Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Let's Hear It For Silver Linings

    The Art Of The Deal

Yes, this coronavirus-pandemic quarantine has been a terrible thing.  But it has a silver lining.  Or at least two, that I can think of, right off the top of my head.

The first is how it has taught us - hopefully - the dangers of overweening governmental power, and control over The People.  Little dictators emerging from the shadows of the experience, to ‘teach us a lesson’ along the referred-to line.  Of how not to govern.

The second is rather apt, considering where we are at now, in our Life Experience.  Consider.  This business of interest-bearing money has taught us - and very well - the dangers of such an approach to the fundamental matter of sharing goods and services with one another.  How it seduces people away from the act of sharing with one another for the sake of it, to doing things ‘for the money’ in it.  

Usury is not a law of physics.  It is a technique for lesson-learning.

Yes, you can do great things with the motive of ‘making money out of the deal’ behind your actions.  But we have seen, and in spades, how things can get so distorted by that motivation.  Big Pharma (and more correctly known as the medical-pharmaceutical complex; having gotten far away from the fundamental principle of Western Medicine described as ‘First: Do No Harm’) seducing people away from understanding how their diet affects their body, mind and emotions, and can straighten out anomalies without the need for prescription drugs, alien to the body and causing a huge number of side effects, including outright death.  (The third leading cause of death in the country, behind heart disease and cancer - both treatable by natural means - being ‘iatrogenically-induced death’: medically  caused.)  And speaking of our food: Big Ag giving us adulterated and nutrition-stripped foods (because of ‘the bottom line’).  And speaking of the medical-pharmaceutical complex: the military-industrial complex giving us wars after wars after wars.  (For both the money in it, and the power.  And both of those complexes better known with the ‘government’ as the concluding part of their nomenclatures, and bought-and-paid-for influences.)  And speaking of Big Pharma, whose products are petroleum-based: Big Oil giving us polluting energy, even at a time when we have discovered how to tap into energy from The Field.  The list goes on.

So, do I prefer communism, where the motivating factor of the system is, or at least is supposed to be, the development of a sense of community, rather than the primary purpose being the making of money?  That description has some merit.  But the motivating factor of the system has always been, in practice, the gaining of power.  Specifically, Power Over Others.  Or as I have often called it in these pages: POO for short.  Which should give away my sentiments regarding that motivating factor in life.  And anyway, it is 'inspired' by atheism - secular humanism.  Largely.  Which is an Untruth, about life.

So, what am getting at.  I am getting at the fact that the current pandemically-induced quarantine has allowed us - speaking here of/in the United States, but in other countries as well - to experience life without the making of a ’profit’ as a motivating factor.  To say: The Trump administration has helped (immeasurably) to bring us to a point where The Fed is in, or close to, ‘negative interest’ territory.  Meaning, that there is no charge - paying of interest - on money borrowed by businesses.  What you borrow is what you pay.  The Fed now being out of the ‘business’ of lending money, and making money, off of Debt.

And thus, have we, quietly, entered territory that we can relate to in a New Way.

Fitting, for the New World that we are entering into.  Whereby we will be sharing our goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the one of ‘making a profit’.  Out of the highest motive that there could ever be: out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word: Love.

Having experienced - out of adversity; perhaps the best teacher - that such a system can work.  And which calls up the best out of us in the bargain.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

And now, coming closer to reflecting just our higher Selves in

The Deal.

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