Sunday, 31 May 2020

A Closer Look - II

Item.  Besides the fact that George Floyd and his presumed killer knew each other/had worked with each other, there is the additional curious business about that whole thing - which helped trigger widespread, organized riots - that Floyd was not taken to the hospital by your normal EMTs, but by police department personnel.  (Can you say, ‘agents provocateurs’??)  
Item.  YouTube has been reported as censoring posts labeled ‘false flag proofs’ claiming that it violates their policy regarding - get this - “hate speech”.  (And so at least one independent commentator still on that platform has had to resort to saying ‘f f’ in comment on the subject, to get around the YT algorithms.)   

Item.  From ‘Twitter KILLS First Amendment with Decision to Ban Conversations About…”  - Paul Duke,  The Wire - May 30:

The bare concept of Twitter is an incredible one:  Anyone in the world can say, very literally to the rest of humanity, anything that they want to say.  This is an incredibly powerful concept if you really think about it.  Our words, ideas, and creations can be instantaneously brought before the person who can take it to the next level.  We can collaborate or create from continent away in a mere matter of moments.

“This could have very well changed the way mankind operates, but, instead, we’ve allowed the advertisers and politicians to corrupt the platform.

“Today, Twitter even went so far as to announce that they would be banning any talk of a certain bizarre conspiracy theory about coronavirus and cellular telephone technology.

“Twitter has once again broadened its rapidly-growing set of rules specific to the Chinese virus, this time banning statements that cause “harmful activity,” with a specific focus on posts about 5G network infrastructure.

“In an update to its list of coronavirus-specific rules made yesterday, Twitter said it would ban any “unverified” claims that “incite people to action.”*

“‘Unverified claims that incite people to action, could lead to the destruction or damage of critical infrastructure, or could lead to widespread panic, social unrest, or large-scale disorder, such as ‘The National Guard just announced that no more shipments of food will be arriving for two months — run to the grocery store ASAP and buy everything’ or ‘5G causes coronavirus — go destroy the cell towers in your neighborhood!’”  (Emphases mine.)

“Twitter did not explain what separates a verified from an unverified claim.

“In a tweet from its official account, Twitter also emphasized the danger of damage to “critical 5G infrastructure.” Concern over the alleged effects of 5G cellphone towers has led to some towers being attacked and disabled.

“Yes, it is true that the 5G-coronavirus conspiracy is 100% bananas, but who asked Twitter to play referee here?  What ever happened to individual responsibility and common sense?”


Paul, what research have you done into the subject that causes you to label the 5G-coronavirus connection as “100% bananas”?  Or are you just covering your derriere??  In any event: Your point taken.  How the hell did these platform honchos think that they could just arbitrarily censor The People in these sorts of matters???  from their far Left perspectives.  Or, as ‘corporatists,’ their far Right perspectives.  Both sides controlled by the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of Power that is attempting, now, to make a major move to take over not just the U.S., but the world.   

As to that: I see that the same sort of censorship is going on in our northern neighbor of Canada.  Even if they don’t have the same degree of a culture of free expression as the citizens of the U.S. have (however misleading it is here, as a national issue, rather than primarily a federal/state issue).  So, to underscore: It’s not just the U.S. that is facing a major threat to its ‘essential liberty’ principles and values.  And to that argument, extend the awareness that so many leaders of the European nations have been reading from the very same song sheet regarding waiting for a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.  Regardless of the fact that it will have mutated by the time of that rollout (apparently already has), and we will thus continue to have to chase that elusive ‘cure’.  But not to worry.  We will all be comfortably settled into our global gulag by then… 

The Awakening process continues.  Slow but sure.  And there is some evidence that it was all due to happen in this year, of 2020 according to the Gregorian Calendar, anyway.  With one bit of interesting advice that I have come across, on said Internet, and regarding said year:

‘It may not get you what you want, but you just might find, it will get you what you need.’


In Red China, anything that the regime doesn’t like is simply labeled “incorrect remarks,” and done away with.  Including, to various extents, depending on how ‘incorrect’ they were, their human sources.

A Closer Look

Let’s take a closer look at a couple of somewhat similar matters of life.  First, let’s look at what is called ‘Western medicine’.

Health care in the West should more accurately, and reasonably, be called ill care.  Consider.  A disease - and let’s break that word down into its two syllables, to get a better idea of its essential meaning; i.e., dis-ease - is, more properly speaking, a) a symptom, b) of an underlying condition.  An underlying causative condition.  Treat at the level of the underlying, causative condition, and you eliminate the symptom.  If you just treat at the symptomatic level, you are simply obscuring the underlying causative condition, and the symptom(s) will just come back.

Take atherosclerosis, a name given to fatty deposits on the arterial walls - mostly cholesterol - causing such other symptoms as high blood pressure, and, ultimately, heart attacks.  I say “such other symptoms” because atherosclerosis is itself but a symptom.  A main factor here is not so much ‘high cholesterol,’ but the nutritional deficiencies which are weakening the linings of the arterial system, and thus causing - there’s that operative word: ‘causing’ - the cholesterol to precipitate out of the bloodstream and fasten onto the linings, to act as a sort of Band-aid.  To do its thing.  One of its ‘things,’ in our systems.  Treat the condition at the causative level, and you eliminate the problem of the symptom of arterial narrowing, which causes other symptoms of dis-ease.  

Now.  Let’s take Western civilization itself, as the ‘body’ in question.

Take money.  More specifically, interest-bearing money.*  It’s part of the circulatory process, in the Western world; but it builds up, and clogs the system, to the point where the Debt involved, in a causative condition of ‘money as debt,’ building up to unsustainable proportions, causes a critical condition to develop, which has traditionally been treated by creating wars, which help(s) to start the circulation going again.  But which is not, in the end, a sustainable proposition.

Except for the ‘doctors’ ‘treating’ the various conditions thus created.  These doctors known as bankers.  And, considering the ‘body’ involved in this scenario, ka international bankers.  And their associates, in the (artificial) world of finance, and corporations.  

All, accretions on and to said system.

I’ve got a better idea.

And fortunately, it has occurred to others as well.  In sum:

to treat at the level of the underlying, causative condition.

