Sunday, 5 July 2020

On Being Here Now

Good advice: “Prepare to celebrate.”  ‘Jesus Through John [Smallman]: You Are All Extremely Powerful Beings’ - July 4, posted at Golden Age of Gaia by Sitara - July 5:

     “Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect…

     “To awaken, as you are all doing, is to move from fear to Love as you think, speak, and act, and you all chose to be in form as humans at this time in your spiritual evolution to do just this.  You do not need to think deeply about what it is that God/Source/Divine Wisdom wants of you, because it just wants you to be here now, being yourselves…

     “You are all here on a divine mission for which you volunteered…”

I have been put off by this source through John Smallman in the past (although not of a another source calling itself ’Saul,’ with very sound advices) because I have good reason to believe, based on research into the matter (most notably, but not exclusively, Joseph Attwell’s ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’), that the ‘Jesus’ of the New Testament, and the NewTestament itself, are fraudulent constructs of members of the Flavian imperial household - and particularly including a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, as adopted into said household for services rendered to the emperor Vespasian - designed to attempt to get the Jews to stop their continual rebelling against the yoke of Rome primarily because of their belief in a Messiah who would come and lead them to victory over their enemies.  (See Romans 13, e.g.)  The intent: To portray Vespasian’s elder son, Titus, as the Son of Man prophesied by the Jewish religious literature, who in the event scourged the Jews for failing to heed the advices of their fictional messianic figure Jesus as to ‘rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ that ‘advice’ leading up to Titus’s siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there; and subsequently the ’New Testament’ material designed to bring gentiles of the Empire into the Roman ‘imperial divinity’ fold as well, as amplifying the already present practice of assigning godlike status to the Roman emperors.  But I take in material that resonates with me from whatever source.  And this particular channeling by/via John Smallman resonates with me.  

I think it only reasonable to do so.


Because considerable evidence points to the fact that there is a larger reality that this 3D one that we currently inhabit is part of, its realms separated by frequencies/vibrations.  Thus the experience of ghosts; and thus all the reports from incarnate souls - of all ages - of memories of past lives, many of which memory facts have been confirmed.  Which, of course, brings up the matter of reincarnation.  And thus of Law involved in the ‘operation,’ under the title of Karma.  (Which has to do with intrinsic Justice rather than Vengeance.)  But not to get into that whole subject area in this particular blog.  This, here, now, is simply to point out the value of

Being Here Now. 

For the lessons to be learned.

And for the rewards to be achieved.

Knowing, that there is Light at the end of 

the Learning Tunnel.

And that it is coming right 



For being a part of

The All That Is.

And, depending on you level of consciousness,

rising to the occasion.

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