Thursday, 9 July 2020

Hot Spots In Hot Spots

I see how at least four states in the Southern Belt - Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California - are now experiencing spikes in their reported number of CoVid-19 infections, which is causing them and other states to play Chicken Little again - oh horrors: the dreaded Second Wave!  Don your masks!!  (And be even more conditioned to submitting to arbitrary law) - and close down recovery from this whole scam.  Let's take a look at this phenomenon.

For one thing: A spike in infections of a virus in the middle of a long hot summer?  When such viruses are traditionally in abeyance, because sunshine/vitamin D kills the virus??  Is there something wrong with this picture???  Well, let's see...

1. It's known that the tests for the presence of the virus have a built-in question to them, that there is a discrepancy in said tests.  One of them, the viral test, lets us know what the situation is in current time.  The other, the antibody test, lets us know of a history of past infection - and can't confirm precisely which virus was involved, of the family (in this case, a coronavirus; of which there are many).  And in any event

2. It is well known by now - at least amongst those who don't follow just the MSM on such things - that 'the tests' come up with a great degree of false positives.  (Even for the likes of goats and paw paws...)  And in any event

3. The real test of things in this sort of situation is not the number of infections but the number of fatalities.  And the reports that I have seen are that that number is decreasing not increasing.  (Thus this virus is in the ballpark of a normal circulating annual flu.)  And in any event.

4. The more tests you run, the more results you are going to have.  So it would be wise to check out this factor as well, regarding these, er, very hot-weather states.

Other wise points:

5. Florida: Where the Republican Party Convention was to be held.  An 'emergency' announced Second Wave in that (very hot) state leading to Lockdown measures couldn't have anything to do with that little fact, could it??

6. Texas: I see that a) not only has the Houston mayor canceled the state's GOP convention, but b) in at least one county there, they are getting so Bolshie about this, er, 'emergency' that they are going to arrest anybody who has tested positive (with demonstrably wonky tests) and refuses to self-quarantine, potentially including being confined in FEMA camps.  Never mind that Epidemiology 101 tells us that it is valuable to create herd immunity in such matters, i.e., having people who are infected but being asymptomatic with a virus circulate, so that the virus ultimately dies out, for lack of effective agents to infect.  This, in addition to the fact that we know by now that this virus is only a danger to the elderly and especially those with compromised immune systems/underlying health conditions, who can be singled out for special attention with therapeutics on the one hand and quarantine on the other.  The whole state not needing to go down for the (phony) count.

7. California.  Ah, California.  Where should I begin, with what has become that odious state - my home state, which I have had the good fortune to escape, before I would quite possibly have ended up in one of its jails, on charges, in their essence, of civil disobedience.  Let's start with the southern border.
     a) By California law,  CA hospitals can't ask patients about their citizenship status.
     b) Imperial County, just across the border from Mexico, is experiencing a spike in CoVid-19 cases presenting in their hospitals.
     c) People are flooding over the border into Imperial County from Mexico in droves.  (One report of that flood being at the rate of 100,000 per day.)

Go figure.

Regarding all of this.

And tell me that this country is not facing a crisis.

And that crisis is not named CoVid-19.


P.S. And as for those who are attempting to draw this Opportunity out, in order to get people to have to submit to a vaccine for it, as a digital ID needed in order to engage in all manner of social activities, a la Red China's Social Credit system; and especially when there are already various therapeutics known to be able to nip this agenda in the bud:
     Don't let me get started.

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