By eliminating ‘money as debt’.  

And thus, beginning to soar, into a whole new world. 

The New World.     

Aborning.  Before our very eyes.

For those who have the eyes to see the process unfolding.

The Process, properly speaking, of getting humanity to the first stage of



For those who can ‘get their minds’ around it.

In their level of consciousness.


To sustain them on that New Level.

By understanding - 

really understanding -

how things work.


a closer look.

* And leave off for the moment the condition, and subject, of fiat money.  That subject is not critical to this analysis, of a dis-ease.  Although it is one of its own.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

On The Bottom (Party) Line

Dr. Mike Adams, who has been censored off of the mainstream social media platforms, generally for being a conservative, but specifically, quite possibly, because he doesn’t buy the ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ narrative of our Wannabe Masters (and is a source of info to that deleterious effect), says that he will not accept the outcome of the November elections unless the honchos of those s.m. sites stop or are are forced to stop censoring conservative viewpoints on their platforms (under Open Forum regulations).  Um…

It really is not good enough just to rein in the censoring of the mainstream social media platforms: We have to have a total cleanup of the electoral processes in all the states (at the least for federal elections; with the U.S. citizens of the several states demanding the same for their state and local elections). That ideally would include the likes of: armies of CPAs, with the support of the nation’s military (under the state of National Emergency that we are in fact under, because of the novel coronavirus), sequestering all of the voter registration rolls in the country and going through them with a fine, quantum-computer tooth comb until they are perfectly cleaned; said CPA 'army' personnel then to run the elections; and with no Early Voting, let alone mass Mail-In Voting (the latter only for bona fide shut-ins or otherwise legitimate Absentee Balloteers); photo ID requirements in place, and as quantum-computer checked, including for duplicate use within and across state lines; no electronic voting machines, unless they can be certified as ‘clean’; and certified exit polls, as a double-check against ay fraud that might still have been able to slip through the Electoral process.  And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye if we have to, to obtain CLEAN ELECTIONS. 

We need to go for the Full Monty on this business.  The days of corruption being, now, OVER.  In the real New Order of Things.  And with, in fact, a dissolution of both main political parties, as having engaged in a number of illegal activities.  But you get the generalized, of this real Novus Ordo Seclorum, about to come into being.        

And on a more general note; these messages, to a friend, and whose response to my first email came close to accusing me of being a ‘conspiracy theorist, including vague recollections of my having questioned both the Las Vegas shooting and the Sandy Hook shooting in the past.  My first response,  last night, to an email from said friend inquiring if I had been watching the riots and looting over the Minneapolis affair: 

Something about that whole thing smells fishy.  a) That the event itself, of the big white cop kneeling on the black guy's neck until he died, was being oh so conveniently filmed, and so clearly.  It reminded me of some fakery regarding the 9/11 event (the 'lucky shot' video of the first 'plane' hitting the first tower; or at least of the explosion there), leading the public to believe something that wasn't in fact true.  b) It was perfect timing to keep up a drumbeat of Opportunity going, for the NWO crowd to take down the country, and in this case, to play 'the race card' to foment violence.  And as to that: c) It is coming out that the riots were being conducted by people not native to the city, but brought in.  By whom?  All suspicion leads to G. Soros, and his attempts to stir up such trouble in order to take down the U.S.  (He is the leading financial supporter for Antifa, and Black Lives Matter.)  The NWO crowd are going all out to bring down Trump, and with their other attempts to do so fizzling out (the impeachment hoax, etc. etc.), they are getting desperate, and going to their last cards to play, of stirring up violence, through such methods as false flag ops.  And as to that: d) It turns out that both the cop (who has a bg of being more of a security person than a cop) and the black guy have worked in the same business together, and for some years.  Which makes me wonder if the whole thing was a setup.  The bottom line: Follow the Money.”*



This was followed by my forwarding my friend an article from TruReporting going into some serious questions about the bg to the purported police officer involved in the Minneapolis dirty business.  But in the meantime, my friend emailed me the query about my seeming acceptance of ‘conspiracy theories,’ wondering if I thought that all such mass shooting events were phony.  My response (as somewhat edited) to that innocent attitude, of a still somewhat unawakened American (and, as for many of such, needing to get up to speed, and fast, on what is going on in this country, and the world, and has been for quite some time):

“First of all, a person - and esp.  an American - needs to understand that there are people who have wanted to control the world for a very long time. (So they have a Big Agenda going.)  They got a big foothold towards that end when they finally, after an attempt or two, took over Russia in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, and established, from that base, what they called 'international socialism,' as opposed to national socialism, the kind that look over in Germany in the '30s.  The whole point, for them, is Power Over Others - people control, not people enhancement.  Is the enhancement of the State - run by them - not the Individual.  And since the American experiment in self-governance is primarily centered on the (constitutional, rule-of-law) rights of the Individual over and against the power of the Collective, it is, and has long been, their prime takeover target.  And that condition being the main difference between Western civilization and 'Eastern' civilization, and hence the current educational/MSM attempt to demean Western civilization.  (And thus, why the Communists have, as one of their ideological policies, the idea of 'the long march through the institutions,' i.e., the dialectical-materialism policy of subverting and taking over all civil institutions, of education, politics, entertainment, communications, etc.)  And in that 'front' of the war going on (from their perspective), to demean the history of the U.S., as its being 'founded' on slavery, when what they actually mean, and understand, is its being founded on the rights of the Individual over the power of the State.  (That's why they refer to commonsense voting requirements, like voter photo ID, as being 'voter suppression,' e.g.  It's all Marxist-speak.)  And another of their ideological policies is [about] 'class warfare,' historically couched as being between the 'owners' and the 'workers' - between the bourgeois and the proletariat.  But in the U.S. - the 'land of opportunity,' with much movement occurring between those 'ranks' - that angle never got the traction that they hoped for, so they have concentrated, for many years, on creating a condition of 'class warfare' between the Whites and the Blacks, as their biggest Opportunity.  (Everything is 'Crisis = Opportunity' with them; as former Obama CoS Rahm Emanuel indicated, when he said, in a tv interview, that 'You don't ever want a good crisis to go to waste'.  Classic Communist-speak.) 

