Anent my little dust-up yesterday with the, er, ‘well’-trained doctor:
If Western Medicine doctors were paid to keep us well, rather than sick, we would be kept well. Our system of ‘health’ care should rather be called ’sick’ care. As it is, we are ‘worth’ more to the economic system sick than well. It is a matter of incentives; and is a state of affairs that needs to be changed. And it will be, as we move out of the Age of Oil - on which Western medicine’s pharmaceutical products are based - and into the Age of what can be characterized as Free Energy.
It is part of not only where we are. But of who we are, fundamentally. As spiritual beings having a human experience.
And about to transcend that experience. And move out of the lower grade of the School that we are in.
Called the Creation.
And as we move out of this classroom Drama, and into the beginning grades of The Real Thing, those who have been playing parts on the Dark side - for the sake of the lessons to be learned therein - need to wake up to that fact, and release their identification with their role. Or be left behind, in the Graduation ceremony about to take place. And all those who have been playing parts on the side of what they have perceived to be the Light need to wake up to the larger reality. Of Truth. Of the larger facts of the matter, of The Process that we have been going through. Now coming to a Conclusion. And see where your real loyalty lies.
Just saying.
So, ‘lighten up,’ one and all. Or you will go down with the sinking ship, as it were.
As the rest of us learn better how to fly.
And may I be as clear an instrument of Thy Piece of Advice as possible, in this Process of Awakening. To our true natures.
And potential.
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