Wednesday, 22 July 2020

When You Handcuff The Police...

         …You Get Mayhem

as those behind various current moves in this country along these lines know so well.

In the July 6 issue of The New American magazine there is an article, entitled ‘JAILBREAK: Hamstringing The Police’ pointing out how (in my applied interpretation of the matter) so-called ‘bail reform’ laws - which allow criminals to enjoy going through a revolving door at our courthouses as many times as they wish (and are) - set up this whole violence thing that we have been experiencing, as part of a specific and extremely dedicated agenda: the ‘Pressure from Above and Pressure from Below’ strategy of the Marxists and NWO crowd to at last take over this country, with that orchestrated violence leading - with the able assistance of their comrades in the MSM and in cahoots with ail the local ’social justice’ prosecutors elected with the financial help of the likes of George Soros - to the defunding and disbanding of the police (as the next article in that issue of TNA deals with specifically).  And if you thought that no-bail, catch-and-release laws are going to lead to an increase in crime and violence and fear, you ain’t seen nothing yet, as things come to a head on Planet Earth.

All, because we have lost sight of our roots in heaven.

And that’s not to say that a simple return to ‘Law and Order’ is the answer.  Unless one is referring to the higher Law than any man-made one.

And speaking of The Law:

At first they ordered us in my state to wear masks and keep six feet apart, and I went along with it because I wanted to be a dutiful citizen.  And then they ordered us all to have a covid-19 test, and I went along with it because, well, because even though I objected to it, for various reasons, everybody else was going along with the order, and I could be fined if I didn’t, so I did.  And then they ordered us all to take their vaccine.  And that was

The End

P.S.  Especially since the evidence is in that the covid-19 pandemic isn’t, that the virus is in fact much like a seasonal flu, and unless you are elderly and/or with underlying medical conditions and thus needing more precautions, take extra vitamin D as a preventive (as one immune-system enhancer for particularly good example), and if you still come down with it, be treated with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc (or budesonide w/an antibiotic; whichever or whatever protocol your doctor prescribes), and tell anybody who attempts to take your rights away that they, er, must not have gotten the memo. 
     And definitely not the one from Big Pharma (via the bought-and-paid-for MSM).  Or the CDC.  We are taking here about conflicts of interest.
     In spades.

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