Monday, 11 May 2020

Of Thee I No Longer Sing, Stanford

In my last blog I made reference to the matter of the evolutionary/political war between two basic ideas of human organization, i.e., Western Civilization’s emphasis - as epitomized by the American Revolution, and its allied Declaration of Independence and subsequent U.S. Constitution - on the value and rights of the Individual vs. ‘Eastern’ Civilization’s emphasis - as epitomized by Red China, and before it, the Soviet Union - on the power of the State over the Individual; the latter of which forms of organization allow some who desire Power Over Others to have their way over Them/The Other.  A word of background first, to my more in-depth observations on this subject.

In the mid-Fifties I attended Stanford U, in the Bay Area of California - informally called ‘the Harvard of the West’ for its well-respected reputation for academic excellence - for three years, as a pre-Med, before dropping out, after a ‘spiritual experience,' to go looking for capital-t Truth.  While there I noticed a penchant on the part of some of its staff - including my Freshman-year lecturer on the then-prerequisite course on Western Civilization - to be, shall we say, rather liberal.  Fast forward a few years, and I noticed, from a newsletter mailing to me as an alumni, that Stanford was going to drop its requirement for all Freshmen to take Western Civ.  Why?  The reason given in the article was that ‘they got students from all over the world,’ and so…what??  If they got students from all over the world, that would presumably mean that those students wanted an education in the West at a prestigious university, and knowing about Western Civ would be a natural part of their higher-education experience in it.  Wouldn’t it??

Apparently not.

Fast forward - through 'the long march through the institutions' of Marxist, or at least Gramscian, theoretics - to today, and my old alma mater, which I have respected, is in the news for some of its staff having authored a study on the novel corona virus breakout in the U.S., and particularly in California, that was, in a word, bogus.  It has turned out that it didn’t use a randomized cohort for a study on infection rates in the public at large, but rather a sampling that was skewed to being potentially more infected than said public.  That was scientific error number one.  Number two was that they used a testing kit that has turned out to generate quite a number of false positives; thus further skewing their results toward a higher infection rate, which then creates a lower percentage of fatalities against it.  And as if this weren’t enough of an embarrassment, and scandal, - well, let an email of mine today to a friend who reported on an editorial in the Wall Street Journal on another subject tell the tale for this blog:    

“Curious about the WSJ.  On the one hand, this report about what is beginning to come out regarding the 'Get Trump' campaign that originated out of the Oval Office (BO and JB present) in early January 2017, before his inauguration, which has Trump tweeting now about 'ObamaGate'.  But on the other hand, the WSJ permitted an op-ed piece somewhat recently about a CoVid-19 study out of Stanford U that painted a false picture about the 'pandemic', but which was penned, without the fact being revealed, by the authors of the study  - a huge conflict of interest.*  It's similar to what Big Pharma does when they author a story, or even the 'study' itself, about their new drug and have it come out under the name of some medical person(s) who is/are handsomely paid to thereby shill for them. It's all appalling stuff, pure quackery.  Bottom line here: the WSJ seems to be playing both sides of the street.  I don't trust them.

“The Answer to the whole scenario/agenda: To counsel the public how to beef up their immune systems, on the one hand (via various specific nutrients), and on the other hand, to publicize hugely the proven ability of the hydoxychloroquine cocktail to both treat the infection and head it off from gaining a toehold in one's system (it's called being both prophylactic and therapeutic); plus the use of other excellent remedies for it, like large doses of intravenous vitamin C; colloidal silver; MMS; ozone therapy/vitamin D; the list goes on.  We can, in short, lick this 'pandemic' without the vaccine that our Wannabe Masters are preparing for us, with its chip, and other nasties engineered in it. To put us under their thumb, like serfs.  Or outright slaves.  Given their pathological desire for Power Over Others.  Or as I call it: 'POO for short.'          

  •  They used a false cohort of 'the public' - not a 'representative' sample -
  • and wonky test kits which result in a huge no. of false positives, all to make
  • it look as though the fatality rate against this inflated number of infections is
  • more in the realm of an annual flu virus; the result of which chicanery would 
  • paint [in the public's mind] a false sense of confidence, with the result of setting the 
  • country up for a Second Wave closer to the Election time, thus hurting 
  • Trump's chances for re-election.  (Why would the WSJ do that?  Because
  • the NWO is made up of far leftists on the one hand and far rightists - called 
  • corporatism, aka fascism - on the other, with the same nest of vipers at the
  • top of the pyramid of power in the world.)  The somewhat curious thing in
  • this scenario going on is how the fatality rate itself is being artificially inflated
  • (with deaths due to other causes being reported as due to the cv).  I can
  • only figure that the fascists on the one hand are trying to make
  • conservatives feel that the 'pandemic' is no big deal, and thus, with their
  • sense of a guard down, allow a Second Wave to hit closer to the election
  • time, and that the socialists/communists on the other hand are trying to 
  • make the liberals and public at large feel that the 'pandemic' is real enough
  • to keep everybody quarantined so that they can steal the elections via their
  • Mail-In Voting scam being pushed.  So that we are, then, being had from
  • both extreme sides of the political spectrum.  At this particularly huge time
  • of Change.”

I rest my case.  And against my formerly respected, and respectable, alma 
mater.  But

There’s Still Time, Friend.

Though barely.

P.S. Just to report that Google is still keeping me from being able to access Ben Shapiro's email newsletter.
     This is among other reports of censorship on the part of our mainstream social media platforms.
     I suppose this outrageous activity - especially in 'a free country' (the jewel of Western Civ)  - is going to heat up, as we come closer to Crunch time.
     And I can hardly wait.
     For things to be put to rights, that is to say.
     And not just for this country.

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