“I say all this, as bg, to indicate both what is behind the current scene in this country, and why it is such a big thing to our Wannabe Overlords, and esp. now, when the far Left wing of the Democrat Party has taken it over.  They had their hugely ambitious sights set for a Hillary takeover - which would have resulted in the demise of a two-party system of government in this country, and begun a Red China-type totalitarian regime here, as part of their vaunted New World Order - when Donald Trump came somewhat out of nowhere and rained on their parade into their global gulag, for us 'Deplorables'.  (Much as Ronald Reagan did in the '80s, to ruin their chances at that time; and thus why he got so excoriated by the Left at that time.)  Thus the reason why they have mounted such a smear campaign on him, to get him out of the way, for their totalitarian takeover of the country, and, ultimately, the world.  As well, because they had managed to do a fairly successful job in getting weapons of self-defense out of the hands of The People - were well on their way to that goal, so necessary for their takeover plot (as has been the case in many a country over the years) - and they have felt the need to, er, 'capitalize' on that Mission, while they were hot, so to speak - and while the issue was as well.  Which brings me to the crux of this matter, and direct response to your comment. 

“The Left has orchestrated many a 'false flag op' over the years, whereby they set up mass shooting operations, all for the purpose of creating a crisis condition (C = O) in order to generate sufficient fear and anxiety in the populace to accomplish their goal.  Which includes knowing that anti-depressants can cause violent thoughts, thus feeding into their strategic plans (and thus these Wannabe Masters supporting Big Pharma in its lust for profits, as supportive of their agenda).  So, perhaps some such occasions are simply 'mass shootings'.  But many of them have been orchestrated into being, for which there is ample evidence, if one keeps an eye on the alt media, and not the MSM, for their info.  (Well over 90% - some say 98% - of the MSM is 'owned' by 6-close to-5 corporations, and thus is a veritable monopoly.  And 'owned' is a good word with which to describe their talking heads.)  And that is true for both the Sandy Hook event (which was a - proven - 2-day FEMA 'Exercise,' going somewhat 'live' on the second day of that op, complete with - proven - crisis actors involved (and some of them involved in other such ops as well) and the Boston Marathon Bombing 'Drill' (which was announced as such at the site, so as to keep the public from flooding into the 'bomb' (actually merely smoke bomb) sites and interrupting the 'Drill' going on; again with - proven- crisis actors involved, and the 'performers' wearing various colored tags indicating their job role in the drill).  Also the Orlando Gay Nite Club 'event' (with two doctors at the Emergency hospital site giving false names [Dr. Lube and Dr. Cheatham.  Rather obvious]; and some so-called injured 'victims' being paraded by the cameras in [arm chair-like] holds by their buddies, as if being carried off to the hospital, but with one of the camera shots lingering on them briefly after they had passed by the designated photo op location, and showing that they were let down by their buddies shortly after having done their job, for which they were undoubtedly paid a handsome amount of filthy lucre).  And there is considerable evidence that the Las Vegas 'thing' was a setup as well, but it would all take too much space and time to go into all of that, and deeper into this subject, here.  The bottom line: We are up against some very ambitious people, deeply dedicated to their Cause, and which also involves some particular bloodlines.  And which also involves a deep passion of hatred of Christianity.  And the irony of it all is that there is plenty of evidence that Christianity is not what it is cracked up to be either.  As we move further into the 'arena' of absolute Truth of things.  Of all things.  As we, er, collectively move further up the spiral stairway to the heavens, out of the Shadow of the Valley of Death into the sunlit highlands of The New Order of Things.  The real such Order.  In this battle between the Light and the Dark going on.

“And just a quick closing word, about the 'sides' in this Drama going on, as part of our lesson learning, as apprentice gods:  It is not a battle simply between the Left and the Right of the political 'aisle'.  The People are up against both the far Left - i.e., the communists - and the far Right - i.e., the corporate-government complex, aka fascists.  There are, in short, various factions in this drama.  But the bottom line is 'drawn' between treating people as we have nicely-succinctly been called - 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - and treating them as subjects.  And worse.  As slaves.  And even worse.  As cattle.  To be controlled and culled at will.  The will of the Almighty State.  With atheism - or outright Satanism - ruling the planet.  Aggressively.  With an iron fist.

“Force.  Rather than Love.  Being the Order of the New Day.  And now about to give way to the latter.”


* As to the two of them having worked for the same company, as security guards, and for many years, and it having been proven (by testimony of the site owner) that they even worked at the same site: Wouldn’t there have been some sort of comment from George Floyd, while being held down thusly, along the lines of: ‘You know me - why are you doing this to me?’
   Plus the fact that it has been announced that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation, but of something to do with his heart.  If we can even believe that, about this very suspicious event.  Leading precisely to what TPTB would want it to lead to.  And pay big money - and to a lot of the people involved - to have happen.
   As has been done in the past, in other false flag ops.


P.S. YouTube has now been reported as censoring a post labeled 'false flag proofs'.  Claiming it was a violation of their policy regarding  - get this - 'hate speech'. 
     Go figure.    

Thursday, 28 May 2020

The Tide Turning

Things seemed to be going pretty good for the NWO crowd, in their attempts to use the novel coronavirus so-called pandemic - better known as the Plandemic - to their advantage, in their plan to take over the country, and merge it with their desired form of government, as administered in Red China by an Elite, exercising total control over their subjects, also thought of by said Elite as cattle, capable of being controlled and culled at will.  Their will.  Let’s look at some of the pieces on the board, in what has been called this 5D chess game going on, on Planet Earth.

