From ‘Comparisons between current cancel culture and Mao’s Red Guards should serve as a warning of what could happen in the U.S.’ - July 27 - orig. at - Isabelle Z.
“The Cultural Revolution was launched by Mao in 1966. His mobs were tasked with purging the capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society and replacing them with his own beliefs. It was often young people and urban workers who formed Red Guard paramilitary units that went after anyone who was tied to an official blacklist, typically elderly Chinese and intellectuals. Their goal was to get rid of what they called the “four olds” – old culture, old ideas, old habits and old customs.
“Because religion was considered to be a capitalist tool, churches were destroyed. They also killed people who thought differently than them; police were told not to intervene. The Red Guards destroyed religious and cultural sites along with historical relics and statues. Sound familiar?
“The only way people accused of a thought crime could avoid punishment was by confessing publicly, undergoing “reeducation,” and agreeing to “struggle sessions” that entailed torture and humiliation. The Cultural Revolution ultimately destroyed the Chinese economy and left millions of people dead…
“It’s clear that the comparisons to the Chinese Cultural Revolution are not a very big stretch, so now the real question is whether or not society will wake up and realize the path we’re headed down before it’s too late. Read for more coverage of “thought crimes.”
And now, things have deteriorated in Colorado (in both Aurora and Denver) to the point where there are reportedly Antifa snipers on rooftops. This is now clearly the beginning of the Red Guard-type attempted takeover of the country. And since all of this shows that the Democrats are just covers for the revolutionaries, and so would never win the elections in November, these people will obviously not allow those elections to take place. Unless they could feel that they have that 'exercise in democracy' totally in control for being stolen, particularly with their Mail-In Voting scam; but with Pres. Trump making noises for undercutting that potential with 'Election Integrity' measures, they won’t take that chance. So it’s all on the line now.
And with the UN now ‘ordering’ Trump to withdraw federal agents from Portland - i.e., in defense of a federal building (a courthouse) there - that institution has made its real intentions clear. It is a cover for the New World Order gang. Plain and simple.
But then, they already made that clear, with their Agenda 21 and its follow-up, Agenda 2030. So, we have known that this day would come.
And here we are.
With at least one silver lining to the cloud hanging over America at this crucial time. That being the doctors who have now come out and, very visibly, said that we have been scammed on the covid-19 ‘pandemic,’ with false figures as to numbers of both infections and fatalities, and that in any event, there is a substantial treatment for it, in the hydroxychloroquine cocktail;* and so we can stop with the nonsense of the masks (which are ineffective anyway; are at best a symbol of submission), and the Lockdown, and get back to work.
And now: building The New. Just not the oppressive, totalitarian one that was planned for us by our Wannabe Masters.
As for Masters: We are to be ‘governed’ - guided - by Masters of Wisdom, aka Ascended Masters (who live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source). Not the Masters of Deceit who have attempted to hijack this world, for the Dark side, and take it down. Into the pits.
Not Up. Into the sunlit highlands of a -
the -
New Day.
* along with other excellent treatments, including the steroid budesonide; and various nutritional approaches to a healthy immune system, such advice available via a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath. But especially including vitamin D. You know: ‘the sunshine vitamin’?
And rather fitting, that designation. Regarding this situation. Of the fundamental battle between the Dark and the Light going on.
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