Friday, 31 July 2020

On Devious Intentions, & Others

‘It’s outrageous!  That damn dictator - he can’t postpone the elections.  It’s against the effing Constitution!  We’ve gotta organize - ‘


‘ - what?’

‘Wait a sec.  What’d you just say?’

‘What?  I said he can’t do that.  It’s just - ‘

‘No.  What’d you say after that?’

‘What?? I said, uh, that, it’s illegal.  He can’t just do that.’

‘You said, "It’s against the Constitution."'

‘Yeah.  So… - What??’

‘That damn sonuvabitch.  He just played us.’

‘ - What’re you talking about?’

‘Here we are, trying to create a climate for arbitrary law, as in the Lockdown; trying to get us out from under the Constitution, so we can take over - and he’s getting us to defend the damn thing.  To reference it.’  

‘...Do you really think - ‘

‘Yes I do.  Quick - we’ve gotta get hold of our people in the CIA and have’em put out a 4am line for spinning this thing without referencing the Constitution.  Just play the dictator angle.  And we’ve got to stop taking about the Constitution in general.  That just brings up things regarding that damn piece of paper - brings it into the picture, and in a way contrary to our best interests.’

‘But - how do we get him impeached, then?  That requires reference to the Constitution.’

‘Things have gone far beyond that tactic, now.  This play of his means that he is on to us, to our game plan.  We’ve got to move to Plan B.’ 

‘…I see what you mean.  But…if he’s on to that part of our game plan, …’ 

Well spotted.  But guess what.

Too late.  

About the whole enterprise.  Of taking down the United States, under the cover of the ‘pandemic’ Lockdown.  And attempting to squelch the reports of successful treatments for the virus - 

which is actually proving to be merely in the ballpark of a seasonal flu anyway - 

until both the Elections, in order to steal them, via your Mail-In Voting and Ballot Harvesting measures, and until a vaccine can be come up with, to set up a digital Mark of the Beast - 

to squelch such treatments and reports of them due to your near-monopoly of the mainstream and social medias, and the venality of Big Pharma, playing right into your hands.

Although, to be more accurate, it is a matter of the likes of Big Pharma using the Marxists to play into their hands.  The hands of the real movers and shakers to this enterprise.

And not to mention the Power behind even them.  In a world run by money.  To say: Power.  And Power Over.

And not to mention the Power behind even It.  In a world run by Love.  To say: Power With, and Within.

As The Play works its way out to its

Conclusion.  And we prepare - are prepared - for

The Great Awakening.

Utilizing the intentions of the Dark forces against them; as in a form of martial arts.

Call it spiritual martial arts.  And it’s really quite ingenious, this education curve

for apprentice gods.

Call it a physical Law.  As in a form of 

Conservation of Power.


P.S. And speaking of the Constitution, and its application; a word on it, and to close out my reference to it a couple of blogs ago:
     And if it turns out that BHO is, after all, a ‘natural born’ citizen - by virtue of the fact that his actual birth father was either (American citizens) Frank Marshall Davis or Malcolm X (and even if his actual birth mother was an American Jewish groupie of the Malcolm X brigade). the level of arrogance of our Wannabe Masters is such that I wouldn’t be surprised if they attempted to pull an act of chutzpah on us cattle, in arguing in court (before a likeminded judge??  No longer) to the effect of the classic definition of that word: describing the audacity of a young man who kills both of his parents and then pleads for clemency on the grounds that he is an orphan.  ‘So see:  Barry - er, Barack Obama is a natural born citizen after all, and so was entirely eligible to occupy that office.’  So yes.  And then he is up for charges of fraud, perjury, - and still, 

On Things Heating Up

From ‘The Scope of the Civil War Is Rapidly Growing!  America’s Infrastructure Is Under Attack’ - Dave Hodges - July 31
(Reprinted basically in full, so no article quote marks used, just within it.)

While America is still coming to grips with the national house arrest of all citizens except rioters and casinos, the country remains largely ignorant about how far the new Civil War (2) has progressed. 

The Children's Crusade Against the Republic

Mao dispatched young girls armed with knives to attack people who were not on board with his revolution. The same tactic is being employed by the left, but hammers have replaced knives. All segments of our population are being forced to take sides in this growing conflict. 

From Sunrise Movement:

“This is not just an uprising, it’s a mothafucking haunting. We will march to their homes at midnight so they understand that we are wide awake to their role in crafting this nightmare. When they try to dine at restaurants we’re forced to work at — despite the risk of COVID — because our unemployment is ending, we will not serve them. When they do nothing to stop federal agents from snatching us off the streets, when they force us to go back to school in unsafe conditions, when they do nothing to stop our democracy from crumbling, we will bang on their doors from dusk until dawn and make them hear us. We will make their lives a waking nightmare until they stand with us or give way to the power of the people and the vision we have for a new world.”