Item.   What is called ‘presumptive diagnosis’.  All manner of conditions are being assigned as being due to the ncv, particularly including tests which are giving false positives - including to the likes of goats and paw paws - and some of which, those administered by swab up the nose of the testee, even being found to be administering the virus itself.  All of this either falsely or malevolently inflating the numbers of those infected by this cv, thus instilling fear into the populace, and thereby gaining the NWO crowd the ability to impose arbitrary conditions of control on their captive subjects.(1)  Control such as:

Item. ‘Contact tracers.’   Door-to-door canvassers of information.  Not only relating to infectees - which can then, by fiat, be taken away by TPTB (including military personnel assigned to accompany said CTs on their merry rounds through the community) and taken to wherever said PTB wish to take them.  But watch their assigned duties expand.  Rebels to the orders of the state?  Subscribers to The New American magazine, or other conservative literature in the household?  All to be treated as ”offensive” to the state, and the ‘subscribers’ to be treated accordingly, in any such mission expansion, once these toadies of the state have their foot in your door.  All, leading to

Item.  “Digital/immmunity passports.’  You either take the vax - and obtain that ‘mark’- or you are denied access to the whole range of social activities, as practiced in Red China; that example of the desirable state, in the minds of our Wannabe Masters.  And with this introduction of the chess piece of the vaccine, we see the reason - well, one such reason - why TPTB want the Quarantine to last for a long time.  To last until a vaccine comes out.  With its load of people-control additives.  And to allow them to steal the autumn elections, via such proven devices as Mail-In Voting, and Early Voting (to facilitate their minions to engage in voting early and often), and so forth. 

Anyway: You get the idea.  All these moves and pieces designed to facilitate their takeover plan.  Now, for some references to the beginning of a turnaround in the action on the chess board:                         

Item.  From - May 28 - under the head: 'Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control'

  • Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a “new normal.”(2)


Item, from the same source:

  • President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele has announced that he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against the coronavirus.
  • Bukele told reporters on Tuesday that “most world leaders” are doing the same and has questioned why world leaders are being advised to use it while the public is not.
  • “I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” said Bukele.

"So the world leaders are advised to take it and  the rest of the people are  being advised not to. Why?  


(My response Why, indeed.)

Item, from the same source: Democrat governors in several states forced nursing homes to take in CoVid-19-infected patients, even though the main cohort of deaths from it is among the elderly and those with immune-compromised conditions.  A quote from a posting by ‘Q’:

"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5544fb No.9346765 
Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General Office of Investigations US Department of Health and Human Services 330 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Dear Deputy Inspector General Cantrell, I respectfully request that the HHS Office of Investigations immediately commences an independent investigation into whether the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Interim Guidance for Nursing Facilities during COVID-19 (March 18, 2020) has contributed to an increase in COVID-19 infections and deaths in Pennsylvania nursing homes, assisted living and elder care . The urgency of this request cannot be understated as Pennsylvania has made clear that the Interim Guidance will remain in place even as other states repeal or revise similar policies in response to the inordinate number of deaths in these facilities.

"At what point should this be reclassified as murder?
At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?
"Evil surrounds us.
"Since it is known that the elderly are most at risk, did the Democrat Governors [knowingly] order nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive patients in an attempt to increase mortality rates, to justify lockdowns and mail-in-voting.”

Ah yes - a main point of the lockdown: In order for the NWO crowd to attempt to steal the November elections…

And finally, a key Item, regarding The Tide Turning:

"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9d4452 No.934991
Trump signs social media executive order, calls for removal of liability protections because of ‘censoring’
You were warned.

  • Remove liability shields for social media. • Prohibit taxpayer support for social media companies. • Federal Trade Commission will prohibit social media platforms from engaging in deceptive acts that interfere with commerce.
AG Barr – Section 230 was designed to protect bulletin boards from liability when they removed pornography but it has been stretched to protect large companies that push political viewpoints. DOJ & FTC will restore 230 to its original intent.”

What this item - this move on the board - is about is that under something called Open Forum Laws (Sect. 230) a social media platform is not a publisher, so it can’t be sued for its content - and so it can’t act as a publisher and censor material, as the mainstream s.m. platforms are doing to conservative content.  The bottom line: To censor is to act as a publisher.  Pres. Trump has now moved, by an E.O., to hold such platforms to the original intent of the law. 

Which, interestingly enough, is the same sort of attitude that needs to prevail regarding the U.S. Constitution.  

Before it is disappeared by the NWO crowd, who have figured on the Plandemic to help them undercut that rule of law in the country, and rule simply by their edict, as their way to get around said Constitution.


Checkmate.  Causing a reversal of fortunes for the NWO crowd, in their basic control - so far - of the action on the board.

As we await the rest of the Declass move of the chess pieces, in this game between the Black Hats and the White Hats.  Which will, most likely, trigger the NWO crowd to kick over the chessboard and engage in all manner of social disorder operations, to hog the news cycles, in an attempt to drown out the steady, relentless moves by said white Hats to take them out.  

Hey, you Bolsheviks: Apparently I have news for you.  No, things won’t return back to Normal.  But nor will they become your attempted New Normal.  There is a New Game in town.  It’s called 

Rule by the Will of God.    Because

its time.

And Time.             


(1) And the numbers of deaths assigned to the cv as their cause also being falsely inflated, as per many reports from the field; likewise hyping this viral outbreak as a major emergency, and thus eliciting the Opportunity for the NWO crowd to take advantage of it, in applying stringent controls on those they wish to treat as their subjects.  To be done away with at their will.  Outright.  Or in FEMA ‘Medical Martial Law’ camps, which, somewhat curiously (not), have no medical facilities in the published material outlining their structures and duties.  

(2) A leftist has a different take on the matter as referenced in an article in - surprise surprise - the Washington Post:
   “For Trump’s supporters, declining to wear a mask is a visible way to demonstrate “that ‘I’m a Republican,’ or ‘I want businesses to start up again,’ or ‘I support the president,’ ” said Robert Kahn, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis who has studied Americans’ attitudes toward masks. ‘Masks will quickly become the new normal in blue states, but if social distancing continues through 2022, the mentality among Republicans could well change, too: If I can go to work and the cost of marginal improvement in my life is wearing a mask, maybe Americans of both parties do accommodate ourselves to it.’”
   Dear Prof. Kahn: Bollocks.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

A Change Of Management

Time for some clarity on a number of ‘fronts’ of the current war going on, between, roughly speaking, the Left and the Right, in both the U.S. and the world at large.  To take some of the specifics of the war front in the U.S. first.

