitution is not a contract, then, subject to a built-in amending process. How silly of me. I guess I just hadn’t paid any attention to when and how it changed.
But actually, I don’t think it did.
And I guess I should have known to look at it - such a process - that way, i.e., as subject merely to attitudinal change - the attitudinal changes of the judicial branch’s interpreting of the Constitution - based on our learned attitude towards money. Whereby, ever since 1913, with the creation of the Federal Reserve, our currency’s value has been made to be subject to change, ‘without notice’. Or at least, of much such notice. For being fiat money, based on/backed by nothing but attitude. The attitude of the Federal Reserve, in setting interest rates on ‘money’ that has been made into a) debt instruments, and b) fancy pieces of paper subject to inflation and deflation changing and charting its value. As The Fed cranks up the - excuse me; I forgot the change: their printing presses, or contracts the money supply. At will. At their will.
The will of this central bank. Controlling the destiny of this country. In relation to the world’s…
You know, what with all of this sort of thing, and, like, how the U.S.’s educational systems have been transmogrified into a national system, with something called the Common Core at its, er, core; leading to such outcomes as a) dumbing us down, in order to keep us from being the ‘exceptional’ nation that we used to be;(1) and b) making us all equal, in terms not just of being equally deprived of a good, proper education - rather than indoctrination - but equally subjected to such as ‘affective sensors,’ monitoring the likes of our mindsets and personality traits, and ’wireless skin conductance sensors’ to monitor us in relation to our educational input, from preschool through our higher education, and on into our workforce days. Just keeping an eye on the herd, you know.(2) So, with all that, you know,
I think it’s time that I took over now.
Just to take such centralization and control out of the hands of, like, Communists on the one hand, and, like, Nazis on the other.
You understand. I’m sure.
(1) because of Anthropogenic Global Warming, er, now called Climate Change. Because the U.S. has too strong a Middle Class, which uses up the world’s resources at too great a clip, and creates CO2 in the process. Which is bad for the atmosphere. Although it’s good for growing things…
Gee, it’s so complicated. I guess we should, are just going to have to, leave it all up to the experts.
Called Technocrats. Ready to be of service. To the, er, planet.
Or some subsidiary thereof.
(2) And “(s)tudents who don’t fit the mold will face ‘interventions’.” - from the article ‘Insanity In The Classroom: Government Schools Today’ in the February 4 issue of The New American magazine.
There is also ‘values clarification’ planned for us. Of course. What Big Brother wouldn’t look after his charges properly.
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