Dr. Mike Adams, who has been censored off of the mainstream social media platforms, generally for being a conservative, but specifically, quite possibly, because he doesn’t buy the ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ narrative of our Wannabe Masters (and is a source of info to that deleterious effect), says that he will not accept the outcome of the November elections unless the honchos of those s.m. sites stop or are are forced to stop censoring conservative viewpoints on their platforms (under Open Forum regulations). Um…
It really is not good enough just to rein in the censoring of the mainstream social media platforms: We have to have a total cleanup of the electoral processes in all the states (at the least for federal elections; with the U.S. citizens of the several states demanding the same for their state and local elections). That ideally would include the likes of: armies of CPAs, with the support of the nation’s military (under the state of National Emergency that we are in fact under, because of the novel coronavirus), sequestering all of the voter registration rolls in the country and going through them with a fine, quantum-computer tooth comb until they are perfectly cleaned; said CPA 'army' personnel then to run the elections; and with no Early Voting, let alone mass Mail-In Voting (the latter only for bona fide shut-ins or otherwise legitimate Absentee Balloteers); photo ID requirements in place, and as quantum-computer checked, including for duplicate use within and across state lines; no electronic voting machines, unless they can be certified as ‘clean’; and certified exit polls, as a double-check against ay fraud that might still have been able to slip through the Electoral process. And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye if we have to, to obtain CLEAN ELECTIONS.
We need to go for the Full Monty on this business. The days of corruption being, now, OVER. In the real New Order of Things. And with, in fact, a dissolution of both main political parties, as having engaged in a number of illegal activities. But you get the generalized, of this real Novus Ordo Seclorum, about to come into being.
And on a more general note; these messages, to a friend, and whose response to my first email came close to accusing me of being a ‘conspiracy theorist, including vague recollections of my having questioned both the Las Vegas shooting and the Sandy Hook shooting in the past. My first response, last night, to an email from said friend inquiring if I had been watching the riots and looting over the Minneapolis affair:
“Something about that whole thing smells fishy. a) That the event itself, of the big white cop kneeling on the black guy's neck until he died, was being oh so conveniently filmed, and so clearly. It reminded me of some fakery regarding the 9/11 event (the 'lucky shot' video of the first 'plane' hitting the first tower; or at least of the explosion there), leading the public to believe something that wasn't in fact true. b) It was perfect timing to keep up a drumbeat of Opportunity going, for the NWO crowd to take down the country, and in this case, to play 'the race card' to foment violence. And as to that: c) It is coming out that the riots were being conducted by people not native to the city, but brought in. By whom? All suspicion leads to G. Soros, and his attempts to stir up such trouble in order to take down the U.S. (He is the leading financial supporter for Antifa, and Black Lives Matter.) The NWO crowd are going all out to bring down Trump, and with their other attempts to do so fizzling out (the impeachment hoax, etc. etc.), they are getting desperate, and going to their last cards to play, of stirring up violence, through such methods as false flag ops. And as to that: d) It turns out that both the cop (who has a bg of being more of a security person than a cop) and the black guy have worked in the same business together, and for some years. Which makes me wonder if the whole thing was a setup. The bottom line: Follow the Money.”*
This was followed by my forwarding my friend an article from TruReporting going into some serious questions about the bg to the purported police officer involved in the Minneapolis dirty business. But in the meantime, my friend emailed me the query about my seeming acceptance of ‘conspiracy theories,’ wondering if I thought that all such mass shooting events were phony. My response (as somewhat edited) to that innocent attitude, of a still somewhat unawakened American (and, as for many of such, needing to get up to speed, and fast, on what is going on in this country, and the world, and has been for quite some time):
“First of all, a person - and esp. an American - needs to understand that there are people who have wanted to control the world for a very long time. (So they have a Big Agenda going.) They got a big foothold towards that end when they finally, after an attempt or two, took over Russia in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, and established, from that base, what they called 'international socialism,' as opposed to national socialism, the kind that look over in Germany in the '30s. The whole point, for them, is Power Over Others - people control, not people enhancement. Is the enhancement of the State - run by them - not the Individual. And since the American experiment in self-governance is primarily centered on the (constitutional, rule-of-law) rights of the Individual over and against the power of the Collective, it is, and has long been, their prime takeover target. And that condition being the main difference between Western civilization and 'Eastern' civilization, and hence the current educational/MSM attempt to demean Western civilization. (And thus, why the Communists have, as one of their ideological policies, the idea of 'the long march through the institutions,' i.e., the dialectical-materialism policy of subverting and taking over all civil institutions, of education, politics, entertainment, communications, etc.) And in that 'front' of the war going on (from their perspective), to demean the history of the U.S., as its being 'founded' on slavery, when what they actually mean, and understand, is its being founded on the rights of the Individual over the power of the State. (That's why they refer to commonsense voting requirements, like voter photo ID, as being 'voter suppression,' e.g. It's all Marxist-speak.) And another of their ideological policies is [about] 'class warfare,' historically couched as being between the 'owners' and the 'workers' - between the bourgeois and the proletariat. But in the U.S. - the 'land of opportunity,' with much movement occurring between those 'ranks' - that angle never got the traction that they hoped for, so they have concentrated, for many years, on creating a condition of 'class warfare' between the Whites and the Blacks, as their biggest Opportunity. (Everything is 'Crisis = Opportunity' with them; as former Obama CoS Rahm Emanuel indicated, when he said, in a tv interview, that 'You don't ever want a good crisis to go to waste'. Classic Communist-speak.)
