Thursday, 28 May 2020

The Tide Turning

Things seemed to be going pretty good for the NWO crowd, in their attempts to use the novel coronavirus so-called pandemic - better known as the Plandemic - to their advantage, in their plan to take over the country, and merge it with their desired form of government, as administered in Red China by an Elite, exercising total control over their subjects, also thought of by said Elite as cattle, capable of being controlled and culled at will.  Their will.  Let’s look at some of the pieces on the board, in what has been called this 5D chess game going on, on Planet Earth.

Item.   What is called ‘presumptive diagnosis’.  All manner of conditions are being assigned as being due to the ncv, particularly including tests which are giving false positives - including to the likes of goats and paw paws - and some of which, those administered by swab up the nose of the testee, even being found to be administering the virus itself.  All of this either falsely or malevolently inflating the numbers of those infected by this cv, thus instilling fear into the populace, and thereby gaining the NWO crowd the ability to impose arbitrary conditions of control on their captive subjects.(1)  Control such as:

Item. ‘Contact tracers.’   Door-to-door canvassers of information.  Not only relating to infectees - which can then, by fiat, be taken away by TPTB (including military personnel assigned to accompany said CTs on their merry rounds through the community) and taken to wherever said PTB wish to take them.  But watch their assigned duties expand.  Rebels to the orders of the state?  Subscribers to The New American magazine, or other conservative literature in the household?  All to be treated as ”offensive” to the state, and the ‘subscribers’ to be treated accordingly, in any such mission expansion, once these toadies of the state have their foot in your door.  All, leading to

Item.  “Digital/immmunity passports.’  You either take the vax - and obtain that ‘mark’- or you are denied access to the whole range of social activities, as practiced in Red China; that example of the desirable state, in the minds of our Wannabe Masters.  And with this introduction of the chess piece of the vaccine, we see the reason - well, one such reason - why TPTB want the Quarantine to last for a long time.  To last until a vaccine comes out.  With its load of people-control additives.  And to allow them to steal the autumn elections, via such proven devices as Mail-In Voting, and Early Voting (to facilitate their minions to engage in voting early and often), and so forth. 

Anyway: You get the idea.  All these moves and pieces designed to facilitate their takeover plan.  Now, for some references to the beginning of a turnaround in the action on the chess board:                         

Item.  From - May 28 - under the head: 'Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control'

  • Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a “new normal.”(2)


Item, from the same source:

  • President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele has announced that he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against the coronavirus.
  • Bukele told reporters on Tuesday that “most world leaders” are doing the same and has questioned why world leaders are being advised to use it while the public is not.
  • “I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” said Bukele.

"So the world leaders are advised to take it and  the rest of the people are  being advised not to. Why?  


(My response Why, indeed.)

Item, from the same source: Democrat governors in several states forced nursing homes to take in CoVid-19-infected patients, even though the main cohort of deaths from it is among the elderly and those with immune-compromised conditions.  A quote from a posting by ‘Q’:

"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5544fb No.9346765 
Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General Office of Investigations US Department of Health and Human Services 330 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Dear Deputy Inspector General Cantrell, I respectfully request that the HHS Office of Investigations immediately commences an independent investigation into whether the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Interim Guidance for Nursing Facilities during COVID-19 (March 18, 2020) has contributed to an increase in COVID-19 infections and deaths in Pennsylvania nursing homes, assisted living and elder care . The urgency of this request cannot be understated as Pennsylvania has made clear that the Interim Guidance will remain in place even as other states repeal or revise similar policies in response to the inordinate number of deaths in these facilities.

"At what point should this be reclassified as murder?
At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?
"Evil surrounds us.
"Since it is known that the elderly are most at risk, did the Democrat Governors [knowingly] order nursing homes to accept covid-19 positive patients in an attempt to increase mortality rates, to justify lockdowns and mail-in-voting.”

Ah yes - a main point of the lockdown: In order for the NWO crowd to attempt to steal the November elections…

And finally, a key Item, regarding The Tide Turning:

"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9d4452 No.934991
Trump signs social media executive order, calls for removal of liability protections because of ‘censoring’
You were warned.

  • Remove liability shields for social media. • Prohibit taxpayer support for social media companies. • Federal Trade Commission will prohibit social media platforms from engaging in deceptive acts that interfere with commerce.
AG Barr – Section 230 was designed to protect bulletin boards from liability when they removed pornography but it has been stretched to protect large companies that push political viewpoints. DOJ & FTC will restore 230 to its original intent.”

What this item - this move on the board - is about is that under something called Open Forum Laws (Sect. 230) a social media platform is not a publisher, so it can’t be sued for its content - and so it can’t act as a publisher and censor material, as the mainstream s.m. platforms are doing to conservative content.  The bottom line: To censor is to act as a publisher.  Pres. Trump has now moved, by an E.O., to hold such platforms to the original intent of the law. 

Which, interestingly enough, is the same sort of attitude that needs to prevail regarding the U.S. Constitution.  

Before it is disappeared by the NWO crowd, who have figured on the Plandemic to help them undercut that rule of law in the country, and rule simply by their edict, as their way to get around said Constitution.


Checkmate.  Causing a reversal of fortunes for the NWO crowd, in their basic control - so far - of the action on the board.

As we await the rest of the Declass move of the chess pieces, in this game between the Black Hats and the White Hats.  Which will, most likely, trigger the NWO crowd to kick over the chessboard and engage in all manner of social disorder operations, to hog the news cycles, in an attempt to drown out the steady, relentless moves by said white Hats to take them out.  

Hey, you Bolsheviks: Apparently I have news for you.  No, things won’t return back to Normal.  But nor will they become your attempted New Normal.  There is a New Game in town.  It’s called 

Rule by the Will of God.    Because

its time.

And Time.             


(1) And the numbers of deaths assigned to the cv as their cause also being falsely inflated, as per many reports from the field; likewise hyping this viral outbreak as a major emergency, and thus eliciting the Opportunity for the NWO crowd to take advantage of it, in applying stringent controls on those they wish to treat as their subjects.  To be done away with at their will.  Outright.  Or in FEMA ‘Medical Martial Law’ camps, which, somewhat curiously (not), have no medical facilities in the published material outlining their structures and duties.  

(2) A leftist has a different take on the matter as referenced in an article in - surprise surprise - the Washington Post:
   “For Trump’s supporters, declining to wear a mask is a visible way to demonstrate “that ‘I’m a Republican,’ or ‘I want businesses to start up again,’ or ‘I support the president,’ ” said Robert Kahn, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis who has studied Americans’ attitudes toward masks. ‘Masks will quickly become the new normal in blue states, but if social distancing continues through 2022, the mentality among Republicans could well change, too: If I can go to work and the cost of marginal improvement in my life is wearing a mask, maybe Americans of both parties do accommodate ourselves to it.’”
   Dear Prof. Kahn: Bollocks.

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