Thursday, 14 May 2020

BS Detector At The Ready

On my daily walk today (yesterday, now), instead of taking a shorter one with the family dog, as normal, because he was showing definite signs of wanting rather just to hang out with members of the family out sunning themselves on the front lawn - we live in a rather practical, agenda-free state, which only has guidelines regarding numbers of persons in a group and some Social Distancing awareness, and where many stores are open for business - I took advantage of the somewhat ‘gift’ and went for a longer walk, up the nearby canyon.  On the trail heading into it I happened to see the capital letters having been sprayed on the edge of the path, of ‘BS’.  Now, that, of course, could have meant any number of things.  But I chose to take it as a very fitting sign, of what is going down in the country at large these days, and in particular, in my former home state, of California.  Which I apparently escaped from just in time, it would appear, more, and more.  Consider:      

“We’re not going back to normal,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared at a recent press conference.  Well, he got that right.  He continued: “It’s a new normal…until we get to immunity and a vaccine.”  Well, he got that wrong.

Let’s look at this virus picture.

1) The FDA has not cleared test kits for the CoVid-19 infection, leaving it up to the manufacturers to validate their product.  Which is to ask the fox to guard the henhouse.  Meaning, that the test kits - which up ’til now have registered false positives both in general and for the likes of goats and birds and paw paws - can’t be trusted to give legitimate readings.  So from them, we will continue to have inflated figures for infection rates, hence a declared ‘pandemic’.  For ulterior purposes.  But to continue with this listing of telltale evidences of BS.

2) The medical authorities, with their announced guidelines, are allowing a policy of ’presumptive diagnosis’.  Which also means that the infection-rate figures will be inflated, since they have already allowed a ‘presumption’ of said infection beyond a proven such case (mostly because the hospitals get more money for a CoVid-19 infected patient than any other kind of flu or similar case, like pneumonia).(1)  

3) Multiple causes of death have been lumped as caused by the CoVid-19 infection, for similar reasons to the above.  (When the patient may have died with the virus, but not from the virus.)  And, of course, because the NWO crowd wants this ‘pandemic’ to continue, since it serves their purposes well.  Of People Control.  While they take over this country, and the planet.  

4) The guidelines for declaring ‘all clear’ are rigged, for requiring not just actual CoVid-19 symptoms to be coming well down, but as well “flu-type symptoms”.  Which will always be present.  So, this is pure BS.
     And most particularly:      

5) The virus has already mutated.  That means that, if we were to wait for a vaccine to deal with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its CoVid-19 infection, we would always be chasing a valid vaccine for it.  Which means that we would be, in effect, in a state of constant lockdown.  ('Your paper, please.')  Which, of course, may well be the point for the NWO crowd, in their long-standing attempts to take over this country, on their way to taking over the planet as a whole.  But it won’t happen.

Because God is taking over now.  And that state of affairs on Planet Earth emphasizing, in alignment with the U.S. ‘declaration,’ the principle that our rights - as 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - come essentially from God.  Not Mammon.

It has meant, in effect, up ’til now, the difference between constitutional law, as particularly exemplified by the United States of America, and what is called ‘communitarian law,’ as practiced in many European countries, and as given lip service in socialist/communist countries.

Which now brings up my final point for this particular blog.  Of how so many Americans don’t understand their present form of government, regarding what is loosely called ‘our constitutional rights’.  Which, of course, is a sad commentary on our educational system in this country.  Whose citizenry have been dumbed down so terribly that they seem hardly to ‘get’ facts any longer.(2)  A few of which on this particular subject are:

1) that our form of government in the U.S. is a federal form, wherein and whereby the federal government is one of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,’ in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  Thus the often-used term of ‘enumerated powers'; and

2) that the Bill of Rights is an expression of some examples of rights and powers not deeded in and by the Constitution to the federal government - as summarized in the 9th and 10th Amendments thereof; and   

3) that the 14th Amendment does not say, in effect, ‘All the rights and powers formerly reserved to the Sates or to the people shall now reside in the federal government’.  Its terms are limited in their scope, as clarified in the record of its intentions.  Our basic rights and powers need to be secured for us in our individual State constitutions.(3)  
   The States being valuable laboratories for experimentation in such matters.  Thus, the majority of citizens of one State, as determined by legitimate vote (and as adjudicated upon by a legitimate court system), may be more inclined to be more conservative, or liberal, than the majority of the citizens of a nearby State, which difference will be reflected in their laws (and subject to interpretation in relation to their state constitution).  Which is why such SCOTUS decisions as Roe v. Wade, on the subject of abortion, was in error.  Such matters are not among the ‘enumerated powers of the federal government to adjudicate upon.           

But, that’s alright.  Because we are now going to move beyond this preliminary, classroom-form of government.  Into

The Real Thing.  Because

it’s that time. And Time.

And just in time, it would appear.  More, and more.

P.S. What would I do, in this calamitous time?  I would start by doing what Pres. Trump has set up as his constitutional - or at least presumptively legal - prerogative.  Declare Martial Law.  And change BS to OK.  By, among other things, a) finishing the Declass process; b) unsealing and acting on all the unsealed indictments that have slowly been accumulating; c) getting the various cures and treatments (including immune-system enhancements) for the virus out to the public immediately; d) arresting and holding for trial all child sex traffickers and abusers (including users of criminally-obtained adrenochrome) who are not covered by the sealed indictments, and ditto for all the miscreants involved in the attempt to take down a duly elected president; e) eliminating the invasion of this country by illegal aliens and faux refugees,(4) and the threat of foreign and domestic forces specifically intent on doing this country harm; and f) engaging in all other measures necessary to Set Things Right.  And thus, stop living as though there were no God.  As we are doing, largely, at present.  For having such nearsightedness as not being able to see
     the larger picture.        


(1) And there’s that ‘making money’ factor again, as I remarked on in my last blog: how it has distorted our social order so terribly, in becoming, in our minds, ‘the purpose of life’.  Grrrr…….  

(2) Have you seen that video where an interviewer randomly stops passersby on a street of some American city and asks them to identify various countries on a flat map of the world that the interviewer points to with a baton, and to a person they are consistently stumped to identify any???
   But then, if you want to eliminate nation-states, and have the world be ruled from the top down merely by regions, one of the major points of, er, 'education’ would be to eliminate any decent sense of Geography in your target population.  So, that’s alright, then.

(3) A case can be made that the Second Amendment has to do with individual rights, and was just reflecting an assumption that it applied to the citizens of all the States.  But then, one can say the same for all the other items in the Bill.  And that is an assumption only.

(4) Anyone who has seen the pictures of hordes on their way to this country, as happened as well to Europe, will know what I mean by the word 'invasion'.  And bringing justice to this  malignant matter includes bringing it to the organizers and enablers thereof.

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