The male member of the trio of special souls who founded the spiritual community in the north of Scotland that I spent the better part of my adult life living and working in was asked, after it had gotten well off the ground and no longer needed his hands-on attention, to work the same sort of miracle and worthy cause in Hawaii, where a few of the ex-members of said community had returned to, after their spell of service to and experience in that particular New Age community - ’New Age’ in the sense that though it was founded on spiritual principles, it was non-denominational, of any particular religion; was founded on the belief that Humanity was entering a New Age, of consciousness, wherein and whereby we could and would live in a manner closer to the ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ that we are, and of right, ought to be. His efforts came to nought. How come?
It was basically because the young residents of Hawaii, by and large, were too laid back for that higher life-dedicated sort of thing, dedicated as they were rather to the hedonistic lifestyle of going to the beach, after working at whatever gave them creature-comfort sustenance, and spending the day surfing and then the night partying, and then the next day the same. And the next. And the next…
It has left me wondering if Americans will, by and large, succumb to the same sort of siren song, wherein and whereby, after playing right into the hands of their (very dedicated) Wannabe Masters in regards to the novel coronavirus ‘thing’ - which has brought the entire nation into their hands, without a shot being fired on either side (except the vaccine shot(s) waiting for the dumbed-down herd,* as the coup de grace to their incarceration) - they will buy into the idea of a secular-state system of Universal Basic Income (UBI).
Secular. Or outright satanic.
Consider. Please: If the great swath of a people will, er, ‘earn’ more by not working than by working, guess what the great swath of them will do. Time’s up. (Literally.) A: They will not work. And thereby, they will be herded into the corral having been set for them, by said WMs, as cattle, dependent on ‘the State’ for their sustenance. And the whole of Western civilization, with its emphasis on the value and rights of the Individual as over and against the power of the Collective/State to rule over the Individual, will fall into the hands of their WMs like a ripe fruit.
Or like the dumb animals that they are being treated as. As we speak.
As. We. Speak.
Is there anything wrong in principle with the idea of a UBI? No. As I have mentioned before in these pages, recently. And as I said then: It all depends on whose hands such a form of society is in.
A form. Of order.
As in the New World Order. With its reliance on Force to get the cattle - I mean The People - to obey their betters - I mean their benefactors.
Or as in the reverse image of said Order. To say:
The Real Thing.
Based, not on Force. But on -
well. You get the idea.
I hope.
And in time.
To join those of us who are, at this juncture point in life on Planet Earth,
going Up.
Not back.
Into the maelstrom. Sucking souls down, and down, and down. Into the heart of
* And the same for many other nations; whose political leaders have been ‘caught’ mouthing the Illuminati’s party line, about the same ‘logistics’ and ‘vaccines’ awaiting their sectors of The Herd.
‘Caught,’ by those who have ears to hear.
P.S. I see that the mainstream social media sites are banning Dr. Judy Mikovits' video 'Plandemic 1'. For not being "authentic" info. As in 'authorized'.
As in propaganda.
Speaking of the secular/satanic version of a New World Order.
P.S. I see that the mainstream social media sites are banning Dr. Judy Mikovits' video 'Plandemic 1'. For not being "authentic" info. As in 'authorized'.
As in propaganda.
Speaking of the secular/satanic version of a New World Order.
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