Let’s take a closer look at a couple of somewhat similar matters of life. First, let’s look at what is called ‘Western medicine’.
Health care in the West should more accurately, and reasonably, be called ill care. Consider. A disease - and let’s break that word down into its two syllables, to get a better idea of its essential meaning; i.e., dis-ease - is, more properly speaking, a) a symptom, b) of an underlying condition. An underlying causative condition. Treat at the level of the underlying, causative condition, and you eliminate the symptom. If you just treat at the symptomatic level, you are simply obscuring the underlying causative condition, and the symptom(s) will just come back.
Take atherosclerosis, a name given to fatty deposits on the arterial walls - mostly cholesterol - causing such other symptoms as high blood pressure, and, ultimately, heart attacks. I say “such other symptoms” because atherosclerosis is itself but a symptom. A main factor here is not so much ‘high cholesterol,’ but the nutritional deficiencies which are weakening the linings of the arterial system, and thus causing - there’s that operative word: ‘causing’ - the cholesterol to precipitate out of the bloodstream and fasten onto the linings, to act as a sort of Band-aid. To do its thing. One of its ‘things,’ in our systems. Treat the condition at the causative level, and you eliminate the problem of the symptom of arterial narrowing, which causes other symptoms of dis-ease.
Now. Let’s take Western civilization itself, as the ‘body’ in question.
Take money. More specifically, interest-bearing money.* It’s part of the circulatory process, in the Western world; but it builds up, and clogs the system, to the point where the Debt involved, in a causative condition of ‘money as debt,’ building up to unsustainable proportions, causes a critical condition to develop, which has traditionally been treated by creating wars, which help(s) to start the circulation going again. But which is not, in the end, a sustainable proposition.
Except for the ‘doctors’ ‘treating’ the various conditions thus created. These doctors known as bankers. And, considering the ‘body’ involved in this scenario, ka international bankers. And their associates, in the (artificial) world of finance, and corporations.
All, accretions on and to said system.
I’ve got a better idea.
And fortunately, it has occurred to others as well. In sum:
to treat at the level of the underlying, causative condition.
By eliminating ‘money as debt’.
And thus, beginning to soar, into a whole new world.
The New World.
Aborning. Before our very eyes.
For those who have the eyes to see the process unfolding.
The Process, properly speaking, of getting humanity to the first stage of
For those who can ‘get their minds’ around it.
In their level of consciousness.
To sustain them on that New Level.
By understanding -
really understanding -
how things work.
a closer look.
* And leave off for the moment the condition, and subject, of fiat money. That subject is not critical to this analysis, of a dis-ease. Although it is one of its own.
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