The Left has activated young girls, armed with hammers, to come to neighborhoods to inflict damage and death. Millie Weaver and Infowars have exposed the plot. The youth have begun attacking businesses and their employees. However, this element of the new Civil War (2) is not confined to the youth. These youth are being deployed to attack people in suburbia but also they are expected to attack infrastructure sites such as power poles, water treatment, etc. 

Truckers Under Attack

With the growing crime wave in America, the nation's truckers are still expected to deliver goods to very dangerous areas in cities where there is not police protection. Increasingly, truckers are expected to brave trhe dangers of no police. Many truckers are saying this is not worth it and are walking away. The terrorism being directed against truckers is an actual attack upon infrastructure. Without truckers, the just in time deliveries will end. Food shortages will appear immediately. Necessary supplies need to keep the grid up and running will be in short supply. In short, this is an attack upon the infrastructure of the United States.

 Washington D.C. – A trucking group is now calling on the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to arrest and prosecute anyone who interferes with interstate commerce.

“In an email sent to Attorney General Bill Barr on Saturday, June 6, James Lamb, president of the Small Business in Transportation Coalition (SBTC) urged the DOJ to take action against those who have committed acts of aggression towards big rigs and truck drivers amid the ongoing nationwide protests.”

These attacks upon truckers are clearly designed to paralyze the nation's economy. 

Another Attack Upon Infrastructure

I recently covered the train derailment in Tempe which paralyzed their central business hub and shut down two major highways. The event, which was too massive to be hidden, has gone silent as the authorities, more than likely the Deep State, has cut off all media inquiries. 

Initially, I was contacted by a first responder at the scene. He was so paranoid that he called me from friend's cell phone after reaching me by email. He said that there were clear signs of explosions. He said the rails holding the ties, four of them to be exact had come loose and caused the train to derail. He said this explanation is nonsense and he knows he's in the middle of a coverup. 

Excerpts from the following email was forwarded to me late last night and it speaks to the suspicious nature of the Tempe, AZ train derailment. 

“I will be brief. I am a third generation railroad owner. My grandfather started on the rr in 1928. He bought his rr in 1965. My family has owned 7 different railroads, one of which is a class 1 rr. I am not bragging, rather pointing out that railroading is in my blood. I have a complete understanding of railroad operations, maintenance, and procedures. The derailment in Az is highly suspect. First, bridges and their approaches, switches, and curves are top priority for rrs. Railroads use Sperry railcars which is a mobile eddy current detector. It analyzes every inch of track. This is in addition to weekly inspections. The bridge in question is tangent track, straight not curved, which is the least likely place to derail. My only clues are from the pics and videos online, so I can only speculate.”

 Here is an initial report in which early-on, I expressed my concerns about foul play:


Not so coincidentally, the train derailment took places blocks away from where extreme Leftist, Soros-backed protestors were arrested only a few hours before the "accident". I also documented this event as well. 

TEMPE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) -- Seven people were arrested Monday night after demonstrators clashed with police during a protest in Tempe.

“The demonstration was organized by Tempe Against Police Violence, Black Lives Matter PHX Metro, Young Democratic Socialists of America and Direct Action Arizona. 

“The protest started peacefully at Tempe Beach Park around 5 p.m. But things became unsettled as the crowds moved off the sidewalks and into the streets…”

Tempe Towne Lake is where the protesters were and this is where the derailment occured [sic] in the same time frame!

Interestingly, the train development involved Union Pacific. Only 48 hours earlier, Union Pacific ordered its security police to not cooperate with the federal government, expecially [sic] ICE. In my mind, this exposes the 5th column mentality of Union Pacific and one must assume that they are in support of the national uprising. Additionally, one now has to wonder if these security forces who stood down, did so in an effort to aid this derailment. 

Get ready America, they are coming for your infrastructure. Shortages loom large.

My comments.

1) What an unhealthy ‘vision for a new world’.  But, part of The Process.

2) Interestingly, that last sentence of the article ended with a typo: the capital letter Q.  Which ‘meme’ actually figures into this whole scenario.  To wit:

‘Q’ is the designation for an individual or group of individuals who have demonstrated beyond doubt that they are deeply involved with Pres. Trump in thwarting the attempted revolution of The New World Order crowd, which has been looming for some time, and has now - rather obviously, given the above article - reached  rather ‘hot’ proportions, involving, now, more than just arson, rioting and looting in our streets, and seemingly endless attempts at getting Trump out of their way, starting even before his inauguration.  All of which these White Hats would appear to be, and have been, aware of; which has given ‘Q’ the ‘space’ to declare, calmly, ’Trust The Plan’.

We will see.





With the American public having been alerted to the depth of the crisis, by having experienced it.  

