Saturday, 9 May 2020

On New Beginnings

When I was a youngster, and radio was at its height, there was a radio program on Saturday mornings called ‘Let’s Pretend’.  Let’s Pretend for a moment that we are at a point of New Beginnings on the planet.  What could The New look like.

Well, it could look like The Old World that we have just come out of.  Which appears to have been primarily characterized by the higher-primate part of our being, with constant examples and expressions of territoriality, and Survival of the Fittest, and so forth and so on - the mammalian part of our makeup, as Homo sapiens sapiens.  And so yes, that part of us is there, ever beneath the surface of our ages-long. er, 'civilizing' behaviors.  But there is another part of our makeup.  What a wise man once described in terms of how we are ’spiritual beings having a human experience’.  That, above and beyond the mammalian part of our makeup is this other part of our makeup, reflecting the truism that life as we know it in this material realm is but part of a larger whole.  And thus, that there is some sort of Plan at work.  Which ineluctably involves a Creator.  What has been called a/the Divine Intelligence.

I would submit that it is now time for that part of our makeup, our nature, to come to the fore.  And no longer be subordinate to the higher-primate part of our makeup, these vessels that we inhabit to move about in, in this material realm.  On this 3D, material level of The All That Is. 

Now time, that we have had quite enough of wars, and ‘territoriality’ dustups, and so forth, thank you.  In what can be called our classroom.  Our schoolroom for aspiring gods.

For, given that part of our natures - as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - the claim is that we are, in that higher essence of our selves, all facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.  Chips off the old block, as it were.  And thus, are budding creators in our own right.  Holograms, of a sort.  

Potential gods.  Once we graduate, from the educational Process.  However that process takes place.

And so, now that we incarnate souls on this planet have reached the point where we can destroy ourselves wholesale, from the likes of nuclear devices, and manmade virus bioweapons, and such, it would seem a particularly apt time to begin to function under reflection of that higher aspect of our selves, rather than expend any more energy expressing the higher-primate part of our natures, in the form of territorial squabbles, and practices of Oneupmanship, and various forms of Manmade governance, and so forth.  All, aspects of our educational experience.  For, how can you really know something unless you have actually experienced it??

In at least a classroom.  For learning such things.

Now. Consider a What If:

What If there were enough gold in the world for everybody to possess sufficient of that ‘something of value’ to be able to survive comfortably.  What would you do?

The answer depends on each person.  But let me suggest that we all consider that possibility - that potential - in terms, no longer of the higher-primate part of us, but of our higher aspect.  As children of our Creator Source.  On a Mission.  Of becoming like unto our Source.  Which we are already, in terms of our intrinsic natures.  But also, in terns of our consciousness.

Our unfolding consciousness.  As we progress on The Path.  Of our journey



Having gained value along The Way.

For ourselves.  Our higher Selves; in unfolding our potential.

And for our Creator Source as well.

But not to get into that aspect of this whole Story here.  Here, let me just keep the ‘proposal’ to looking at what such a civilization could look like.  If we chose to come from that part of our Selves, and leave the higher-primate part of our incarnate selves to the side for the moment, this vessel, this meat suit that we inhabit, to be part of this particular classroom.

Let me speed up the proposal a bit, and point out aspects of our technology that we have already developed.  Which aspects include how to modify DNA, from animal to animal. Or human to human.  Or to hybrid.  

Dangerous stuff.  Not best to be engaged in by adolescents, still low on their consciousness-developing levels.  But to continue.  And mention such technology as free energy devices.  And antigravity spacecraft.  And replicators (‘zapping’ DNA into various forms, such as foods).  And what are called Med Beds, for setting our bodies to perfect states of health (including being able to increase our longevity).  And the ability to teleport ourselves.  And so on. And so on.  And so on.   

Getting the picture?  That

it’s time.  To graduate from the lower levels of our educational process.  And start getting into the really interesting aspects of Creation.

In alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.  Which means, in practice, 

respecting each other as parts of the Whole.

And thus, leaving the ‘world’ - the realm, the level - of (seeming) Separation behind.

And embarking on the sea of Unity.

And thereby - 

not so incidentally -

combining aspects of both the sovereignty of the Individual and our Common Unity.  Into a planetary state of Community.

And, in that state of healing,



as One

in this new realm of our existence.

As aspiring gods

closer to our



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