Sunday, 31 May 2020

A Closer Look - II

Item.  Besides the fact that George Floyd and his presumed killer knew each other/had worked with each other, there is the additional curious business about that whole thing - which helped trigger widespread, organized riots - that Floyd was not taken to the hospital by your normal EMTs, but by police department personnel.  (Can you say, ‘agents provocateurs’??)  
Item.  YouTube has been reported as censoring posts labeled ‘false flag proofs’ claiming that it violates their policy regarding - get this - “hate speech”.  (And so at least one independent commentator still on that platform has had to resort to saying ‘f f’ in comment on the subject, to get around the YT algorithms.)   

Item.  From ‘Twitter KILLS First Amendment with Decision to Ban Conversations About…”  - Paul Duke,  The Wire - May 30:

The bare concept of Twitter is an incredible one:  Anyone in the world can say, very literally to the rest of humanity, anything that they want to say.  This is an incredibly powerful concept if you really think about it.  Our words, ideas, and creations can be instantaneously brought before the person who can take it to the next level.  We can collaborate or create from continent away in a mere matter of moments.

“This could have very well changed the way mankind operates, but, instead, we’ve allowed the advertisers and politicians to corrupt the platform.

“Today, Twitter even went so far as to announce that they would be banning any talk of a certain bizarre conspiracy theory about coronavirus and cellular telephone technology.

“Twitter has once again broadened its rapidly-growing set of rules specific to the Chinese virus, this time banning statements that cause “harmful activity,” with a specific focus on posts about 5G network infrastructure.

“In an update to its list of coronavirus-specific rules made yesterday, Twitter said it would ban any “unverified” claims that “incite people to action.”*

“‘Unverified claims that incite people to action, could lead to the destruction or damage of critical infrastructure, or could lead to widespread panic, social unrest, or large-scale disorder, such as ‘The National Guard just announced that no more shipments of food will be arriving for two months — run to the grocery store ASAP and buy everything’ or ‘5G causes coronavirus — go destroy the cell towers in your neighborhood!’”  (Emphases mine.)

“Twitter did not explain what separates a verified from an unverified claim.

“In a tweet from its official account, Twitter also emphasized the danger of damage to “critical 5G infrastructure.” Concern over the alleged effects of 5G cellphone towers has led to some towers being attacked and disabled.

“Yes, it is true that the 5G-coronavirus conspiracy is 100% bananas, but who asked Twitter to play referee here?  What ever happened to individual responsibility and common sense?”


Paul, what research have you done into the subject that causes you to label the 5G-coronavirus connection as “100% bananas”?  Or are you just covering your derriere??  In any event: Your point taken.  How the hell did these platform honchos think that they could just arbitrarily censor The People in these sorts of matters???  from their far Left perspectives.  Or, as ‘corporatists,’ their far Right perspectives.  Both sides controlled by the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of Power that is attempting, now, to make a major move to take over not just the U.S., but the world.   

As to that: I see that the same sort of censorship is going on in our northern neighbor of Canada.  Even if they don’t have the same degree of a culture of free expression as the citizens of the U.S. have (however misleading it is here, as a national issue, rather than primarily a federal/state issue).  So, to underscore: It’s not just the U.S. that is facing a major threat to its ‘essential liberty’ principles and values.  And to that argument, extend the awareness that so many leaders of the European nations have been reading from the very same song sheet regarding waiting for a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.  Regardless of the fact that it will have mutated by the time of that rollout (apparently already has), and we will thus continue to have to chase that elusive ‘cure’.  But not to worry.  We will all be comfortably settled into our global gulag by then… 

The Awakening process continues.  Slow but sure.  And there is some evidence that it was all due to happen in this year, of 2020 according to the Gregorian Calendar, anyway.  With one bit of interesting advice that I have come across, on said Internet, and regarding said year:

‘It may not get you what you want, but you just might find, it will get you what you need.’


In Red China, anything that the regime doesn’t like is simply labeled “incorrect remarks,” and done away with.  Including, to various extents, depending on how ‘incorrect’ they were, their human sources.

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