The best way, apparently, for us humans to learn such things. 

A harsh lesson  But necessary.  Or it wouldn’t have happened.

Given the gift that we have been given.  Of free will.

To prove ourselves.  As part of

The Journey.


Thursday, 30 July 2020

On The Purpose Of Life

The Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is not to make money.  Is not the making of money.  It is the making of gods, in their own right.  Is to realize ourselves - our Selves - as the gods that we are, and of right ought to be. 

Put another way:

The Purpose of Life is to overcome the gravitational pull of matter, of The Drama.  And soar.

Into the majestic blue yonder.  Both physically.  And metaphorically.

And some people - that is to say, some incarnate souls - are going to hate themselves in the morning of their awakening to that fact.  Which awakening will include the need to live by Truth.  Not by elements of The Drama.  Such as believing that the end justifies the means.  That there are no absolutes; that all is relative  That what is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.

As the atheists believe.  

And the satanists; whose chosen god is the Master of Deceit.

And in whose reverential obeisance includes the ‘likes’ of terrorizing and torturing children for the harvesting and ingesting of their adrenochrome.  And killing them.  And eating them.  For, after all, on that Path, nothing matters but the satisfying of one’s material pleasures.  And the satisfaction of such emotions as lust.

There being nothing higher to aspire to than the material realm, in that belief system…

I was reminded of all this recently when a friend accused me - yet once again - of ‘beating a tired if not by now dead horse, to no avail, for my continuing to point out, in these pages, such truths - aspects of the realm of, the affinity for, Truth - as that Senator Kamala Harris, who is, indications are, being considered for Joe Biden’s running mate, is not eligible for that position.  

Is not objectively eligible.  Not constitutionally eligible.

Is eligible only if you believe in the false doctrine that there are no absolutes.  Like the truth of things.  That everything is relative, to your interests.  In a world with no purpose but what one - or a group - assigns to it.  

As in the motto, and advice: Do What Thou Wilt…

Senator Harris is not eligible for that particular federal office because she is not a “natural born” citizen, one of the eligibility requirements for the office.  Based on the - er, constitutional - possibility of the occupant of that office succeeding to the office of the President, under various - specified, constitutionally, - circumstances.  

Now, you are asking yourself (or not; but my blog, my call) what is the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen, as opposed to any other kind of citizen?  That is to say, you are doing that unless a) you already know the answer to the question (not many seem to; congratulations for being in a special category!), or b) you feel that it makes no difference, are a believer that there is no hard and fast definition of words.  That words are merely tools, to be used any way you wish to utilize them, to achieve your ends.  Or descriptively like wet noodles, to be manipulated and shaped at your will.  Same difference.   Whatever the case in the particular, for the purpose(s) of this blog, I will state the answer to the question.  A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person

“born in the country, of parents who are citizens” (thereof).  The whole POINT of the requirement in this instance being to make sure - at least as sure as the constitutional Framers could make the matter - that the occupant of the presidential office, in the terms of the original federal Constitution, and of the vice presidential office via the constitutional contract being (duly) amended to the same effect, had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States.

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the Framers on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel's ‘The Law of Nations’.*  And that eligibility requirement for those particular offices STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

Words having meanings.  With some flexibility.  But not in their essence.

 And so, to move on and up from here, we need to engage in some course correction measures.  And that means, in this particular and general area, 

for Truth to prevail

on Earth.  As it does in Heaven.  For, Life on Earth is now to move Up a notch, or two.  Out of the equivalent of elementary school.  And further on, on the spiral stairway to the heavens.  Having come to a point of


Both parts of the educational Process (which has been described - and fairly well, I feel - in terms of a ‘thesis’ generating a reactive ‘antithesis,’ the process coming to a point of (er, relative) synthesis, but until the Process is completed - as in a global effect - said interim synthesis just becoming the ‘thesis’ of further unfoldment) converging.  On the Point of their

Singularity.  As involution gives way -

inexorably - to


The Involutionary elements describing the matter in terms of One World - One Government - One Religion, as ruled over by them.  Being the reverse image of

the Real Thing. 

More on which, another time.  In

Time. But straddling 

the realms.

To start with. 

Giving us the Opportunity to come to the realization, and acceptance, of the above.  And for people -

 incarnate souls, remember; in our essence (like Words) -

 to join me in my sentiment that

a) Truth matters; and

b) I will never compromise, or be forced to compromise, with Truth.  

And neither should you.  If you want to make it all the way to the end of

The Journey.  Which, for educational purposes, has us, in one or more of our incarnations,  pass through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Turning us into the likes of mere subjects of the totalitarian state - and ‘ideally,’ in those terms, feeling utterly helpless to change the situation (known, in psychological terms and circles, as ‘learned helplessness’) - rather than the sovereign entities that we actually are.  Being spiritual beings having a human experience.

