A Universal Basic Income. At a time of increasing automation. What could go wrong?
Plenty, given the current socio-econo-political circumstances.
Let’s take a look. Or rather, to start with: a listen. At such an offer:
Venture into the, er, offer. And ‘see’ if you can hear, faintly in the background, the sound of a steel door, gently closing. Shut. And locked. And the equally metaphorical, faint sound of a single word, then floating on the ethers:
In the trap of paying people not to work. A pittance - in a scarcity mentality of a society. But sufficient to get them to
take the bait.
And be dependent on the State forever after.
Or at least, for a good long while.
Of reflection.
‘Just a little while longer. While we come up with a nice vaccine for you. That you will need - for ‘good’ purposes, of course; given all these viruses floating around all the time, and all - to do business in our [version of a] New World. And then…
When all the time, a -
the real; not the fool’s gold counterfeit -
New World was waiting for you. Just on the other side of the current socio-econo-political circumstances.
A world of Abundance. And Harmony. And Balance. And Peace. In a word: A world of
Out of this 3D world. Of materialism.
This schoolroom. For apprentice gods.
And into the beckoning heights -
and heights beyond heights - of
The All That Is.
Just waiting. For
your free-willed decision.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the idea, the concept of a UBI. Or of a cashless society. Or of a number of other elements of a ‘high-tech’ world.
It all depends on whose hands they are in.
And thus, whose hands you are in. When you take
the bait.
Or what the Dark side would like you to think of as
the pie
in the sky.
Or evolution.
Your choice.
And - on a particularly Grand Scale -
for just a short while longer.
Before the Invitation -
like a Golden Chance -
passes you by.
All you have to do -
to know what to do -
and by when -
And hear,
not the sinisterly sibilant sound of a steel door gently closing shut.
But the sound
of freedom.
From the not-so merry go ‘round
of being dipped -
over and over, and over -
into the schoolroom.
The key to getting out of
being, not outside of you.
In, like, dependency on the state for your wellbeing.
But within you.
As a sovereign in your own
The condition just waiting for you
to wake up to.
And then act accordingly.
As a facet - a fractal, an aspect, a point of view, an expression -
of our Creator Source.
Just waiting for you to recognize
that Fact.
And start your journey
Home, again.
“On Thurs. 30 April Trump also entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release, which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note – now accepted for exchange internationally. Paymasters became liquid.
“From 1 May onward Intermediate Accounts that legally had to precede Tier 4b payout such as CMKX, Farm Claims, Native American settlements and sovereign accounts, were being paid out. The final release sequence was now underway through next week, with Tier 4b (Internet Group, us) expected to receive the 800#s for redemption appointments by Tues. 5 May…”
P.S. From inteldinarchroniclesdotblogspotdotcom for May 2:
“Judy Note: On Thurs. 30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law and on Fri. 1 May activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act, and then left for Camp David.
“On Thurs. 30 April Trump also entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release, which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note – now accepted for exchange internationally. Paymasters became liquid.
“From 1 May onward Intermediate Accounts that legally had to precede Tier 4b payout such as CMKX, Farm Claims, Native American settlements and sovereign accounts, were being paid out. The final release sequence was now underway through next week, with Tier 4b (Internet Group, us) expected to receive the 800#s for redemption appointments by Tues. 5 May…”
So: Let’s see what happens
And maybe -
just maybe -
we don’t need a UBI after all.
At least not in the way that it was being planned for.
By adversaries to
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