Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Follow The Money

'Tiz A Puzzlement

Joe Martino of Collective Evolution has posted an interesting message for us today:

"Good Afternoon,

"Hope you are doing well!

"In 11 years I have not seen a more potent time where people are TRULY waking up to the illusions within our society.

"Aside from more spiritual awakenings, waking up to the fact that our world doesn't function in ways we may have been taught is a huge step in shaking us up out of our collective 'spell' we are under.

"This COVID-19 PLANdemic has presented numerous opportunities for people [to] question their reality, and for those of us who have bee [sic] questioning things for many years, we know that what's happening now is providing us with a ton of material to help our neighbours question things as well..."

A major example for me: The seeming dichotomy regarding Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.   

On the one hand, he is a fearless voice for truth about vaccines, pointing out their terrible side effects and the dearth of solid scientific evidence on their behalf,(1) and being enlisted by 'mother movements' to appear on their behalf at demonstrations at various state legislative houses where mandatory vaccination legislation is being considered.  And on the other hand, he endorsed Hillary Clinton for the presidency in the 2016 elections.  And as the seeker of Truth - and advocate for "freedom and health" - Dr. Shiva Ayyurduvai has pointed out, in a rather revealing recent video, RFK Jr., although coming out against Bill Gates and his push for mandatory vaccination of the populace regarding the current ncv pandemic - in harmonious concert with quite a number of corporations and politically-oriented foundations, particularly as linked to the UN - has never disavowed support for Hillary, and the Clinton 'Global Initiative' Foundation.  With its links to the likes of Monsanto, and Merck, and so forth - i.e., Big Pharma.(2)  

And then there was the role of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy in setting up the liability-avoiding Vaccine Court process for indemnity for illness and death caused by a (lengthy hearing-proven) vaccine product.  So the Kennedy clan has links to Big Pharma - so what's going on here??

Dr. Shiva calls 'it - this business of curious relationships(3) - the 'Not-so-obvious Establishment'.  An arm of the Establishment, which could also be called the Controlled Opposition.  And says accusingly, regarding RFK Jr.: "Two masters, Robby."  Which he also refers to as "Two heads of the same coin".

Now, Dr. Shiva could be mistaken, in his condemnation of the what appears, at least to him,  hypocrisy - the hypocrisy of how RFK Jr. attacks Bill Gates but not Hillary.  And what he also calls the outright "evil" of it all.(4)  But the proof of the pudding is in the eating.  Shiva quotes RFK Jr. as having, er, come out saying "Hillary Clinton is attacked by Big Pharma and the radical Right".  Um - excuse me??  Hillary, who pushes vaccines?  As in supporting mandating the HPV vaccine?  And the CGI specifically supporting Gardasil??  And Hillary tweeting for children/people to 'get their shots'???  

Ladies and gentlemen: Our Wannabe Masters are lusting, like the power-hungry satanists that many of them are, to divorce us from our true reality, and be modified to fit into their illusory realm.(5)  And mandatory vaccinations - with their load of extras - are part of that deal.  And sold-out Hillary is part of that crowd.

So: Whose side are you really on, Robby??

Let's hear it clearly.   Because there is something very important here, that particularly needs to be cleared up before long.  Which has to do with the Kennedy clan.

There is evidence that John F. Kennedy, Jr. is alive. Having faked his death (and with him  that of his wife and her sister).  That whole scenario engaged in for him to avenge the death of his father.  Which involves the Clintons.  And how he might well have been offed by our WMs when he was being touted for the run for the Senate, from New York, that Hillary was being groomed for, by the Illuminati.  And so, something had to happen to help out in that situation.  And how JFK Jr. is part of the White Hat brigade that backed Donald Trump for the presidency, and serves him, and the anti-Satanic cause - presumably - to this day.  And who RFK Jr. has helped in his life of anonymity.  And thus, may be supporting Hillary, and the NWO crowd, for secret purposes, in actually working for the Light.

At a time, now, when it would appear that everything is going to be revealed.

Secrets no longer.  As we move on, out of the Shadow of the Valley of Death.