As we actually are. 

And needing now to wake up to.


* Book One Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up  It’s right here on the Internet.  Or at least, was, the last time I looked.  
   A sign of the times…

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

On Elephants, RINOs, Zebras - And More

I am getting a plethora of appeals from conservatives and Republicans in general and likeminded organizations for donations to their election causes, and almost none of them (i.e., except for the bipartisan Judicial Watch, and one or two other such worthy organizations) talks about the real elephant in the room.  To wit:

Voter fraud and dirty election devices in general are a national disgrace and emergency, and the Republicans are acting as though it’s ‘oh-well business as usual’ in that regard.  And so engaging in some of that obscenity themselves.  The response must at least and at last now be more fitting to the occasion.  It must now be a capitalized call:


As things stand - have come to stand, systemically: it is a crime to vote in this country.  More specifically, it is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.*  And I for one - and One - won’t have it.

And as for the claim of ’systemic racism’ in America: 

I see an awful lot of successful - and very successful - black Americans.  So much for ‘institutional racism’.  That is simply a meme, employed by the Marxists, trying to tear the country down and take it over.  And turn it into their desired image, of a totalitarian state, and even world, run by them, from the top down.  Inspired by the idea of Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  Rather than the crowning idea - as personified by the U.S.A., at its best - of Power With, and Within.  Of We, the Spiritual Beings having a human experience. 

Back from the brink, people.  Back from the brink.

Or, more accurately: Forward.   Into

the New.

And the entirely New, at that.  Building on all of our experience, on this

Planet of Choice. 

* When I first came back to the States, in 2012, in retirement after having lived the most of my adult life overseas, all I could know then was that there was something terribly wrong in this regard in my home state of California; but, subsequently engaging in some research into the matter, I found that the corruption going on was appallingly widespread in the country at large.  Oh, there have been some measures to clean things up in this regard.  But it has all been too little.  And now, given what is going on in the country, as regards the threat to the Republic: almost too late.

Monday, 27 July 2020

And So Here We Are

From ‘Comparisons between current cancel culture and Mao’s Red Guards should serve as a warning of what could happen in the U.S.’ - July 27 - orig. at - Isabelle Z.

“The Cultural Revolution was launched by Mao in 1966. His mobs were tasked with purging the capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society and replacing them with his own beliefs. It was often young people and urban workers who formed Red Guard paramilitary units that went after anyone who was tied to an official blacklist, typically elderly Chinese and intellectuals. Their goal was to get rid of what they called the “four olds” – old culture, old ideas, old habits and old customs.

“Because religion was considered to be a capitalist tool, churches were destroyed. They also killed people who thought differently than them; police were told not to intervene. The Red Guards destroyed religious and cultural sites along with historical relics and statues. Sound familiar?

“The only way people accused of a thought crime could avoid punishment was by confessing publicly, undergoing “reeducation,” and agreeing to “struggle sessions” that entailed torture and humiliation. The Cultural Revolution ultimately destroyed the Chinese economy and left millions of people dead…

“It’s clear that the comparisons to the Chinese Cultural Revolution are not a very big stretch, so now the real question is whether or not society will wake up and realize the path we’re headed down before it’s too late. Read for more coverage of “thought crimes.”

And now, things have deteriorated in Colorado (in both Aurora and Denver) to the point where there are reportedly Antifa snipers on rooftops.  This is now clearly the beginning of the Red Guard-type attempted takeover of the country.  And since all of this shows that the Democrats are just covers for the revolutionaries, and so would never win the elections in November, these people will obviously not allow those elections to take place.  Unless they could feel that they have that 'exercise in democracy' totally in control for being stolen, particularly with their Mail-In Voting scam; but with Pres. Trump making noises for undercutting that potential with 'Election Integrity' measures, they won’t take that chance.  So it’s all on the line now.  

And with the UN now ‘ordering’ Trump to withdraw federal agents from Portland - i.e., in defense of a federal building (a courthouse) there - that institution has made its real intentions clear.  It is a cover for the New World Order gang.  Plain and simple.

But then, they already made that clear, with their Agenda 21 and its follow-up, Agenda 2030.  So, we have known that this day would come.

And here we are.

With at least one silver lining to the cloud hanging over America at this crucial time.  That being the doctors who have now come out and, very visibly, said that we have been scammed on the covid-19 ‘pandemic,’ with false figures as to numbers of both infections and fatalities, and that in any event, there is a substantial treatment for it, in the hydroxychloroquine cocktail;* and so we can stop with the nonsense of the masks (which are ineffective anyway; are at best a symbol of submission), and the Lockdown, and get back to work.

And now: building The New.  Just not the oppressive, totalitarian one that was planned for us by our Wannabe Masters.

