Saturday, 16 May 2020

Wake UP, World

On Setting Things to Rights

There was quite a heated discussion in the household this morning when the subject of the Pandemic/Quarantine came up.  i had had a discussion yesterday with the male head of the household about the subject, pointing out, from my research into it, via in particular the Alternative/Independent media, that a) it was a beat-up, designed to get us into a more permanent state of lockdown;(1) and b) part of that deal was to drag the Quarantine out as long as possible, both to get us to the vaccine for the virus that they are preparing for us, with elements of People Control formulated into it (as TPTB have done in other vaccines),(2) and to be able to steal the November elections with such made-to-be-manipulated aspects as Mail-In Voting; their best-laid plans being subject to coming to naught if there turned out to be a cure for the infection, which there has turned out to be.  Called hydroxychlorquine - a longtime proven anti-malarial drug - administered in a ‘’cocktail’ with an antibiotic (azithromycin) and zinc (the latter of which substances blocks replication of viruses; hence its proven worth against ‘the common cold’ and flus of various kinds), it has been proven, in the hands of a number of doctors in various countries around the world, to be extremely efficacious against this CoVid-19 infection.  Enter the contretemps, with said househqld head - who had told me last night that he had come across a ‘study’ online (via the MSM) that said that HCQ caused heart attacks, and which I haven’t had the time to look up yet, and see what the alt media has to say about it(3) - bringing the subject up in the presence of his son-in-law, a doctor, whose family has been visiting for a week, and who fiddled with his smart phone for a minute and told me that he had come across not one, but two reports of ‘double blind studies’ poo-pooing the efficacy of the HCQ treatment, and for him, the case was closed, because ”nothing” beats double-blind studies.  Anecdotal evidence - nothing.  End of story.  For him.

(For a drug that has been on the market for 35 years?  I don't think so.) 

When I started launching into a bit of a tirade (I must admit) about how a) it was just too convenient for this to have come out at this time, that b) he needs to realize that Big Pharma has a huge amount riding on this matter (everybody in the world to be vaccinated??! - and over and over again, as the virus mutates???!!), and has been found to having faked studies in the past and so one needs to look at who is behind such studies (‘Follow the money’); and that c) they need to realize just how big the stakes are in this matter, that we are talking about some very Dark spirits attempting to take over the whole damn world, and people need to wake up to that fact, the heat began to build in the room.  His need to take care of a crying child (the ladies of the house were out and about somewhere or other) started a process of changing the subject, and so my point - of a huge matter being involved here, far beyond just the shutdown of whole countries, thus creating the Opportunity for Ordo ab Chao - was left hanging in the air.(4)                  

I left the room as the subject matter changed, and went to my Cave, to (attempt to) get some reading in before going out for my Daily in the mid-afternoon, so that was the end of that.  Except for my inner seething.  Along the lines that 

It is really time for Humanity as a whole - not just Americans - to wake up, as to the fundamental fact of what is going on in the world: how very Dark forces are attempting to take it over, and impose a totalitarian Order on it, which those satanic forces call the New World Order (aka Ordo ab Chao, or ‘Order out of Chaos’).  And how close we are to civil war.  Outright.

As to that potential state of affairs:  

How do I feel about ‘guns’?

People have a right to weapons of self-defense.  

What do I feel about mass shooting events??

Atrocious stuff.  Both deliberate such events.  And those occasioned by MKUtra-controlled persons, and those occasioned by a faulty dealing with the likes of depression; whereby many shootings have been ‘triggered’ by people - especially young people, going through bodily changes from adolescence to adulthood - on the likes of anti-depressants   Which entrain whatever feelings have been, er, triggered, rather than eliminating depressive feelings per se.     

 And what is this business about giving people drugs for depression, and that sort of thing, anyway?  Depression is a symptom, of an underlying condition, level of causation.  Is a symptom of either a deficiency in, or imbalance in, nutritional elements.  Treat the condition at the causative level, and the symptom disappears.  Just treat with masking the symptom - or at least trying to - and you make the underlying condition worse., for its not having been dealt with, paid attention to.  In the blind pursuit of profit.

And thus is the power of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex in our world.  To say, in this world.  As bolstered by the monopolistic mainstream media, and social media.  All, needing to be corrected.  Before we can progress into the New World.

In order for us to progress into that next stage of our development.  As spiritual being having a human experience. 

For now.

With changes in that ‘condition’ imminent.  As we move up and out of the basic ‘human’ elemen., aspect of our natures.  And into our more refined bodies.  

On our way to our basic Light bodies.  

As elements of the Light that ‘lights up’ the Creation.

For a Grand Purpose.


(1) Involving inflated numbers of both fatalities (officials have been outed by underlings whistleblowing that they have been instructed to put down the CoVid-19 epidemic as the cause of death when it was clearly not so) and of infections (the testing kits having been caught out registering huge numbers of false positives, and including the likes of paw paws as having the virus).  Hence a pandemic status.  As things on the planet come to a head, socially, economically, and politically.  

(2) As in the vaccination campaigns in many Third World countries over the years, ostensibly for the likes of tetanus, which TPTB have used to introduce into young females an anti-fertility substance, which causes the body to attack the fetus at its first stage of development, involving a particular hormone.  And whatever all else TPTB may have gotten up to in such campaigns, hiding their true intentions.  (And sickening us with adding aborted human fetal tissue cells to vaccines, which causes an autoimmune reaction to one's own tissues/DNA.  Western medicine geared, as it is, to keep us sick.  Not healthy.  No money in it for them, in that state of affairs.  Another aspect of the same story.)
(3) Similar to how the alt media has found out about the background of Dr. A. Fauci, who has somehow ended up as the main figure on Pres. Trump’s Virus Task Force, and which background makes him decidedly conflicted in this matter, including in a full-fledged ‘vested’ way.  Another story.
   N.B. As for said study: I haven’t come across it yet, but I have come across a “flimsy, agenda-driven” one, by the VA, that was well commented on by Laura Ingraham on her YT comments of 4/22.  And along this line, also note especially her shows of 5/13 and 5/15.  
   Getting there. 

(4) To his credit, he warned about a similar Opportunity for fraud, when, in reply to my comment about how the Elections were being set up to be defrauded, the household head started talking about a ‘personal electronic ID’ that a company that he had some involvement with was developing, and wouldn’t buy the hh’s position that it was fraud-proof, saying that “it all depends on who programs the system”.
   Indeed, Doctor.  Indeed.  And speaking of doctor.  As in doctoring.
   To 'doctor': to falsify.  Rather fitting, that.  And in a number of ways.
   But to continue.  

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