There is a lot of talk these pandemic/quarantine days about certain things being ‘unconstitutional’.  Like governors of Democrat-controlled states making seemingly arbitrary decisions regarding Quarantine/Stay-at-Home procedures in their states, and their critics on the Right citing their ‘First Amendment rights’ in response.  How did we get so far off the track in this country about such things??  Well, it’s obvious: 1) Our education systems, and 2) our MSM.

Read the First Amendment.  It starts out saying: “Congress shall make no law respecting…” etc. etc.  The Bill of Rights is a set of principles being denied the federal government to have jurisdiction over, as an example of such rights and powers; as clarified by both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.  The federal government being one of limited and delegated powers  - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  The U.S.A. being a federal constitutional republic; not a national, centralized form of government.  So, unenumerated powers have to be secured to the citizens of the several states by their state constitutions.

Now, the 14th Amendment brought about a change in focus, limiting the several states in certain terms of what they can and cannot do regarding their citizens, who are also citizens of the U.S.  But those terms are limited to those specifically noted in that Amendment.  And one of those terms is that the several states shall not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” and that could reasonably be assumed to cover such measures as the states arbitrarily choosing ‘winners ‘ and ‘losers’ in regards to which businesses or assemblies of groups (like churches) can be opened in a blanket quarantine(1) and which are banned from doing so.  And so to that extent - and the ‘extent’ of the other terms in the 14th Amendment - the federal government can override the states.  But basically in our form government, the several states rule on such matters as have been brought up in regards to this, er, ‘Plandemic’. 

Thus, Pres. Trump has been right to leave it up to the several states to determine their own responses to the - declared - pandemic.(2)  

But there is an area where the First Amendment can reasonably be called into play.  And that has to do with all of the censoring of conservative perspectives from our mainstream social media platforms going on.  Where comments are being eliminated - as in any self-respecting totalitarian state, like Red China - simply on the basis of their being “offensive” - to TPTB.  As in, conservative perspectives.(3)  Pres. Trump has some room to maneuver in this matter, as such platforms fall under regulation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and there is something called The Open Forum Law 230 that he can act under.

But, then, with a larger take on this picture, we can see that it’s time for a fundamental change in operations on the planet anyway.  That The Process - of consciousness unfoldment - has gone far enough on this level of the process - now that things have been taken to the global level - and therefore it is time for a fundamental Change.  When we will move beyond the functioning level of such as constitutions anyway.  And come under the rule of alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.  

And thus, for surprises for those on both sides of The Drama that we have been engaged in.  Since neither side - being the ‘side’ of some thing, some Process - has held the full Truth of

the Matter.

The matter, of the Purpose of Life.  Which I have described in the following summation:

‘Life is a school.  And the Purpose is

to graduate.’

Or fail to.  This Go ‘Round.

For those who fail to make the grade this time ‘round:

Better luck next time.


Since we are all made of

the Right Stuff.


(1) And what is this business of blanket quarantines all about, anyway?  As one alt media source has said: “Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people.  Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.” 

(2) Which anyone checking the alt media could find out for themselves has been inflated all out of legitimate shape, with ‘false positives’ galore in the number of persons having the virus in the first place and the numbers of deaths legitimately recorded from it in the second.  Making it a pandemic rather than more similar to a flu, for political reasons.  Another subject.

(3) Where such censorship has gotten to the point whereby when someone posted an article on, which has been set up by Dr. Mike Adams to get around the censoring going on on the mainstream media platforms, Facebook then dropped that source from their site.  In sympathy with their comrades over at Google.
   Such is the extent that this arrogant totalitarian control, and mentality, has gotten in this country.  Which is a signal, that things have gone far enough, along these lines, in this country, of all countries - the last bastion of freedom/‘essential liberty’ in the world.

   But to continue. 

Monday, 25 May 2020

Speaking of Fictions...

from ‘Obama LIED About Osama Bin Laden Killing And Here’s The PROOF…’ - dan - May 23, posted May 25 
(The author remarks on how that whole scenario that was played out in Pakistan seemed “a little strange,” but concludes that all that that ‘strangeness’ amounted to was that “Top American officials negotiated with Pakistani officials to let them carry out the operation to kill bin Laden on Pakistani soil,” to benefit Obama.  I think that that is a ‘limited hangout’ of the true/complete version of events.  My response) 

Stan Stanfield May 26, 2020 (act. May 25 MT)
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A subject worth remarking on, dan – but what about the other questions regarding that 'killing'. How there were rumors, and even a statement by the Indian Prime Minister, that bin Laden actually died years before of kidney failure, but whose name value was used to help re-elect BHO. How the proffered photo of bin Laden’s dead head was later quietly retracted. How there was never any photo proof of him actually dead, nor of his body being buried at sea. It all smacked of a James Bond movie. One has every reason to believe that that was all it was: a fiction. Not a fact.

It all seems of a piece with the 9/11 ‘story’.  Let’s get the whole story on these things, folks.  And including the numerous false flag mass-shooting ops that we have been subjected to, complete with proven-fact crisis actors used many times, to bring about gun confiscation, before the NWO crowd make their move, to take down the American Republic, as the main stumbling block - especially with its codified rule-of-law Constitution - in their way to taking over - attempting to take over - the whole world.  And thus, with there being so much riding on this multi-faceted caper.

As I said, or at least implied, in my last blog: We need to start living by Truth.  Nothing less will suffice, in the frequency Field that we are about to inhabit.

Those who are ready to ascend to and with it, that is to say.  As Planet Earth goes Up as well.  Out of this elementary school of the 3D classroom that we have inhabited for so long, in order to get our basic lessons.  In the educational Path of 

spiritual beings having a human experience.  Thence to proceed up the spiral stairway to the frequency-gradated heavens.  For those souls who are ready to do so.  With the rest staying behind, to get a little more seasoning in the realm of Duality, and (seeming) Separation.  The Graduates having learned to live by the Will of 

our mutual Creator.  Because of the Love and Light involved in doing so.  And the ultimate outcome to the whole enterprise.  Of becoming like unto our Creator Source.

And hence, taking on that responsibility our

Selves.  As chips off the old block.  

Fulfilling our potential.

In that direction.

Having weathered the temptations to turn in the other.

