Friday, 17 July 2020

The Root Of The Problem

The Heritage Foundation is, basically, a good, conscientious, conservative think tank.  But even it is part of the problem.  

Case in point.  In its latest mailing, it addresses the issue, by symbolic ballot, of “fair and honest elections” (as being “the cornerstone of our republic”).  But in addressing the issue, in terms of the need for such as voter ID laws, and to keep “the Left from stuffing ballot boxes [and with the assistance of Mail-In Voting, which lends itself terribly to corruption] with the votes of illegal aliens, felons, and even dead people,” it doesn’t go far enough.  As I wrote on my ‘ballot,’ just below where I crossed out the section asking for a financial contribution - “Kay, you can count on me!  The right to vote in our national elections is a constitutional privilege for American citizens only!  To help Heritage fight this growing threat, I am” etc. - and asterisking my comment from the word “citizens”:

 “And there is no such thing - constitutionally - as ‘anchor babies’.  Read the 14th Amendment again - and this time with comprehension.
   “If not you, who??”(1)

Thus I have little patience with those who are - supposedly - on the front lines of the battle, between those who are attempting to save their country (and its rule of law), and those who are determined to undermine it, with their scheming little termite minds, undercutting its foundations.

This position of the HF is of a piece with the good work that (the bipartisan) Judicial Watch is doing, especially as regards forcing various states to cleanse their voter registration rolls, as required by federal law.  But even with that admirable intention, it is not enough, does not get to the root of the problem.  Which is:

that the Constitution - like all constitutions - either means what it says, from its original intent, or it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.  If it were ‘a living document,’ as specifically the far Left has tried to make it out to be, there would be no amending process involved.  It would just be subject to the prevailing winds, like a weather vane.  It is not a weather vane.  It is a contract, subject to change - to substantial, fundamental change, rather than simply the nuances of legitimately individual interpretation of the law - via the contract’s built-in amending process.  And note well that there is a crucial learning lesson here: Either we get back under the rule of law, or we will be ruled by tyrants.(2)  Take your pick, America. 

And go for the even further bottom line in this whole educational matter, of life in 3D.  Which is

to behave.  Not in the reverse-image, Dark-side way, of obeying arbitrary Power.  But in the Way of staying in

the Light.  

The Message, in it all:

Stop rebelling against

The Plan.

And inherit your full potential.

As apprentice gods. 

By graduating from

The Course.

Rather than

flunking it.  And thus, being deprived of the higher reaches of The Path.  Thereby to realize One’s full, positive potential, as fractals of our Creator Source; part of The All That Is.

Set your sights higher.  And you’ll be right.          


(1) For those of you who aren’t aware of this little detail of American politics, the relevant section of the 14th Amendment reads:
   ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  Emphasis mine, of this crucial qualifying phrase.  That means, and as spelled out in the record of the amendment’s passage as to its intent, that it was not referring to just anybody who happened to be born here, like tourists or to members of diplomatic missions, etc.  It was enfranchising the previous black (or other) slaves as full-fledged American citizens, due all the rights and privileges of American citizens.  Any aliens were, by definition, still “subject to the jurisdiction” of their home countries.  And still are.  Absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  Certainly not in consideration of constitutional law, and the Constitution being nothing but ‘a living document’ - a wet noodle, subject to being manipulated by shyster lawyer types.
   Or is “nothing but a damn piece of paper,” in the august words of wannabe King George Dubya; who thus indicated that the threat to the Republic comes from the far Right as much as from the far Left.  And in further reality, from the top of a pyramid of power, encompassing both ends of the perceived linear political spectrum.  But to continue. 

(2) As exampled, insidiously, by the illegal occupancy of the Oval Office by the genial, but nevertheless ineligible, Barack Hussein Obama.  Who is not a "natural born" citizen, at the least by, er, 'virtue' of not having been born of citizen "parents".  That's with an 's'.  As in both.  The plural form.  
   One of those 'little legal details' that seems to have been overlooked by both the Left and the Right - the 'Democrats' and the 'Republicans' - in America.  Which necessitates them both to have to be brought to trial, for this egregious crime against the Republic, and disbanded.  For operating outwith The Law.  And thereby, helping to create a climate of tyranny in the nation.  The exercise of arbitrary power.  As evidenced, e.g., in the recent ignominious act of the governor of California of arrogantly issuing a decree that American citizens' money shall be 'assigned' - granted, by imperial largesse - to illegal aliens who have managed (outwith The Law) to gain residence in 'his' - highness's - state.
   The New Normal. 
   But to continue.

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