There Is Also Perfect Justice
because there is Plan in and Purpose to the life experience. Which is characterized in large part by the quality of Love. But also by that of Truth. And it is in that latter quality of spirit that I wish to make something perfectly clear. To wit:
I am not interested in giving any support to the agenda of the New World Order crowd who are behind so much of what is going down these transitional days, so I won’t play into the Politically Correct game. I will just say, and point out, that we are on our way to a better world than this one which we are now rapidly leaving behind, and all of us Players on the Stage of Life can feel good about that, and celebrate that. As we move on out from under the dark clouds which have developed over us, and engage in the birth of the rightful (to say Synthesis-generated) New. As opposed to the Dark-side version of a New World Order that was threatening to engulf not just the U.S.A. but the world, as part of The Process that we have been involved in.
The Process of civilizing us. And awakening us to our full potential. As apprentice gods. Capable of creating either Order or Disorder. Good or Bad. And learning, in our classroom of Life - this matrix; this hologram - the consequences of either direction.
At this point, I wish to clarify something in particular. Yes, we have had ‘free will’. But only in a classroom setting. The Creation is Just. And so, our free will is tempered by - controlled by - a Law. Which we call Karma. So that we learn the consequences of our actions, by experiencing them ourselves, via a return to this classroom - the site of our education - and engaging in The Plan to the extent of balancing out our actions, until we are released from that particular lesson.
This notion is contained in the following meme:
‘As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally. For, We Are all One. And All IS One.’
You will note that that ‘truism’ is very similar to what is called the Golden Rule, just taken a step further. Which reference brings up the subject of what is called the Bible; and what do I think of it.
Long story short:
I personally do not relate to the god of the Old Testament - all that violence and vengeance; think it was simply a tribal god, one of a number at the time, and as well-researched, in my opinion, by Zechariah Sitchin, in his study into the records of the ancient Sumerians.(1) And as for the so-called New Testament, my reading into that matter, over many years and many sources, has ‘informed’ me that the god-man called Jesus was a fictional character, part of a complex plot by members of the imperial family of the Roman emperor of the time, known as the Flavians, and particularly including an adopted member of the clan, a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus (hence known to history as Josephus Flavius), to get the Jews to stop with their incessant rebelling against the might of Rome primarily because of their belief in a Messiah, or Anointed One, who would come and help them defeat their enemies; the pacifistic messianic figure of Jesus - who ‘predicted’ the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there by the emperor’s son Titus, as fruit of the futility of standing against Rome, by writing about it in the NT terms after the fact - designed primarily to get the Jews to change their ways. (And undoubtedly, in Josephus’s mind, in order to ‘live to fight another day,’ as he was a member of the Jewish priestly lineage, and saw the futility for his fellow Jews of a frontal assault against the might of Rome of the time.)(2)
But - given that there is Plan in and Purpose to life - there has to be some good reason that this religion kicked off this Age; and has lasted this long. So I don’t reject ‘the People of the Book’ totally. But will say, and to conclude:
Something more is going on here, now, than anything simply from our historical past on this planet; which fairly has been called the Planet of Choice. I would say that that has to do with moving out of the mentality of fiction - a story to engage in, for education’s sake - and into the consciousness of fact - of Truth. And that new state of affairs for Homo sapiens sapiens is signaled
not just by all the evidence that is in by now of the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma, but
by the ‘fact’ that we can now move out from under the ‘fiction’ - story-telling - device of usury -
now with the advent of an Era of Abundance, accessed from our technological ability to create things out of our very atmosphere, and material wealth -
and start exploring the Creation from a base of -
somewhat ironically -
enough gold for all of Earth’s inhabitants to live at a base level of comfort while we go exploring further in our dimension.(3)
And beyond.
Those of Us who qualify, that is to say. By graduating from this 3D elementary-school stage of
The Course.
P.S. And further for clarity's sake: All those who have engaged in acts of violence, including looting and the destruction of statues and monuments, in order to advance along The Path with the rest of us graduates, need to make amends for it. That could take the form of paying for their looting and arson and such on the one hand and on the other hand, paying for the replacement of statues and monuments (and subsequent takedown by lawful means, if that is desired by the appropriate authorities involved), and/or helping in their replacement, for some instant karma. For, your personal energy signature will not allow you to stay in the New Field. As with child sex abusers (including, of course, their murder), and other miscreants of all stripes.
To move into The New is to qualify to pass through a Ring Pass Not. So I urge one and all to clean up their act. In this Play that we have been given, by which to raise our consciousnesses. Sufficiently to move further on
The Path.
(1) Those ‘gods’ being ’Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came’: the Anunnaki, from a planet - called Nibiru - on an eccentric/elliptical orbit around our Sun, passing through this neighborhood (actually, through what has become, from a collision in the long past, the asteroid belt) every 3600 years (and hence the basis for the Sumerians’ counting system). On one of its Rounds, ‘ancient astronauts’ from it came down to our planet, particularly on a search for gold (which they needed to somehow stabilize their atmosphere, as that record indicates), and, tiring of the heavy work to mine it, created modern Homo sapiens sapiens, after a merging of their DNA with that of the native hominids, primarily to do the ‘heavy lifting’ for them. This may sound, at first blush, like a recipe for atheism - a form of purely material evolution. But we in this Third dimension are simply vessels, vehicles for spirit to incarnate through and engage in our educational pursuits, in the equivalent of elementary school.
But to continue, here, for now.
(2) And who, along with a goodly number of his Jewish priestly-lineage mates (and their families), whom he was able to bring to safety with him under the wing of the Roman imperial eagle, may well have lived long enough to see the beginnings of his dream, when the members of the Flavian clan - contrary to the ‘official’ story about Christianity starting amongst the poor of the Roman Empire - became the first bishops and families of the new imperial religion. Including his Jewish priestly brethren. And who therefore numbered among the first Christians; and were the reason that the bishops of Rome became the leaders of the new religion, and, in short order, caused their position to ‘rule the roost’ by declaring the role not to be hereditary but by appointment. And thus did the Jews command the heights of the new religion; and, indeed, ‘live to fight another day’.
And get caught out for it in our day, of the outing of the rule of Truth to prevail on Earth, as it does in Heaven. But to continue.
(But for this angle on these things, see esp. ’The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ by Acharya S/D.M. Murdock; ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill; and ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiray Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.)
(3) Part of the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) that is about to kick in. As part of something called NESARA/GESARA. On all of which, more at another time.
Including where all the gold is coming from, to inaugurate The (rightful) New.