So.  Robert F. Kennedy, Junior; to repeat, regarding true opposition or controlled opposition:     

Whose side are you - and the Kennedy clan at large - really on???

And can we get on with the end of the Illusion, now.  And to the beginning of 

the Real Thing????     

P.S. As for the 'principle' of 'everything being revealed,' in order for humanity to move into The Real Thing; and concerning the specific theme of this blog: 
     Research into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 'novel coronavirus' - in what is known as 'gain of function' studies - is uncovering the fact that it has been known about for some years (apparently developed in a bioweapons lab in 2015; with funding from several sources.  Including the U.S.).  
     Mistakenly released?  Or waiting to be deployed at an opportune time??   
     Opportune.  For a certain type of lethal human.....
     ,,,and resulting in the Crisis = Opportunity outcome of such policies as 'track and trace' - a 'contact tracing' system, in order to get as many people 'marked' as possible, that is totalitarian statism by stealth.  
     Otherwise known as '1984' on steroids. 

P.P.S. And to close with my response today to a friend's email describing how the Tanzanian president had submitted a bunch of CoVid-19 tests for analysis, where they all came back positive, for such actual entities as a goat, a paw paw, car oil, and on and ludicrously on:

"It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.

"They all need to be put away for a good long while.  Call it a quarantine, "until things are safe".

'They' of course being our Wannabe Masters.  Who know who 'they' are.  And so do we.  Increasingly. 

A silver lining to this terrible dark cloud hanging over humanity's head at this time.

But with a weather change coming through.

'Weather' you are ready or not.                          



(1) Anyone who has done any amount of research into the matter knows that the mortality figures for all the childhood diseases were going down before the advent of vaccines for them - and even of diseases for which there are no vaccines.  The causes: Better hygiene, cleaner water, better nutrition, etc.  And with better nutrition has come a strengthening of our immune systems, whereby if we are exposed to pathogens we can fight them off more successfully - and gain the benefit of antibodies/immunity to them, which, for rather pertinent example, a pregnant female can then pass on to her offspring, and thus protect them as infants until their own immune systems can mature sufficiently to protect themselves through their early years.  Vaccines can't/don't do that job.  Their effect is better described as sensitization rather than true, life-long immunization.
   But to continue. 

(2) Who stand to make huge amounts of money off of the push for mandated vaccines.  While their profits on drugs have been declining under the push for safer such products.  And which situation they are shielded from liability regarding their vaccine products because of the law involving such, which created a Vaccine Court, where any damages for vaccination-caused illness or death which manage to make it through that (loaded) vetting process are 'assigned' to the taxpayers.  Well, what self-respecting industry wouldn't want to concentrate on that part of their product line??
   And as for Monsanto, now under the name of the monolithic Bayer, producer of such as GMOs: I understand that farmers in various parts of the world are still committing suicide, for not being able to afford the cost of paying annually for their GM-patented seeds.  What a sweetheart deal that is. 
   Although not to all the parties in the deal.
   And shall we not go herein to the deaths caused in the likes of India as well by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's wonderful vaccine product that has caused untold numbers of paralysis???
   I guess no sense in overstating the case.  For the reasonably observant.

(3) Including the similarity between the Clinton Foundation-backed 'Children's Defense Fund' - which is softly softly backing vaccines, by producing materials labeled such as 'the problem with vaccine exemptions' - and the RFK Jr.-backed 'Children's Health Defense'.  Very similar packaging.
   Hard to tell the difference.

(4) And in this regard, I find it interesting how the word 'evil' is the reverse of the word 'live'.  As in living a full, Creator-ordained life; as opposed to the stunted, bioengineered life of an automaton.
   But to continue.

(5) There are simple atheists in the New World Order crowd, who have a beef with religionists.  Or at least, with Christians and how Christians have dominated life in the U.S. from its beginnings.  And so they wish that to be changed, as a set of values the 'weight' of they chafe under.  (Think the Bolsheviks of the former Soviet Union.)  But there are also outright satanists amongst them.  Who are committed to fundamental Rebellion, against the Will of our Creator Source.
   And you will know them by their poisoned fruits.

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