Time for some clarity on a number of ‘fronts’ of the current war going on, between, roughly speaking, the Left and the Right, in both the U.S. and the world at large. To take some of the specifics of the war front in the U.S. first.
There is a lot of talk these pandemic/quarantine days about certain things being ‘unconstitutional’. Like governors of Democrat-controlled states making seemingly arbitrary decisions regarding Quarantine/Stay-at-Home procedures in their states, and their critics on the Right citing their ‘First Amendment rights’ in response. How did we get so far off the track in this country about such things?? Well, it’s obvious: 1) Our education systems, and 2) our MSM.
Read the First Amendment. It starts out saying: “Congress shall make no law respecting…” etc. etc. The Bill of Rights is a set of principles being denied the federal government to have jurisdiction over, as an example of such rights and powers; as clarified by both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. The federal government being one of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. The U.S.A. being a federal constitutional republic; not a national, centralized form of government. So, unenumerated powers have to be secured to the citizens of the several states by their state constitutions.
Now, the 14th Amendment brought about a change in focus, limiting the several states in certain terms of what they can and cannot do regarding their citizens, who are also citizens of the U.S. But those terms are limited to those specifically noted in that Amendment. And one of those terms is that the several states shall not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” and that could reasonably be assumed to cover such measures as the states arbitrarily choosing ‘winners ‘ and ‘losers’ in regards to which businesses or assemblies of groups (like churches) can be opened in a blanket quarantine(1) and which are banned from doing so. And so to that extent - and the ‘extent’ of the other terms in the 14th Amendment - the federal government can override the states. But basically in our form government, the several states rule on such matters as have been brought up in regards to this, er, ‘Plandemic’.
Thus, Pres. Trump has been right to leave it up to the several states to determine their own responses to the - declared - pandemic.(2)
But there is an area where the First Amendment can reasonably be called into play. And that has to do with all of the censoring of conservative perspectives from our mainstream social media platforms going on. Where comments are being eliminated - as in any self-respecting totalitarian state, like Red China - simply on the basis of their being “offensive” - to TPTB. As in, conservative perspectives.(3) Pres. Trump has some room to maneuver in this matter, as such platforms fall under regulation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and there is something called The Open Forum Law 230 that he can act under.
But, then, with a larger take on this picture, we can see that it’s time for a fundamental change in operations on the planet anyway. That The Process - of consciousness unfoldment - has gone far enough on this level of the process - now that things have been taken to the global level - and therefore it is time for a fundamental Change. When we will move beyond the functioning level of such as constitutions anyway. And come under the rule of alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.
And thus, for surprises for those on both sides of The Drama that we have been engaged in. Since neither side - being the ‘side’ of some thing, some Process - has held the full Truth of
the Matter.
The matter, of the Purpose of Life. Which I have described in the following summation:
‘Life is a school. And the Purpose is
to graduate.’
Or fail to. This Go ‘Round.
For those who fail to make the grade this time ‘round:
Better luck next time.
Since we are all made of
the Right Stuff.
(1) And what is this business of blanket quarantines all about, anyway? As one alt media source has said: “Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.”
(2) Which anyone checking the alt media could find out for themselves has been inflated all out of legitimate shape, with ‘false positives’ galore in the number of persons having the virus in the first place and the numbers of deaths legitimately recorded from it in the second. Making it a pandemic rather than more similar to a flu, for political reasons. Another subject.
(3) Where such censorship has gotten to the point whereby when someone posted an article on Brighteon.com, which has been set up by Dr. Mike Adams to get around the censoring going on on the mainstream media platforms, Facebook then dropped that source from their site. In sympathy with their comrades over at Google.
Such is the extent that this arrogant totalitarian control, and mentality, has gotten in this country. Which is a signal, that things have gone far enough, along these lines, in this country, of all countries - the last bastion of freedom/‘essential liberty’ in the world.
But to continue.
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