As for Masters:  We are to be ‘governed’ - guided - by Masters of Wisdom, aka Ascended Masters (who live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source).  Not the Masters of Deceit who have attempted to hijack this world, for the Dark side, and take it down.  Into the pits.

Not Up.  Into the sunlit highlands of a -

the -

New Day.   

* along with other excellent treatments, including the steroid budesonide; and various nutritional approaches to a healthy immune system, such advice available via a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath.  But especially including vitamin D.    You know: ‘the sunshine vitamin’?
   And rather fitting, that designation.  Regarding this situation.  Of the fundamental battle between the Dark and the Light going on.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

On Knowing Your Enemy

Let’s see if I can put the perspective of the idealistic Leftists in words for them.  And then the perspective of their masters behind the scenes.

1. ‘Freedom-loving’ Americans are a parasite on the planet, responsible for both destruction of the environment and Climate Change, and need not only to be reined in but to be reduced to Third World status economically, so as not to be consuming more than their fair share of the world’s resources.  So, we need a strong central government, to rule over the people, and control them firmly, which is to say to eliminate this old-fashioned notion of ‘free speech’ and ‘individual rights’ and such - all, an unfortunate outgrowth of Western civilization.  This archaic attitude to be eliminated By Any Means Necessary.

2.  Snicker.  Snicker.

Friday, 24 July 2020

In A Nutshell

An expat I know from my spiritual community days over in Scotland, living now in the south of England,  has emailed me wanting to know how things go over here, for me and for the country.  My response (trimmed of more personal stuff):

 "As tor the virus thing: Utah is one of the states less frequented by it, with a very low fatality count - and that's with even a rather laid-back take on the matter.  Oh, there is a statewide 'policy' of 'Social Distancing' and a limit of numbers in groups to 10 (& schools & churches closed), and with [all or at least] most stores requiring a mask to enter; but, e.g., at the local small reservoir, where I take the dog for its walk, the people are enjoying the sun sans masks and all the other 'guidelines,' and the police are leaving well enough alone.  In this conservative state it is not as bad as in the 'blue' states, which according to the color 'code' in that political identity matter is shorthand for the states run by the Democrats.  What you may not know so much about, not having been here for as long as you say, is that the Marxists are now coming out of the woodwork in almost full force, especially with the advent of Trump's win in the 2016 election raining on their slowly slowly parade into their New World Order, and things are actually reaching civil war peak, is how bad things have gotten on that 'front'.  The word - at least in the independent/alt media - is that the Trump Dept. of Justice is about to release a bunch of unsealed indictments (from quiet beavering away by grand juries around the country) that will, presumably, bring a large number of people involved in both child sex trafficking (& worse; very much worse) and political shenanigans to justice, including some very big names, and that could well trigger the NWO crowd to attempt to head it all off with a very large false flag op, which could include an assassination attempt on Trump.  But other than that, life goes on pretty much as usual.  (I jest.)

"Speaking of the coronavirus: Has the word reached the UK that this 'pandemic' is not actually one, is more in the nature of a seasonal flu; and additionally that this whole scare thing is a beat-up, in an attempt to get as many people as possible to accept TPTB's vaccine for it, which will contain a nano particle of a 'chip' - a la the Christian's belief in such a thing 'in the Last Days' - that will put us deeply under the thumb of our wannabe masters, in their Red China-like totalitarian police state??  So that things are indeed coming to a head along such lines, whether precisely like the Christians believe or not.  In any event: It is turning out that we live in interesting times...

"which may include an election in November or not, things having gotten that bad over here. (To some people I echo the expression: 'The Democrat Party is not the party that your parents knew.'  In short: We are on the verge of a Bolshevik-style Revolution here, with over a generation of students having been indoctrinated in our 'institutions of higher learning,' cough cough.)

"As for me: I spend most of my time reading from my various books and magazines (in all this sort of thing), and after taking the dog out for a walk (or going on a longer one just on my own, up a nearby scenic canyon along a creek) I go online, both to a number of favorite websites and to my plethora of daily emails (being a Gemini I like to keep up with things), which takes me both to dinner time and to the wee hours thereafter.  Which rhythm suits me fine. I am, in short, enjoying the time to 'keep up with things' in these retirement days and years of mine.  For however long it will last.  And for however long the U.S.A. will as well.  It is, truly, that bad over here, [friend].  

"But then, nobody ever promised us a rose garden.

"And, as they also say: Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

"Sign me

"a believer in at least that perspective on things"



The bottom line, and my advice, in a nutshell:

Question the narrative.

Surprise Surprise

So I see that Twitter has censored the "conspiracy-theory group" QAnon, on the pretext that "misinformation and harassment from the fringe group...could lead to offline harm".