And speaking of, and to finish this blog with:

A friend has sent me a report entitled ‘FYI: 500,000 Sign Petition Refusing Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine’ (from, the article warning about the intentions of the likes of Bill Gates.  My response:

“Excellent wakeup call.”

It's all on the line, now, folks.

May you weather well

the Process.

On Honesty - Integrity - Truth

A friend very recently remarked on my 'harping' (my word) on the issue of BHO's ineligibility for the office of the presidency and the need for that error and crime against the nation's 'rule of law' to be addressed and set to rights, because the issue came up in the course of our email correspondence.   It happens to correlate to my receipt of a request in the snail mail a couple of days ago from the Heritage Foundation to join - actually, to rejoin, but their computer apparently doesn't recognize that fact - their organization.  I have sent them notes in the past on this subject, in the category of both active- and post-membership, with no response but continued mailings from their computer (until 'it' noticed that I had stopped making financial contributions to their organization, and so dropped me from their 'active' file).  I have, therefore, no particular expectation that another written response from me will actually be read by either Kay C. James, President of the HF - over whose signature the letter has been sent, and was couched to have been written by - or the office person opening my mailed response (in an envelope that I marked 'Correspondence Enclosed,' in an attempt to get beyond mere automaton-like reception).  However, one must do what one can do.  This response from me - because the issue is still 'in play,' both as to my reason for not choosing to (re)join their august organization and as to unfinished business of the American Republic - reads as follows:

'Dear Kay,

'For all the good that the HF has done and is doing, it let the side down terribly when it failed to call BHO and the DNC on his ineligibility for the office of POTUS.*

'If the eligibility requirements for the office of the very presidency of the U.S. are ignored, then everything else in the Constitution is up for grabs, and it has become a dead letter.

'That hijack must not be allowed to stand.

'You call yourselves "the largest and most respected conservative organization in America".  I ask:

'If not you, who???



'* For not being a 'natural born' citizen.  See E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  It has to do with both location of one's birth and one's parents - plural.


And this is all by way of ignoring the serious questions regarding the validity of his birth certificate, as posted online by him in response to questions regarding it.  Which document has brought up questions regarding both his actual place of birth, and his actual birth parents.  For, if said document is in question, as much evidence on it attests to, then all of its contents are in question.  Which enhances the, er, legitimacy of some questions on the Internet regarding both his actual birth father and mother.  The case for his actual birth father being, not just for BHO Sr., but either Frank Marshall Davis - his high school communist mentor - or Malcolm X; and the case for his actual birth mother being, not just for Stanley Ann Dunham, but for a communist groupie of Malcolm X's, a young Jewish woman from the NYC area, with, that 'case' goes, BHO Jr./Barry Soetoro having been 'parked' with a less-conspicuous family in the communist community, for activating later, in their agenda for overthrow of the American Republic, and its replacement by a clone of Red China.  

But not to get into too much speculation in this blog.  Sufficient, in it, to stay with the serious question addressed in the main body of it, as to this man's eligibility - to say, ineligibility - for that particular office, and particularly powerful office.  And if it turns out that he is, after all is said and done regarding the Truth of this, as for all things to be outed, a 'natural born' citizen of the U.S., then he is, at the least, guilty of fraud, perjury, and treason.

So, let everything be revealed.  As to the Truth of this particular matter.  As for all matters.  As we move out of the shadow of the Grand Play.  And into the sunlit highlands of

The Real Thing.

For more on which, another time.

Coming up.

Very soon.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

On Shame

The family that I am living with planned a Yard Sale for today, to get rid of as much of years of accumulated stuff crammed into their two garages as possible.  The stash was gone through yesterday, various members of the family sorting through it, to claim whatever they might wish to before it was made available for another home, and then loaded into a couple of flatbeds, of a family member and a friend.  Such sales are common in this Small Town Americana, but even then the lady of the house arranged ahead of time to hold it on a front lawn on a more busy nearby street, with the teenage twins having made up a lot of signs to that locale effect, to place around town last evening.   Come this morning, and unbeknownst to me, for being in my room all morning, engaging in my normal spell of reading, before my Daily Constitutional (with or without the family dog) in the afternoon, they had all gone out to do their deed, when, shortly after unloading the whole stash and setting it up for display, it started both raining and hailing; thoroughly soaking everything; which one of the twins recorded on her cellphone, and showed me, when I left my Cave and entered its immediate outer scene, of a bedraggled lot flaked out, forlorn, on the front room’s couches.  Some sales occurred, but it was, basically, a washout.  A shame.  

And speaking of ‘shame’.  Part of the reading that I had just been engaged in was a letter from Congressman Jim Jordan, in his leading role on behalf of the House Freedom Caucus - a group of conservative congresspersons - wherein he detailed the “SHAMELESS” and “DISGRACEFUL” actions of the Democrats, and their comrades in the (near monopolized) Mainstream Media, in their attempts “to exploit this global health crisis for political gain”.  One of the ways that they have used it to push their agenda is how they engaged in blatant propaganda to attack Pres. Trump over it.  First, he was vilified by them for being quick off the mark, back in January, to close down travel to the U.S. from China, being smeared at that time for his alert action as “racist” and “xenophobic;”(1) and then, regarding subsequent actions by Pres. Trump on the virus scare, the Left flipped the attack agenda against him: “They’ve even recently pushed the narrative that Republicans and President Trump didn’t act fast enough and, because of that, people died.” 

Damned if one does, damned if one doesn’t.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary, to accomplish your end.  In this case, it is the end of the United States as it has been, in order to merge it into a One World Police State with Red China, and its totalitarian approach to its subjects.

As I say: A shame.  And more: Disgusting. 

Two things, here.  First, to summarize Rep. Jordan’s letter, and quoting from it: “You see, there are TWO things the left NEVER misses: (1) they NEVER miss an opportunity to advance their leftwing agenda, and (2) they NEVER miss an opportunity to attack the President.  And it’s clear they are using this pandemic to continue in this kind of behavior.”  (Emphases, and as in the paragraph above, in original.)

