Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Meet You In The Middle

Crisis produces Opportunity.  Great Crisis produces Great Opportunity.  Especially in this, the Land of Opportunity.  And the Last Stop, before total planetary control.  

On the one hand: Of those who might be so inclined, as to wish, and aim, for Power Over Others.  As our Wannabe Masters are.  And have been, for a very long time.  Scheming away at their ambition, like termites. eating away at the essence of this country, and using its freedoms - and distracted populace, in following their single stars - to do it by.  Which undermining is rather obvious from the far Left of the political ‘aisle’.  But has been going on from the far Right as well.  And thus, the reason why neither the Democrat Party nor the Republican Party is the way of the future.  For this country.  Or for the world.

It is a matter of the Scylla of communism on the one hand or the Charybdis of fascism on the other: both lead to shipwreck.  ‘How so?’ you say; ‘the threat to the American Republic is obviously from the commies.’  Well.  Consider.

9/11 - with its resulting so-called Patriot Act,(1) and control of Middle East Oil, in ‘the (unending) War on Terror’ - happened under a Republican administration.  And though an invasion of this country, by illegal aliens and so-called ‘refugees.’ occurred mostly under the Renegade Obama, said invasion continued under the Trump administration.(2)

‘But why would that be?’ you ask.  Well, for one: Holdovers from the Renegade Obama administration were still in charge of many of the federal agencies.  (As demonstrated in the subsequent Russian Collusion Delusion, and the Ukraine beat-up, and on and disgustingly on.)  But too many Americans apparently need to wake up to the fact that Corporate America makes a huge amount of money on paying such people below-American wages.  Thus treating them like the serfs that socialist/communist countries treat their subjects.  And now, with automation, and IT and AI in general coming online, the bulk of said serfs will be, in the words of globalist Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State under a Republican, you will note), ’useless eaters’.  Needing to be done away with.  By such measures as pandemics, setting up - via mandatory vaccination (‘Your paper, please’) - the chipping, and culling, of the herd.
So, this country has been undermined from both the far Left and the far Right.(3)  With the whole process being under the control and guidance of the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power in this country.  And the world.  Going, now, for broke.  As it were.       

I hope I have made it clear that there is a world - a New World - on the other side of this Great Divide.  And it doesn’t involve either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party.  It involves, rather, you.

And your immortal soul.  As we go, neither Left nor Right.  But Up.  Out of the educational/classroom Illusion.  Or down.  Into the darkness.  For more seasoning.  Or total rejection of The Plan.

Your choice.  


(1) which has set up the (perceived legal) ability of the federal government to snatch people off the streets and detain them indefinitely, without the ‘due process’ alforded them under the normal governing structures of this country.

(2) While America Slept - and literally; in the dead of night - this nation was invaded by ‘refugees’ (i.e., economic refugees; and some having communicable diseases unvetted for at that) who were given U.S. passports and Social Security numbers (the latter in order to obtain S. S. benefits; and who were deliberately encouraged by the traitors operating the scheme to apply for lifetime disability benefits under the S.S. system.  And of course, to remember on Election days who gave them this, er, Opportunity.  For them: economically.  And for the traitors: to assist in the bankrupting of the country, under the Cloward-Piven Strategy ‘principle’), and bused and flown all around the country, in the said dead of night, in order not to draw undue attention to this clandestine operation.  While America Slept.
   Did I say that already?  One never knows how much attention Americans are paying to such details, of Life in Their Times…

(3) ‘But surely, Pres. Trump will save us from these heinous people.  Right??’
   It all depends.
   On a lot of factors.  Some under his potential control.  And some not.
   In the meantime, what are you doing about it?  This matter, that affects not only you.  But your family.  And your, and their, future.  And that of the entire world.
   Were you born to be alive at this crucial time, and make a difference.  Or weren’t you???

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