Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Coming Conflict? It's Already Here

I see where the governor of Georgia has come out against a mask mandate for his state - for reasons of both individual rights and “protecting the livelihoods of our citizens,” rather, encouraging the voluntary wearing of them (based apparently on the recommendation of his medical advisors).  But a number of mayors of his state are going against his position on the matter, and are issuing mandate ‘decrees’.  One of them being the mayor of Atlanta, one Keisha Lance Bottoms; whom Governor Kemp has sued.

From ‘George Gov. Kemp says mask mandate will cause unemployment to skyrocket’ - Arsenio Toledo - posted here July 19; orig. posted at 

“In response, Kemp filed a lawsuit Thursday against Bottoms and the Atlanta City Council, arguing that she had exceeded her authority by going against a statewide order.  

“The lawsuit states that, as mayor of Georgia’s capital, Bottoms has no legal authority to either modify, change or ignore an executive order from the governor of her state. Kemp reiterated that he believes masks are beneficial but said that people should be encouraged to wear them rather than forced.”

Um, Governor Kemp: “No legal authority”?  What ”legal authority” would that be?  The nation has not been operating under “legal authority” - in having come out from under constitutional law - for some time, and especially not when even the highest office in the land was enabled to be occupied by an ineligible candidate - and for two terms to boot.  And this nation’s domestic enemies know this.  That’s why they have been emboldened to ‘go for broke’ (and literally) now, in setting up a situation where the whole country is being governed by arbitrary law.  Under the cover of a ‘pandemic,’ generated by a man-made virus.  The operation long in the planning.  Said arbitrary-law situation set up as a precursor to the overthrow of the existing order, and its replacement by a form of government which has been called, with good reason, ‘oligarchical collectivism’.  Which functions via centralized planning, as a form of total - i.e., in greater detail, totalitarian - control.  As in the former Soviet Union, from the Bolshevik takeover of Russia.  In that revolution.  This country having been weakened sufficiently - economically and mentally - for that sort of takeover to take place, by said ‘pandemic,’ and the revolutionaries’s control of the mainstream media.  Also from their having gained control over the public educational processes in the country.

While America Slept.  

“In a statement, Bottoms responded to the lawsuit by saying that taxpayer money would be better spent by expanding the state’s coronavirus testing and contact tracing efforts.

“‘If being sued by the State is what it takes to save lives in Atlanta, then we will see them in court,’ her statement said.”

Read my lips, Mayor Bottoms:

* The masks - besides being pushed in order to give cover to the intent by our Wannabe Masters to roll back anti-mask laws so that the likes of BLM and Antifa rioters can get away with covering their ID - are not only ineffective - next to useless - they are also dangerous to the wearer, in forcing them to be deprived of oxygen on the one hand and to have to breathe their own exhalations on the other.  This also brings up the subject of

* Quarantine, and the proper employment thereof.  Quarantine is, properly speaking, for the sick, not the healthy.  It is the height of illogic to ‘shelter’ - confine - the healthy during an epidemic.  Which - and besides its deleterious effect on the economy (snicker snicker) - as well brings up the subject of 

* herd immunity, which comes from the circulation of those who are not adversely affected by the disease agent in question, so that said agent dies off in its virulence.   It is thus crucially important that the healthy circulate.*  But that would defeat your purpose, wouldn’t it, you of the revolutionary crowd???  Which purpose in this case includes

* the attempt to drag this ‘pandemic’ tool for People Control out as long as possible, until a/the vaccine can be come up with, which is planned (a claim for which there is ample evidence) to be a weapon.  Not against the virus.  But against The People, in being formulated with Crowd Control agents.  Nano particles of a number of sorts.  Which factor in this whole scenario The People could find out about, if they will only stop listening to the MSM about all this, and cultivate the art of Awareness.  And taking advantage of the Independent media still available to the public, in doing so.  
   But one more item in this litany of facts - and an extremely important one - before moving on.  That being how

* there are a number of treatments - therapeutics - for this virus, which have proven to be very effective in dealing with it.  Without the need for a vaccine.              

 But as I say………

So.  The bottom line:

Our Wannabe Masters are seizing their Opportunity from this man-made viral epidemic to overthrow this country, and install a system of centralized planning here, as was accomplished from the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and as aided in its accomplishment here by the ruination of the Middle Class, in the government’s picking of winners and losers for the operation of businesses under the constraints of the Quarantine being foisted on the public.  All of it - and including the ’wrinkle’ of mandatory mask-wearing - being in the nature of People Control: conditioning The Public to obey their masters.

Who have been salivating for this outcome for a very long time.  And so, perhaps they, at least, should be forced to wear masks; to contain that virulent slobber.   

* And especially when the particularly vulnerable cohort of the populace is so clearly delineated as in this instance, being the elderly with underlying medical conditions and anybody with a compromised immune system.  The rest of the populace should be allowed to circulate freely.
   As with any comparable flu-like epidemic.  Which this one is proving  - outside of the ‘compromised’/inflated figures for numbers of infections and the fatality rate - to be.
    As any even halfway decent inspection of such facts from the independent/alternative media will indicate.  To anyone otherwise in danger of being just another of the herd of sheeple being groomed for their slaughter.
   N.B. And all of this is not even to note specifically the role of a healthy immune system in minimizing the effects of this, or any, disease.  For which there are a huge number of nutrients available.  See a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath for a rundown of all the nutrients which can accomplish this first line of defense; an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure.     

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