Saturday, 9 May 2020

On Underlying Causes

I have just returned from taking the family dog out for a walk, on my own such daily outing, where we went around a local reservoir, jam-packed with people kayacking, paddle boarding, fishing, sunning, bathing, playing games on the surrounding lawns - a typical image on such a warm, sunny, late-spring day.  This is in the state of Utah, where there is still a warning to keep groups to no more than ten persons, but otherwise, the lockdown that the people in so many other states (not-so-curiously almost al of which are governed by Democrats) are experiencing is, in  word, onerous.  And in another word: ominous.  Threatening, of terrible things to come.

Take my home state of California, and former state of residence until half a year ago.  Apparently I got out of there just in time.  In returning home from my walk, and going online, I have come across a report that California’s (Democrat) governor Newsom has said that the lockdown in ‘his’ state will stay in effect until the (mandatory) vaccines are ready.  This, in a state where there is so much free prophylaxis and treatment for the novel coronavirus, in the form of vitamin D.(1)  Just outside their lockdowned doors.  Inside of which the immune systems of the residents of ‘his’ state are deteriorating, both from lack of the aforementioned vitamin and the stimulation that our immune systems get from our daily interactions with our surroundings - and from the drain on them from the mental and emotional exacerbations placed on people from the drawn-out incarceration.

And please don’t try the argument on me that such people as Gov. Newson are using, that they are looking out for the welfare of their residents.  Number one: Quarantines are usually for those people who are sick from a communicable disease and being kept isolated away from the healthy.  Number two: Those ‘healthy’ are healthy for a reason.  The main one of which is their ‘state’ of nutrition.  And if they are exposed to a communicable disease, they build antibodies to it, and thereby gain lifelong immunity.(2)  And if someone is not sufficiently healthy to keep the communicable disease at bay, er, ‘naturally,’ there are such natural substances as vitamin D to help them, both in the way of prophylaxis and in the way of treatment.

Take this current coronavirus making the rounds.  Forget for the moment that the evidence points to it as having been manmade, and thus being a bioweapon: The information has surfaced that a particular ‘cocktail’ has worked extremely well in helping people get over a bout of this virus.  That cocktail being the (anti-malarial) drug hydroxychloroquine, the (antibiotic) drug azithromycin - and zinc.  With the zinc component often overlooked in reports on the efficacy of this treatment.  Which is a shame, because zinc is a vital ingredient both to this treatment and to our health in general against such as viruses.  Zinc is a natural inhibitor to replication of such viruses, and thus, is important as a stand-alone treatment in its own right - and as a preventive substance in the first place.

So, we have now talked about both vitamin D and zinc as major natural substances in the prevention and the treatment of this virus.  There is also reference in the literature to the efficacy of large doses of intravenous vitamin C (which treatment has also been reported in the literature in the past as being effective even against polio, e.g.).  And beyond these treatments, there are such immune-enhancing substances as elderberry extract, quercetin, iodine, ozone, colloidal silver, MMS, - oh, the list goes on, of immune-system enhancers.  But I won’t get bogged down here with such details, about which information, in any event, one can access via a good naturopath, or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath.  Which brings up a general, not a detail, matter.  

That of underlying causation.

The bottom line: We have been tricked into looking to what is (for good reason) called Big Pharma for our wellbeing, which is actually our illbeing; as the modern health care industry is actually a sick care industry, with Big Pharma gorging on its enormous profits from same.  Which has nothing to do with a sane approach to the matter of our health.  Drugs being an outgrowth of the Big Oil industry, and that approach to ‘medicine’ having been introduced into our U.S. medical schools back at the beginning of the 20th century by David Rockefeller, as a financial inducement to said medical schools to teach their graduates to use Big Oil’s petroleum-based products in plying their profession.  Not to belittle the  contribution that such training has done in the matter of health care.  For example, two of the ingredients of the above-mentioned cocktail used, with excellent results, in the treatment of CoVid-19 being such products.  But how much better we would be off regarding such health matters if we concentrated on working with Nature in obtaining true wellbeing, than succumbing to the products of a profit-driven industry, whose bottom line has been their profits, rather than our health.

Which brings up the larger picture: of how we have gotten so far off our ’center’ by such lures as making a ‘profit’ on our interactions with one another, rather than being guided, and motivated, by the concept that We Are All One, in a larger scheme of things than just our little material existence.  Wars, e.g., being an outcome not just of our higher-primate. brute mentality, but of our not believing in a larger reality, of which we are all a vital Part - OR

from a belief in a larger reality that makes one grouping of people feel superior to others; and being guided in justification of their belief in, and perhaps even by, their god to impose their will on others  

as a consequence.

Or being guided by the ‘god’ of any belief system; such as dialectical materialism/communism. 

So.  Both sides of the current faceoff in life - i.e., roughly speaking, capitalism and communism; on the one hand, the ‘’enthronement’ of the Individual, and on the other hand, the ’enthronement’ of the Collective - need to awaken to said larger picture.  And move from a ‘state’ of thesis squaring off with antithesis to a -

the -

’state’ of Synthesis.  And now, with things - the Process - having been ‘raised’ to the global level, that ‘state’ being 

the final


In perfect alignment with the Will, not just of our Creator Source.  But of

The All That Is.  Above which there is no


To make a learning Exercise of the Process of coming back to a state of


after an adventure in

Of which we ’spiritual beings having a human experience’ are all capable. 

Being the ‘chips off the old block’ that we all are.

And of right, ought to be.  And will be.  Once we let our little wills get out of the way.  And accept  



And Way.

P.S. And whatever you do, in this whole Drama: Do not ‘take the pill,’ in the form of the vaccine(s) that your wannabe Masters are preparing for you (or already have).  It is not for your, or our, good.
     But theirs.   


(1) It turns out that vitamin D suppresses the ’cytokine storm’ that is a particular problem in many of the CoVid-19 cases.  

(2)  Which the pregnant females can then pass on to their offspring, and thus protect them during their infancy until their own immune systems can can kick in, and take over the job.  Another, although relevant, subject in itself.

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