Thursday, 30 July 2020

On The Purpose Of Life

The Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is not to make money.  Is not the making of money.  It is the making of gods, in their own right.  Is to realize ourselves - our Selves - as the gods that we are, and of right ought to be. 

Put another way:

The Purpose of Life is to overcome the gravitational pull of matter, of The Drama.  And soar.

Into the majestic blue yonder.  Both physically.  And metaphorically.

And some people - that is to say, some incarnate souls - are going to hate themselves in the morning of their awakening to that fact.  Which awakening will include the need to live by Truth.  Not by elements of The Drama.  Such as believing that the end justifies the means.  That there are no absolutes; that all is relative  That what is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.

As the atheists believe.  

And the satanists; whose chosen god is the Master of Deceit.

And in whose reverential obeisance includes the ‘likes’ of terrorizing and torturing children for the harvesting and ingesting of their adrenochrome.  And killing them.  And eating them.  For, after all, on that Path, nothing matters but the satisfying of one’s material pleasures.  And the satisfaction of such emotions as lust.

There being nothing higher to aspire to than the material realm, in that belief system…

I was reminded of all this recently when a friend accused me - yet once again - of ‘beating a tired if not by now dead horse, to no avail, for my continuing to point out, in these pages, such truths - aspects of the realm of, the affinity for, Truth - as that Senator Kamala Harris, who is, indications are, being considered for Joe Biden’s running mate, is not eligible for that position.  

Is not objectively eligible.  Not constitutionally eligible.

Is eligible only if you believe in the false doctrine that there are no absolutes.  Like the truth of things.  That everything is relative, to your interests.  In a world with no purpose but what one - or a group - assigns to it.  

As in the motto, and advice: Do What Thou Wilt…

Senator Harris is not eligible for that particular federal office because she is not a “natural born” citizen, one of the eligibility requirements for the office.  Based on the - er, constitutional - possibility of the occupant of that office succeeding to the office of the President, under various - specified, constitutionally, - circumstances.  

Now, you are asking yourself (or not; but my blog, my call) what is the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen, as opposed to any other kind of citizen?  That is to say, you are doing that unless a) you already know the answer to the question (not many seem to; congratulations for being in a special category!), or b) you feel that it makes no difference, are a believer that there is no hard and fast definition of words.  That words are merely tools, to be used any way you wish to utilize them, to achieve your ends.  Or descriptively like wet noodles, to be manipulated and shaped at your will.  Same difference.   Whatever the case in the particular, for the purpose(s) of this blog, I will state the answer to the question.  A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person

“born in the country, of parents who are citizens” (thereof).  The whole POINT of the requirement in this instance being to make sure - at least as sure as the constitutional Framers could make the matter - that the occupant of the presidential office, in the terms of the original federal Constitution, and of the vice presidential office via the constitutional contract being (duly) amended to the same effect, had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States.

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the Framers on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel's ‘The Law of Nations’.*  And that eligibility requirement for those particular offices STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

Words having meanings.  With some flexibility.  But not in their essence.

 And so, to move on and up from here, we need to engage in some course correction measures.  And that means, in this particular and general area, 

for Truth to prevail

on Earth.  As it does in Heaven.  For, Life on Earth is now to move Up a notch, or two.  Out of the equivalent of elementary school.  And further on, on the spiral stairway to the heavens.  Having come to a point of


Both parts of the educational Process (which has been described - and fairly well, I feel - in terms of a ‘thesis’ generating a reactive ‘antithesis,’ the process coming to a point of (er, relative) synthesis, but until the Process is completed - as in a global effect - said interim synthesis just becoming the ‘thesis’ of further unfoldment) converging.  On the Point of their

Singularity.  As involution gives way -

inexorably - to


The Involutionary elements describing the matter in terms of One World - One Government - One Religion, as ruled over by them.  Being the reverse image of

the Real Thing. 

More on which, another time.  In

Time. But straddling 

the realms.

To start with. 

Giving us the Opportunity to come to the realization, and acceptance, of the above.  And for people -

 incarnate souls, remember; in our essence (like Words) -

 to join me in my sentiment that

a) Truth matters; and

b) I will never compromise, or be forced to compromise, with Truth.  

And neither should you.  If you want to make it all the way to the end of

The Journey.  Which, for educational purposes, has us, in one or more of our incarnations,  pass through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Turning us into the likes of mere subjects of the totalitarian state - and ‘ideally,’ in those terms, feeling utterly helpless to change the situation (known, in psychological terms and circles, as ‘learned helplessness’) - rather than the sovereign entities that we actually are.  Being spiritual beings having a human experience.

As we actually are. 

And needing now to wake up to.


* Book One Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up  It’s right here on the Internet.  Or at least, was, the last time I looked.  
   A sign of the times…

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