Monday, 18 May 2020

On the Dow Or The Tao

Consternation in the ranks of the Good Guys.  With good reason.

Pres. Trump has been putting out some troubling information, and an equivocal position.  On the one hand, he is endorsing what smacks of a mandatory vaccination campaign, whereby it appears that we have been put in lockdown - to varying degrees, largely depending on whether TPTB at the state and local levels are Democrats or Republicans - until we accept the mark - excuse me; the vaccine - for what itself is appearing more and more to be a fake pandemic scare (rather than just another circulating flu virus, which don’t cause such economic, social and political mayhem).  But on the other hand, there is evidence that Pres.Trump knows precisely what is going on, and is using both that knowledge and his position to work ultimately for the White Hats, aka the Alliance.   

Items to consider, in this major matter.

First, the degree of the scare.  (Whereby Crisis = Opportunity, and the bigger the Crisis the bigger the Opportunity.)  Much information is coming out that both the novel coronavirus(1) infection rates and fatality rates have been and are being inflated.(2)  On the one, smaller hand, to increase the income for the hospitals and allied services, who get more money from the insurance companies and government if the illness is labeled as such. and triple that amount if the mortality is labeled as due to the virus, rather than to any real other causative factor (and thereby their support of the underlying scheme being enlisted); and on the other, larger hand, to support the agenda of the NWO crowd behind the whole scam, attempting to herd us cattle into their global gulag, Bolshevik style.

Of major concern in (seeming) support of this scenario is how Pres. Trump has now ordered ‘his’ Department of Defense to issue a contract for 500 million ‘infection devices’ - i.e., basically, syringes - which can be equipped with RFID tags and GPS location data, synced with a governmental cloud data base.   And with the U.S. military being readied to ‘assist’ with the administration of the vaccine to be, er, deployed.  All of this smacking of a military operation; for Medical Tyranny potentially to be foisted on the American people.  Aka a police state.

Why would Pres. Trump be involved with this sort of 1984-like operation??  Some of the U.S. patriots are pointing, as possible explanation (beyond his having been part of the Establishment, in which and out of which he was born, and made his success in and by, despite both his rhetoric and record to date), to his basic concern for his legacy: of how he could be credited for Making America Great Again, with his economic success being reflected in the Dow, and who, then, could be incentivized in such an operation in order for Big Pharma’s profits(3) to help bring the Dow back to a reflection of his prowess (as both political leader and businessman) and historical standing as one of the great presidents of the United States.  Which even the Fake News might, at long last, have to concede to him.  This, and with 'contact tracers' - with the backing of said military - being readied, potentially to put people in Quarantine camps...(4) 

All of this being on the one hand.  And on the other, is the handful of bits of evidence, and in particular in relation to the phenomenon known as ’Q,’ that he is actually working for the Light.  Of Truth.  In a long-standing Operation to counter that of the Deep State/globalists/Cabal/Illuminati; vipers by any other name.

What a strange situation.  With - in summation - on the one hand, Pres. Trump announcing his Operation Warp Speed.  For a ‘vaccine’.  Said Operation now run by an ex-GSK executive (a proven-in-court corrupt enterprise).  And on the other, how Trump has even floated the idea of a cure for the CoVid-19 illness, in the form of the hydroxychloroquine cocktail.  And even without that therapy (and prophylactic; which means that it acts somewhat like a vaccine in its own right…), there is the first stage of defense of a healthy immune system to fight off this, or any, pathogen; with such measures as the use in particular of vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc to engage in.  Along with various other nutrients, and such modalities as uv therapy and ozone therapy, to employ (all of which a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath would know of, and could advise on).  All, avoiding the NWO crowd’s desire for their bioweapon of a vaccine to track and control the herd by, and by which to do the herd in.

One particularly keen member of the online White Hat brigade has said, of and to all this: “This is a bad dream, and we’re going to wake up from it.”  I would say, to that observation, that we are not only going to.  But need to.  In order to move further on

the Tao.    

P.S. And as for the reference to ‘Q’.   There is some evidence that, though ’Q’ - and if you don’t know what I am talking about here, you haven’t been paying attention; and are likely to be hopelessly left behind, in the Harvesting to come (along with the 'cognitively dissonant' who wouldn't even visit a blog such as mine to begin with) - may be a team of intelligence agents, it is quite likely the moniker is the cover in particular for John F. Kennedy, Jr.  Come ‘back from the grave,’ in order to bring the killers of his father to justice, at long last.  Which subject includes some major names; still in positions of power, and influence.   
     Get up to speed on this angle on this major scenario, folks.  It is a vital part of the plot.  And information on it can be had with a search of the Internet.  But only for a short while left.  With the major social media platforms engaging in the same sort of censorship and propaganda that the near-monopolistic MSM has been engaged in.  And increasing the degree of censorship - particularly under the excuse of censoring ‘hate speech’ - now that things are coming to a head.  In and for the U.S.  And in and for the world at large.  As we pick up speed towards
     Like a symphony, of sorts.  A symphony of themes.  Interacting with one another.  So that often it’s hard to tell the individual players.  So, let’s listen, as they come, in the end,
     So that Where We Go One, We Go All.  If we choose to.


(1) a good name for it, as it would appear, from many instances of reporting, that the virus was manmade.  Although its actual origins are still shrouded in some mystery. 
   All of which will be revealed.  In the General Accounting to take place, at this time.  Of Completion, on this level.  For many of us incarnate souls.
   The fate of the others being a story for another time.

(2) Infection rate inflation: from both false positives being recorded from the testing kits (with some reports of the virus actually being introduced by the particular testing kits themselves), and from flu-like symptoms being included in the ncv infection-rate diagnosis.  Mortality rate inflation: Many doctors and lesser authorities have reported that they are being directed by their authorities (much of it emanating from the HHS) to record the cause of death as being from the ncv, rather than the obvious, literal cause.  So, hype going on.  For malevolent purposes.  On which, read on.  

(3) Everybody in the world to be vaccinated (a la the dream of the likes of Bill Gates)?  And over and over, as the circulating viruses mutate??  And at a time when the drug companies are facing big losses from safety concerns regarding their products - all except vaccines, which, fortuitously enough for them, they are exempt from liability for that category of their products???  
   The snake of venality at operation again.  
   Among other vices.
   And the ultimate one.

(4) And I note that the ads for such people in New York explicitly rule out, for applying, 'white folk,' who might harbor bad feelings towards 'people of color,' and the likes of the LGBTQ community.  Which makes one wonder what the real purpose for this domestic army is.
   Wonder.  Briefly.  And then 'get' how appalling this scenario is turning out to be.  Regarding those amongst us who are motivated by a desire for Power Over Others.  With a touch of Revenge in the ugly mix.  

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