Sunday, 12 July 2020

On Connecting The Dots

On this quiet Sunday, some time to catch up on some of my reading.  I started with an article in Imprimis, a bi-monthly publication of Hillsdale College.  In their May/June issue, it is entitled ‘Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance;’ an impressive overview of what has been going on in the Republic, by Heather MacDonald.  Who has part, but not all, of the story.

To recap.

Various Powers-That-Be were setting up the novel coronavirus epidemic-turned-pandemic for some time before it was unleashed, when the various attempts to bring down Pres.Trump were petering out.  With the nvc ‘pandemic’ in turn petering out in the spring and summer sun, the nation-wreckers - whom I cal the NWO crowd, or mob (and who have been up to their plans for a very long time; not unnoticed by some of us inveterate readers and, increasingly, viewers) - needed to come up with something to keep the heat on, as it were, until a Second Wave of their pandemic could be manufactured (with the continued help of their largely-monopolized MSM and social media platforms), to carry their takeover initiative into the November election time period.

Enter the George Floyd episode.

’Too’ things: 

1) Too obvious; and

2) Too convenient.  

As for 1.  Too staged.  A convenient camera taking it all in, and for nearly nine minutes?  And what was the reason for it in the first place?  Were they waiting for a police car to take him away??  But it was taking place under the right rear bumper area of a cop car.  And then Foyd is reported as having gone sient, and we see an ambulance pull up alongside the cop car - but the EMT attendants don’t rush in and apply their resuscitation techniques.  And they aren’t regular EMTs anyway, are wearing police uniforms of some sort.   And speaking of uniforms: the second cop involved in this caper (who just sort of stood around, like an Extra) is wearing a uniform which has his badge embossed on his shirt.  

Not a real badge.  Not a real scene.  But boy, did it do the job, that it was assigned ‘2’ do.  With America burning as a consequence, of this application of the Marxist tool for revolution, of class-cum-race warfare.

And as a consequence of the widespread ‘pandemic’ Lockdowns - especially in blue states, under the aegis of Democrat governors and mayors* - the nation has been tottering on its last legs.  Before its takedown, and hugely anticipated takeover.  By said NWO mob.

I apparently have news for you lot:

Not my country, you won’t.

Now, to get back to my Sunday reading.  

And let Nature take its course.

P.S. And continuing my reading/viewing of a laid-back Sunday, I see that the NWO crowd are attempting to get whites to bow down and admit "complicity in the system of white supremacy".  My response to that mob/those Brownshirts:
     Buzz off, little fly.
     And when you do:
     Wake up.  To the role that you are playing.  In The Play that is going on.
     To 'catch our consciences'.
     And by it, to understand what is really going on.
     For a larger Purpose than you are obviously imagining.
     At the moment.

* with the Democrat Party having been taken over by its far Left wing.  And with the plan being to herd The People into the corral of a mandatory vaccine, as soon as it can reasonably be rolled out; which will put this country, and other countries, under the thumb of our Wannabe Masters, in the form of a mandatory digital ID, at the very least mirroring the Social Credit system of Communist China.  For a dystopian future for humanity, beyond anything that George Orwell could dream up, in his day, and prescient reflections on such a matter.  And which is why TPTB are doing everything they can to keep information about very successful therapeutics for this ncv from getting out to the public.
   But that’s a topic all on its own.  To continue here, for now. 

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