“I say all this, as bg, to indicate both what is behind the current scene in this country, and why it is such a big thing to our Wannabe Overlords, and esp. now, when the far Left wing of the Democrat Party has taken it over. They had their hugely ambitious sights set for a Hillary takeover - which would have resulted in the demise of a two-party system of government in this country, and begun a Red China-type totalitarian regime here, as part of their vaunted New World Order - when Donald Trump came somewhat out of nowhere and rained on their parade into their global gulag, for us 'Deplorables'. (Much as Ronald Reagan did in the '80s, to ruin their chances at that time; and thus why he got so excoriated by the Left at that time.) Thus the reason why they have mounted such a smear campaign on him, to get him out of the way, for their totalitarian takeover of the country, and, ultimately, the world. As well, because they had managed to do a fairly successful job in getting weapons of self-defense out of the hands of The People - were well on their way to that goal, so necessary for their takeover plot (as has been the case in many a country over the years) - and they have felt the need to, er, 'capitalize' on that Mission, while they were hot, so to speak - and while the issue was as well. Which brings me to the crux of this matter, and direct response to your comment.
“The Left has orchestrated many a 'false flag op' over the years, whereby they set up mass shooting operations, all for the purpose of creating a crisis condition (C = O) in order to generate sufficient fear and anxiety in the populace to accomplish their goal. Which includes knowing that anti-depressants can cause violent thoughts, thus feeding into their strategic plans (and thus these Wannabe Masters supporting Big Pharma in its lust for profits, as supportive of their agenda). So, perhaps some such occasions are simply 'mass shootings'. But many of them have been orchestrated into being, for which there is ample evidence, if one keeps an eye on the alt media, and not the MSM, for their info. (Well over 90% - some say 98% - of the MSM is 'owned' by 6-close to-5 corporations, and thus is a veritable monopoly. And 'owned' is a good word with which to describe their talking heads.) And that is true for both the Sandy Hook event (which was a - proven - 2-day FEMA 'Exercise,' going somewhat 'live' on the second day of that op, complete with - proven - crisis actors involved (and some of them involved in other such ops as well) and the Boston Marathon Bombing 'Drill' (which was announced as such at the site, so as to keep the public from flooding into the 'bomb' (actually merely smoke bomb) sites and interrupting the 'Drill' going on; again with - proven- crisis actors involved, and the 'performers' wearing various colored tags indicating their job role in the drill). Also the Orlando Gay Nite Club 'event' (with two doctors at the Emergency hospital site giving false names [Dr. Lube and Dr. Cheatham. Rather obvious]; and some so-called injured 'victims' being paraded by the cameras in [arm chair-like] holds by their buddies, as if being carried off to the hospital, but with one of the camera shots lingering on them briefly after they had passed by the designated photo op location, and showing that they were let down by their buddies shortly after having done their job, for which they were undoubtedly paid a handsome amount of filthy lucre). And there is considerable evidence that the Las Vegas 'thing' was a setup as well, but it would all take too much space and time to go into all of that, and deeper into this subject, here. The bottom line: We are up against some very ambitious people, deeply dedicated to their Cause, and which also involves some particular bloodlines. And which also involves a deep passion of hatred of Christianity. And the irony of it all is that there is plenty of evidence that Christianity is not what it is cracked up to be either. As we move further into the 'arena' of absolute Truth of things. Of all things. As we, er, collectively move further up the spiral stairway to the heavens, out of the Shadow of the Valley of Death into the sunlit highlands of The New Order of Things. The real such Order. In this battle between the Light and the Dark going on.
“And just a quick closing word, about the 'sides' in this Drama going on, as part of our lesson learning, as apprentice gods: It is not a battle simply between the Left and the Right of the political 'aisle'. The People are up against both the far Left - i.e., the communists - and the far Right - i.e., the corporate-government complex, aka fascists. There are, in short, various factions in this drama. But the bottom line is 'drawn' between treating people as we have nicely-succinctly been called - 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - and treating them as subjects. And worse. As slaves. And even worse. As cattle. To be controlled and culled at will. The will of the Almighty State. With atheism - or outright Satanism - ruling the planet. Aggressively. With an iron fist.
“Force. Rather than Love. Being the Order of the New Day. And now about to give way to the latter.”
* As to the two of them having worked for the same company, as security guards, and for many years, and it having been proven (by testimony of the site owner) that they even worked at the same site: Wouldn’t there have been some sort of comment from George Floyd, while being held down thusly, along the lines of: ‘You know me - why are you doing this to me?’
Plus the fact that it has been announced that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation, but of something to do with his heart. If we can even believe that, about this very suspicious event. Leading precisely to what TPTB would want it to lead to. And pay big money - and to a lot of the people involved - to have happen.
As has been done in the past, in other false flag ops.
P.S. YouTube has now been reported as censoring a post labeled 'false flag proofs'. Claiming it was a violation of their policy regarding - get this - 'hate speech'.
Go figure.