Well of course it could.  That is what exposure to the light of Truth can do to people like child sex traffickers and those revolutionaries who are attempting to overthrow this country and turn it into a totalitarian state - controlled by them - like Red China and the former Soviet Union, under the banner of their New World Order.

P.S. You did know that 'conspiracy theory' was a term coined and used by the CIA in the wake of the assassination of JFK, in order to attempt to put off the citizen investigations into that, er, conspiracy, didn't you?  And you have heard of Operation Mockingbird, haven't you?  And if you haven't:

I'm not too surprised.

P.P.S. An Executive Order recently issued by Pres. Trump:

Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

Issued on: 
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1.  Policy.  Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy.  Our Founding Fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to the Constitution.  The freedom to express and debate ideas is the foundation for all of our rights as a free people.
In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to hand pick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the internet.  This practice is fundamentally un-American and anti-democratic.  When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power.  They cease functioning as passive bulletin boards, and ought to be viewed and treated as content creators.
The growth of online platforms in recent years raises important questions about applying the ideals of the First Amendment to modern communications technology.  Today, many Americans follow the news, stay in touch with friends and family, and share their views on current events through social media and other online platforms.  As a result, these platforms function in many ways as a 21st century equivalent of the public square.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube wield immense, if not unprecedented, power to shape the interpretation of public events; to censor, delete, or disappear information; and to control what people see or do not see.
As President, I have made clear my commitment to free and open debate on the internet. Such debate is just as important online as it is in our universities, our town halls, and our homes.  It is essential to sustaining our democracy.
Online platforms are engaging in selective censorship that is harming our national discourse.  Tens of thousands of Americans have reported, among other troubling behaviors, online platforms “flagging” content as inappropriate, even though it does not violate any stated terms of service; making unannounced and unexplained changes to company policies that have the effect of disfavoring certain viewpoints; and deleting content and entire accounts with no warning, no rationale, and no recourse.
Twitter now selectively decides to place a warning label on certain tweets in a manner that clearly reflects political bias.  As has been reported, Twitter seems never to have placed such a label on another politician’s tweet.  As recently as last week, Representative Adam Schiff was continuing to mislead his followers by peddling the long-disproved Russian Collusion Hoax, and Twitter did not flag those tweets.  Unsurprisingly, its officer in charge of so-called ‘Site Integrity’ has flaunted his political bias in his own tweets.
At the same time online platforms are invoking inconsistent, irrational, and groundless justifications to censor or otherwise restrict Americans’ speech here at home, several online platforms are profiting from and promoting the aggression and disinformation spread by foreign governments like China.  One United States company, for example, created a search engine for the Chinese Communist Party that would have blacklisted searches for “human rights,” hid data unfavorable to the Chinese Communist Party, and tracked users determined appropriate for surveillance.  It also established research partnerships in China that provide direct benefits to the Chinese military.  Other companies have accepted advertisements paid for by the Chinese government that spread false information about China’s mass imprisonment of religious minorities, thereby enabling these abuses of human rights.  They have also amplified China’s propaganda abroad, including by allowing Chinese government officials to use their platforms to spread misinformation regarding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to undermine pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
As a Nation, we must foster and protect diverse viewpoints in today’s digital communications environment where all Americans can and should have a voice.  We must seek transparency and accountability from online platforms, and encourage standards and tools to protect and preserve the integrity and openness of American discourse and freedom of expression.
Says it all, really.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Yes, We Have Free Will; But...

There Is Also Perfect Justice 

because there is Plan in and Purpose to the life experience.  Which is characterized in large part by the quality of Love.  But also by that of Truth.  And it is in that latter quality of spirit that I wish to make something perfectly clear.  To wit:

I am not interested in giving any support to the agenda of the New World Order crowd who are behind so much of what is going down these transitional days, so I won’t play into the Politically Correct game.  I will just say, and point out, that we are on our way to a better world than this one which we are now rapidly leaving behind, and all of us Players on the Stage of Life can feel good about that, and celebrate that.  As we move on out from under the dark clouds which have developed over us, and engage in the birth of the rightful (to say Synthesis-generated) New.  As opposed to the Dark-side version of a New World Order that was threatening to engulf not just the U.S.A. but the world, as part of The Process that we have been involved in.  

The Process of civilizing us.  And awakening us to our full potential.  As apprentice gods.  Capable of creating either Order or Disorder.  Good or Bad.  And learning, in our classroom of Life -  this matrix; this hologram - the consequences of either direction.

At this point, I wish to clarify something in particular.  Yes, we have had ‘free will’.  But only in a classroom setting.  The Creation is Just.  And so, our free will is tempered by - controlled by - a Law.   Which we call Karma.  So that we learn the consequences of our actions, by experiencing them ourselves, via a return to this classroom - the site of our education - and engaging in The Plan to the extent of balancing out our actions, until we are released from that particular lesson.