And No. 2.  I’m sure that some on the Left say and think that ‘All’s fair in love and war” - that ‘it’s just politics’.  But there is a difference between information - perhaps spun a bit to enhance one’s particular ‘take’ on it - and outright, and devious, propaganda.  Example:(2) The leftwing mounts extreme activities and demands, and then when conservatives react in resistance to them, they are smeared as being ‘divisive’ or worse.  How deceitful.  It is almost as bad as the brainwashing the Left engages in when they label commonsense electoral measures, such as the need for voter ID, to be an example of - get this - ‘voter suppression’.  (Hey, Lefties: You mean illegal-voter suppression; right???)(3)

I could go on.  But you get the idea.  And how nefarious it has all become, with the NWO crowd feeling that their end, of their ‘long march through the institutions,’ is so close, so very close, that the U.S. patriots’ reaction to their scheme, in electing Donald Trump to the Oval Office, must be stifled at all costs.  To the American Republic.  Which they have been so bent on destroying anyway, in their pursuit of power.  And absolute power.  

There is a lesson in all of this for all of us.  For the conservatives, it is the lesson, as remarked on, and so presciently, by President Reagan, in effect that “freedom is not free”.  And for the ‘liberals’ (in a ’spin’ of that term from its origins), it is the lesson, primarily, that their blind adherence to an ideology may well be their undoing.  That a fair game between the ’right and the ‘left’ may have won them a victory in that end (however briefly, in the ongoing play of politics in a free country).  But when they chose to go for broke - and to say, a broken economy; and all that ensues from that sort of devastation, in personal and countrywide devastation - they went a bridge too far.

For not understanding the true nature of the Process that we are all in. 

Which quite possibly will result in no elections in November in the end, after all.  For the coming of the larger


The lessons, for this stage of The Process,

over.  For those who pass

the Finals.

And for those who don’t?  Ah, well.  That’s another


In the possession of all of us of what we can’t sell off - no matter how hard we try - in the equivalent, sometimes, of a yard sale. That being

our souls.                          


(1) And how Republican Senator Tom Cotton, whom the National Review has called “the Senator Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming,” was attacked by the liberal Huffington Post with an article entitled “Don’t Listen to Senator Tom Cotton About Coronavirus,” wherein they accused him of “spreading misinformation and panic in a weeks-long meltdown over the disease,” as everybody else concentrated on the impeachment trial.  And as to any correction or apology?  Crickets.

(2) and as in the case noted above, with Pres.Trump smeared as a ‘racist’ - and not only for trying to nip in the bud the spread of the cv into the U.S., but when he attempts to halt the flooding into this country of illegal aliens; as if there is no difference between those applying to come into this country  through the front door as immigrants, and illegal aliens.  And including, in the latter category, drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers, and terrorists setting up cells in this country.  
   The latter being precisely like lethal virus cells attempting to take over a host.

(3) And hot off the griddle: 
   from “Republican lawmakers are very concerned about the integrity of the 2020 elections.  They believe mail-in voting will lead to more fraud.  Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has now sent a letter asking for an investigation into some suspicious dealings in the state of Nevada.
   “According to McDaniel, a ‘shady backroom deal’ between state Democrats and the Clark County Commission led to more mail-in ballots being sent out for the June  primary election…
   "A Fox News investigation into Clark County Election Department found mail-in ballots were sent to thousands of inactive voters.  They’re stacking up all over the place in public spaces, leading many to worry about fraud.  At the same time, Democrats are suing to stop state election officials from throwing out ballots with irregular signatures…”  Why?  Because it’s part of the ’voter suppression’ that is going on, you understand.
   And I’m sure you do.
   And as I say:

Friday, 22 May 2020

On The Preponderance Of Evidence

I understand that an infectious disease expert has been blocked from treating - very successfully - his novel coronavirus patients in a hospital in the New York City area because of the hospital's Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Committee's concerns purportedly about the safety of the hydroxychloroquine cocktail which he has been using.  Although a) the drug in question has been safely on the market for many decades (admittedly for other conditions - malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis - but cleared for off-label use); and b) said cocktail has now been used by literally thousands of doctors all over the world against this particular viral infection with the same degree of safety and success that this doctor has experienced.

What could be going on here?

Two factors come to mind:  1) Money.  And 2) Power.  

First: the Money.  It turns out that even beyond the development of a vaccine for this particular virus (and keep in mind that it is mutating already, and so any vaccine will be out-of-date before it hits the market),* there is already a drug on the market to be used against it.  But it is on-patent, and extremely expensive; and HCQ is generic/off-patent, and extremely cheap.  And there is a known incestuous relationship within the medical-pharmaceutical complex.  (Really, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex; with many of our Congresspersons in the pocket of Big Pharma.)

Second, and the most important factor involved here: the Power.  To control the world's peoples to within an inch of their lives.  Tagged and tracked like cattle, with both a 'civil' ID digital tagging, and a 'health' such ID tagging.  The al-powerful State making sure that no one can engage in any formerly basic-rights activity - shop, work, travel, schooling, getting into concerts or sports events - if they haven't accepted the tagging (both for tracking and affecting purposes) of Big Brother.

This latter is a huge subject, and I don't aim to go into it here in great detail.  This, now, is just to point out that before you accept anybody's attempts to downplay the safety and efficacy of the HCQ cocktail for this virus - which would bring the quarantine Lockdown to a screeching halt, and thus undercut the NWO crowd's desire in particular to steal the November elections in the U.S, via their Mail-In and Absentee Ballot Voting scam already being initiated - that you check out if they have any conflicts of interest in the matter.

And that includes the Lancet, and its recent 'study'.

As to any medical journal (and report on the MSM): Follow the Money.      

And beware of the possible motivation behind any effort to halt a successful treatment for this virus.

The major such agenda: The NWO crowd want this Lockdown to go on as long as possible, to condition The People to be treated like subjects of The State (instead of the sovereign entities that they are and of right, ought to be), and, in the U.S., to hold them in place until their Wannabe Masters can steal the elections.  And rule the entire world, beyond just the United States.  That's a huge motivation.  And ages old.  What's the motivation of individual doctors who have found the HCQ cocktail to be eminently successful in treating this illness?  And who have found the statistics for numbers of infections AND numbers of deaths actually due to the ncv infection to be inflated??

