Monday, 25 May 2020

On Honesty - Integrity - Truth

A friend very recently remarked on my 'harping' (my word) on the issue of BHO's ineligibility for the office of the presidency and the need for that error and crime against the nation's 'rule of law' to be addressed and set to rights, because the issue came up in the course of our email correspondence.   It happens to correlate to my receipt of a request in the snail mail a couple of days ago from the Heritage Foundation to join - actually, to rejoin, but their computer apparently doesn't recognize that fact - their organization.  I have sent them notes in the past on this subject, in the category of both active- and post-membership, with no response but continued mailings from their computer (until 'it' noticed that I had stopped making financial contributions to their organization, and so dropped me from their 'active' file).  I have, therefore, no particular expectation that another written response from me will actually be read by either Kay C. James, President of the HF - over whose signature the letter has been sent, and was couched to have been written by - or the office person opening my mailed response (in an envelope that I marked 'Correspondence Enclosed,' in an attempt to get beyond mere automaton-like reception).  However, one must do what one can do.  This response from me - because the issue is still 'in play,' both as to my reason for not choosing to (re)join their august organization and as to unfinished business of the American Republic - reads as follows:

'Dear Kay,

'For all the good that the HF has done and is doing, it let the side down terribly when it failed to call BHO and the DNC on his ineligibility for the office of POTUS.*

'If the eligibility requirements for the office of the very presidency of the U.S. are ignored, then everything else in the Constitution is up for grabs, and it has become a dead letter.

'That hijack must not be allowed to stand.

'You call yourselves "the largest and most respected conservative organization in America".  I ask:

'If not you, who???



'* For not being a 'natural born' citizen.  See E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  It has to do with both location of one's birth and one's parents - plural.


And this is all by way of ignoring the serious questions regarding the validity of his birth certificate, as posted online by him in response to questions regarding it.  Which document has brought up questions regarding both his actual place of birth, and his actual birth parents.  For, if said document is in question, as much evidence on it attests to, then all of its contents are in question.  Which enhances the, er, legitimacy of some questions on the Internet regarding both his actual birth father and mother.  The case for his actual birth father being, not just for BHO Sr., but either Frank Marshall Davis - his high school communist mentor - or Malcolm X; and the case for his actual birth mother being, not just for Stanley Ann Dunham, but for a communist groupie of Malcolm X's, a young Jewish woman from the NYC area, with, that 'case' goes, BHO Jr./Barry Soetoro having been 'parked' with a less-conspicuous family in the communist community, for activating later, in their agenda for overthrow of the American Republic, and its replacement by a clone of Red China.  

But not to get into too much speculation in this blog.  Sufficient, in it, to stay with the serious question addressed in the main body of it, as to this man's eligibility - to say, ineligibility - for that particular office, and particularly powerful office.  And if it turns out that he is, after all is said and done regarding the Truth of this, as for all things to be outed, a 'natural born' citizen of the U.S., then he is, at the least, guilty of fraud, perjury, and treason.

So, let everything be revealed.  As to the Truth of this particular matter.  As for all matters.  As we move out of the shadow of the Grand Play.  And into the sunlit highlands of

The Real Thing.

For more on which, another time.

Coming up.

Very soon.

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