Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Here We Go Again:

And An Opportunity To Set
     The Record Straight

from TeaPartyorg.ning.com: ‘Former presidential advisor floats potential Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket in 2020’ - Admin Melony B. DeFord - May 5
(A writer during the Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations, Douglas McKinnon, has written in an op-ed published Saturday by The Hill that a Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket “may be an option if Biden drops out”.  His claim lies in the wording of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, and potential interpretation thereof.  My response (although it has yet to appear):)

Stan Stanfield - May 5

It might pay conservatives/constitutionalists to pay closer attention to the Constitution in any event.  That legal document - the law of the land - says that "No Person except a natural born Citizen...shall be eligible to the Office of President..."  That wording is rather straight-forward.  So all we have to do is see what the definition of a 'natural born' citizen is, as understood by the constitutional Framers.  And lo, there it is, in the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters: E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212; look it up).  A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  So that said person has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the country of one's birth AND PARENTAGE.  And that eligibility requirement for the office of the president of the United States STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. 

Barack Hussein Obama was not eligible to be either a candidate for, or occupant of, that particular federal office.  And when conservatives/constitutionalists wake up to this sordid fact, and do something about it - as they have had the responsibility to do all along - perhaps then we will get back under the RULE OF LAW in this country, capable of looking at other such issues.


But perhaps it is all moot now, anyway.

Still, it would be good to be acknowledged.  For the record.  If for nothing else.

Like, say, the effects of such sloppiness, regarding the duty of a self-governing people, under their rule of law ???

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