Answer: The desire to be of help to their fellow pilgrims on the path of human life.  For a Grand Purpose.

Take your pick.

And make it soon.  This Play is drawing to an End.  Because

it's that time.


* But there will be follow-ons.  Because a) there is BIG money in vaccines, and drug companies are seizing on that fact to help overcome the lessening of their profits from the increasing liability costs of their other drug products (they don't have the same problem with vaccines - another, albeit related story); and b) the people behind this whole Lockdown Scare scenario want to keep the world's people under their control.  Keep reading.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Like Taking Candy From A Baby...

...Or Not

Item.  A conservative website host has reported that an ‘insider’ of his, who is privy to the machinations of the ‘liberals,’ has shared with him that they are “shocked” at how easy the U.S. collapsed into and under their hands.  ‘Where is the resistance?’ the site host inquired rhetorically; who has been speaking out strongly for quite some time on the need for patriots to rise up and take their country back from this politically inspired ‘quarantine’-cum lockdown, conditioning us to be slaves to the state, for it shortly to roll out its vaccine, to mark us with The Sign.  “It’s like leading sheep to the slaughter.”

Maybe.  Maybe not.  Maybe something is going on behind the scenes that has kept a major Reaction from taking place purposefully.     

Item.  From ‘ANCHOR BABY’ FACTORIES BUSTED:  Raids on 20 ‘Birth Hotels’ in LA…’  - Dan - May 21 (via
(“The ‘birth tourism’ aka ‘anchor baby’ industry is HUGE! Ringleaders pocket up to $80,000 per pregnant mom. Women from all over the world come to America to deliver an “anchor baby” that receives American citizenship. The women are only charged with committing visa fraud if caught…
(“All told, the feds raided 20 locations in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties, targeting three competing birth tourism schemes, officials said. The suspected operators have not been charged but are being questioned.
(“The organizers who allegedly ran the Carlyle site, Chao Chen and Dong Li, used a website to drum up business, touting the benefits of a child with U.S. citizenship: 13 years of free education, low-cost college financial aid, less pollution, and a path for the entire family to emigrate when the child becomes an adult.”  My angry response:)

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This whole thing is based on a lie. There is no such legal thing as ‘anchor babies’. The concept is based on a misreading of the 14th Amendment. Which reads: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF, are citizens of the United States…”(my caps). Foreigners are still ‘subject to the jurisdiction of’ their home countries. The whole thing was just to clarify that the former slaves before the Civil War were now full citizens of the U.S. Some shyster lawyers talked some shyster judges into this ‘anchor baby’ misreading of the 14th Amendment, which has caused all this terrible corruption, and damage and danger to the Republic. The Trump DoJ must take this issue to the SCOTUS asap and have this terrible travesty on the rule of law reversed IMMEDIATELY.

And shortly after I had posted the above, I came across an email from a friend, who, among other emails today, emailed me, synchronistically enough to my comment above on the Constitution, an audio discussion, by a couple of Aussies no less, on ‘the Constitution’ - the U.S.’s and theirs.  His summary:

Each of us is bequeathed rights and the Divine Spark at birth. This gift is given us from on high – above the jurisdiction of men and corporation. Down here in the realm of men and corporation, documents were drafted to protect those rights from men and corporation. 

“The documents do not give us anything but they do bind those who would infringe on our Divinely given rights. Constitutionally speaking we have not yet held up our end, and unless we begin to, the price will be catastrophic to freedom and the generations that follow.”  My response:

I was able to listen to some of this, but I needed to move on.  I appreciate your summary of it.  Here in the U.S., the word in certain circles of governmental sleuthers is that the U.S. was clandestinely turned into a corporation in 1871, and these people are quietly trying to get it back to its origins, by setting up something called Assemblies in various states.  I think Trump & the White Hats are aware of all this, and that the situation will 'all change' under something called NESARA for the U.S. and GESARA for the world.  Supposedly, some of the specifics of this 'movement' are already under way, including the return of the U.S. dollar - to be called the U.S. Note, or Treasury Note (rather than our fiat/unbacked 'Federal Reserve Note' of today) - to being 'sound money' backed by gold & precious metals & assets/resources, as part of a Global Currency Reset and Revaluation (GCR/RV).  It's all rather complicated; but the bottom line is that we are close to a major breakthrough, not just for the U.S. but for the world.  And it should take on the qualities that your summary refers to.  If it is being engaged in in the right hands.  Hence my concern about whose side DT is precisely on.  Very mixed signals going on here right now.  Quite the Drama we are in.”

And as to my “concern”: A response of mine this evening to this same friend who emailed me a short clip of Trump talking to someone and referring in it to “that artificial event a couple of months ago”.  Could he have been talking about something other than the virus outbreak?  I don’t think so.  Anyway, my response:

A very intriguing catch - and thanks for it.  I hadn't heard it before…  It helps in the quandary… - and including for me - about precisely where Trump, who came out of the Establishment, let it not be forgotten, was really at in all this; with such as federal agencies being issued weapons and bulletproof vests, etc. etc., as if they were anticipating a major reaction if and when they sprang a trap on us patriots - not on the NWO crowd (said agencies starting to be issued such military equipment back under the Obama administration, whose goons are still in many federal agencies; Trump being slow to Drain the Swamp).  The rationale for him being on the side of the White Hats regarding the terrible quarantine crap that his advisors have imposed on the country is that said White Hats were using the quarantine as a cover to arrest members of the NWO crowd without that 'camp' being able to mount riots in opposition.

“We shall see.  And very shortly, it would appear."     

And to finish this evening’s ‘events’ - on a somewhat light note, but a germane one all the same - this same friend (whom I know from my days living in the UK) emailed me a clip from a UK film of some years ago (I remember seeing it; being fond of the legend) on Merlin, and commented: 

“In the Arthurian legends, Merlin watches over Britain.  It was Rolls Royce Merlin engines that powered the Spitfire, Hurricane & Lancaster warplanes to victory during WWII, and it is said that in times of danger Merlin—and Arthur—will again return to lead the people of Britain.

“So what’s keeping him…?”

My response:  

"Ah, The Once And Future King.  It rings a bell.......

"...Richard Burton, wasn't it??
