Wednesday, 20 May 2020

The Right Idea

People of a certain age will know the song that goes ‘Your lips tell me no-no but there’s yes-yes in your eyes’.  President Trump: Your lips tell us one thing, but your actions tell us another.

Item.  A vaccine - or vaccines - for the (by-now obviously overegged) CoVid-19 pandemic, with all of its ancillary people-control measures.  With door-to-door ‘contact tracers’ to be accompanied by the military.  And an enormous prison being built - underground, to say, surreptitiously, out of sight - in Colorado.  Complete with guillotines (according to truckers involved in this clandestine activity).

Item.  We are being told - by the (monopolistic) MSM, in near lockstep - that “the CoVid-19 virus may never disappear”.  
     Right.  Got it.  A state of Perpetual Lockdown, then.  Masks and Social Distancing (the latter, to keep groups from forming.  Of whomsoever) forever and ever, amen.

Well, forget the ‘amen;’ right?  Because there is no God, in this New World aborning.  Well, you can think of the state as your god; right?  And in fact, you should.  Because it is to be the equivalent.   And you will obey the state.  'Or we will take all your privileges away from you.  And even your organs, before dispensing with you.'  The Red Chinese having the Right Idea about these sorts of things, according to their belief system.  Your ‘Social Credit’ score, and all.  As a good little ward of the state.

Everybody a winner.  If you obey, of course.  The almighty State.  Otherwise, fuhgeddaboutit. 

As for those beginning to awaken to what is going on within their 'ranks' - the wolves having crept, and so meticulously careful, amongst them - I see how such Undeplorables as Hillary are saying that Lockdown protestors are, quote, “domestic terrorists”.*

Well, of course.  They would say that, wouldn’t they. 

As for ‘they.  I see that, for one example, Gov. Inslee of the state of Washington, as reported by a citizen of said state, wants restaurants to spy on customers by gathering personal info and turning it over to his people, and has said that he will take people out of their homes who are not cooperating with the ‘contact tracers’ going door-to-door in ’his’ cities - with military back-up - and put them in undisclosed camps.  That would be FEMA camps; right, Guv?  To be known as ‘Medical Martial Law Camps’??  With no actual medical facilities present.   But with guillotines at your service???

Not to mention what is going on in other Democrat-controlled states and cities, especially California and New York.  Which amounts to insurrection.  And so would give some semblance of cover to such other intriguing reports as how federal agencies are quietly being fitted up with weaponry.  But what actually is that all about, Pres. Trump?  Like the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Being fitted up with guns, bulletproof vests, tear gas, hollow point bullets, etc. etc.  Which could be signaling either of two scenarios.  Either the expectations of the federal government, under the White Hat of Pres. Trump, in the reining in of renegade States who have succumbed to the siren song of the New World Order crowd.  Or said government expecting an uprising, of more widespread response.  By what could be called, in a word, Patriots.  In a major outpouring of civil disobedience, to the overthrow of the Republic going on.  In a marriage between the far Left and the far Right.  As the Divide-and-Conquer ’base of operations’ of the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power, not only in this country, but in the world…

I think that you need to make your intentions more clear, Pres. Trump.

Your real intentions.

And soon.

Very.  Very.  Soon.

* Which can be translated as saying ‘Hold still while we condition you to your subjection, and consolidate our hold over you’.

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