This notion is contained in the following meme:

‘As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally.  For, We Are all One.  And All IS One.’  

You will note that that ‘truism’ is very similar to what is called the Golden Rule, just taken a step further.  Which reference brings up the subject of what is called the Bible; and what do I think of it. 

Long story short: 

I personally do not relate to the god of the Old Testament - all that violence and vengeance; think it was simply a tribal god, one of a number at the time, and as well-researched, in my opinion, by Zechariah Sitchin, in his study into the records of the ancient Sumerians.(1)  And as for the so-called New Testament, my reading into that matter, over many years and many sources, has ‘informed’ me that the god-man called Jesus was a fictional character, part of a complex plot by members of the imperial family of the Roman emperor of the time, known as the Flavians, and particularly including an adopted member of the clan, a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus (hence known to history as Josephus Flavius), to get the Jews to stop with their incessant rebelling against the might of Rome primarily because of their belief in a Messiah, or Anointed One, who would come and help them defeat their enemies; the pacifistic messianic figure of Jesus - who ‘predicted’ the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there by the emperor’s son Titus, as fruit of the futility of standing against Rome, by writing about it in the NT terms after the fact - designed primarily to get the Jews to change their ways.  (And undoubtedly, in Josephus’s mind, in order to ‘live to fight another day,’ as he was a member of the Jewish priestly lineage, and saw the futility for his fellow Jews of a frontal assault against the might of Rome of the time.)(2)   

But - given that there is Plan in and Purpose to life - there has to be some good reason that this religion kicked off this Age; and has lasted this long.  So I don’t reject ‘the People of the Book’ totally.  But will say, and to conclude:       

Something more is going on here, now, than anything simply from our historical past on this planet; which fairly has been called the Planet of Choice.  I would say that that has to do with moving out of the mentality of fiction - a story to engage in, for education’s sake - and into the consciousness of fact - of Truth.  And that new state of affairs for Homo sapiens sapiens is signaled 

not just by all the evidence that is in by now of the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma, but  

by the ‘fact’ that we can now move out from under the ‘fiction’ - story-telling - device of usury - 

now with the advent of an Era of Abundance, accessed from our technological ability to create things out of our very atmosphere, and material wealth - 

and start exploring the Creation from a base of - 

somewhat ironically - 

enough gold for all of Earth’s inhabitants to live at a base level of comfort while we go exploring further in our dimension.(3)

And beyond. 

Those of Us who qualify, that is to say.  By graduating from this 3D elementary-school stage of

The Course.

P.S. And further for clarity's sake: All those who have engaged in acts of violence, including looting and the destruction of statues and monuments, in order to advance along The Path with the rest of us graduates, need to make amends for it.  That could take the form of paying for their looting and arson and such on the one hand and on the other hand, paying for the replacement of statues and monuments (and subsequent takedown by lawful means, if that is desired by the appropriate authorities involved), and/or helping in their replacement, for some instant karma.  For, your personal energy signature will not allow you to stay in the New Field.  As with child sex abusers (including, of course, their murder), and other miscreants of all stripes.
     To move into The New is to qualify to pass through a Ring Pass Not.  So I urge one and all to clean up their act.  In this Play that we have been given, by which to raise our consciousnesses.  Sufficiently to move further on
     The Path.              


(1) Those ‘gods’ being ’Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came’: the Anunnaki, from a planet - called Nibiru - on an eccentric/elliptical orbit around our Sun, passing through this neighborhood (actually, through what has become, from a collision in the long past, the asteroid belt) every 3600 years (and hence the basis for the Sumerians’ counting system).  On one of its Rounds, ‘ancient astronauts’ from it came down to our planet, particularly on a search for gold (which they needed to somehow stabilize their atmosphere, as that record indicates), and, tiring of the heavy work to mine it, created modern Homo sapiens sapiens, after a merging of their DNA with that of the native hominids, primarily  to do the ‘heavy lifting’ for them.  This may sound, at first blush, like a recipe for atheism - a form of purely material  evolution.  But we in this Third dimension are simply vessels, vehicles for spirit to incarnate through and engage in our educational pursuits, in the equivalent of elementary school.
   But to continue, here, for now. 

(2) And who, along with a goodly number of his Jewish priestly-lineage mates (and their families), whom he was able to bring to safety with him under the wing of the Roman imperial eagle, may well have lived long enough to see the beginnings of his dream, when the members of the Flavian clan - contrary to the ‘official’ story about Christianity starting amongst the poor of the Roman Empire - became the first bishops and families of the new imperial religion.  Including his Jewish priestly brethren.  And who therefore numbered among the first Christians; and were the reason that the bishops of Rome became the leaders of the new religion, and, in short order, caused their position to ‘rule the roost’ by declaring the role not to be hereditary but by appointment.  And thus did the Jews command the heights of the new religion; and, indeed, ‘live to fight another day’.
   And get caught out for it in our day, of the outing of the rule of Truth to prevail on Earth, as it does in Heaven.  But to continue.
   (But for this angle on these things, see esp. ’The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ by Acharya S/D.M. Murdock;  ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill; and ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiray Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.) 

(3) Part of the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) that is about to kick in.  As part of something called NESARA/GESARA.  On all of which, more at another time.
   Including where all the gold is coming from, to inaugurate The (rightful) New.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

On Thinking Big

In my last blog I ended it with asking you, as regards a New World, to "think big."


Dana: A World Run on Love

Steve BeckowJuly 22, 2020

“Dana” is the Buddhist term for donations.
The world is about to become a dana economy, a donor economy (following the Reval) and, in preparation for that, I’d like to look at the notion.
Why a dana economy? Because lightworkers will have been gifted enormous sums of money by the Divine Mother (1) in the hopes that they’ll observe a soul agreement, which they have no memory of, to redistribute that wealth, equitably, across the globe.
That’s dana on a global scale.
I intend to use mine to fund Six Point Plans in every country I can – that’d be universal basic incomes, universal medicare, dental care, and pharmacare, universal accessibility to education, etc. (2)
That means, in essence, that I’ll be donating monies that have been more or less donated to me. I’ll be receiving and passing it along. I’ll be a pipeline for the redistribution of wealth.
Remember that the Reval is not the only abundance plan, as Michael acknowledges here: “There will be several waves of abundance.” (3)
From the Company of Heaven’s standpoint, everything has been in place since at least 2018:
Archangel Michael: Now understand, years ago we have said to you, the channel has shared with you about how we have returned to Earth, shipload after shipload after shipload of gold and that was to anchor this Re-evaluation and St. Germaine’s blessings basically.
So, in truth, already everything is in place. (4)
So the hold-up is not coming from the Company of Heaven, who may end up gladly paying for it if terrestrial forces cannot reach agreement. It’s coming from our ranks.
Why dana? Why not “enlightened self-interest” and “trickle-down economics”? Did they not work to distribute the globe’s wealth equitably? No, eh? Huh.
They simply resulted in hoarding? And the world’s wealth became concentrated in fewer and fewer hands?
Dana is the exact opposite. It is two sets of open hands, one with wealth for the giving, one with a need for the receiving. At the moment of exchange, dana belongs to both people and then it is let go of in love.
It’s both a form of connecting and a means of generating the flow of love. It’s also a modelling of, a lesson in non-attachment and trust in the Divine to replenish. Of our post-Reval gifting, Michael said:
Archangel Michael: This is the prelude. This is how your society is to work. It is the equality of sharing; of giving and receiving. (5)
Of course in the higher dimensions supply is limitless and endless. But supply would be greater here if we believed less in limitation. Nevertheless we attract those conditions to us, I think, by extending our generosity as a society and as individuals.
Generosity is another of the divine states. All the divine states share being portals to the higher dimensions. Generosity releases love.
We’re about to go into a dana or donor economy as a model, a template for an introduction to a world that works for everyone, a world run on love.
The faster we replicate its arrangements on Earth, the faster the world they point to will manifest. That’s my hypothesis and firm faith.
(1) AAM: The provisions will come from a variety of sources and, yes, we will use you and some human beings to help deliver but that doesn’t mean it does not come from the Company of Heaven and the Mother herself. It does.
Yes, she uses vehicles and that is the way it is set up. That is part of the plan, for people to learn how to be generous without condition.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 10, 2017. Hereafter AAM.)
(2) As a pipeline, I’ll be helping to reintroduce sequestered Illuminati funds back into the economy. I’ll be doing it through funding Six Point Plans around the world.
Six Point Plan

One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.
Two, universal (free) medicare, pharmacare, and dental care. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in that country, without distinction.
Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education (K-Ph.D.) for all people living in that country.
Four, universal elder care, child care, and single-parent care.
Five, the elimination of personal debt.
Six, the elimination of the national debt. (“The Big Change – Part 1,” May 8, 2020, at
(3) “That is why we have also said (this is an aside), there will be several waves of abundance.” (AAM, March 10, 2017.)
(4) AAM, July 13, 2018.
(5) AAM, Oct. 10, 2017.
Do I believe in each and every item in this list of a/the New World?  I have certain reservations.  (Particularly in perhaps inadvertently leading people to think that they can get something for nothing.)  But I feel that Steve is on the right track; is tapping into the right zone of inspiration.  And others have their versions of what is called NESARA/GESARA.  Let's see how it all unfolds.
But unfold it will.  Because
it's that time.