First of all, the guy at Imperial College in London who started the CoVid-19 panic ball rolling already had a history of over-the-top doomsday predictions, so his figures should have been taken with a grain of salt; and then, when the truth of the matter began to emerge - that the novel coronavirus was no worse than any annual circulating flu, and was targeting a specific cohort of the population only, who could have been put in quarantine, and let the rest of the populace, asymptomatic carriers of the virus and all, get on with their lives, and thus allow herd immunity to develop (recalling Epidemiology 101); all this, along with the various therapeutics that have become known about - that should have been the end of the scaremongering going on, by compromised ‘experts’ - with links to the vaccine industry - and a mainstream media having well identified itself by now as a tool of the NWO crowd, who would just love to make people feel obedient to the arbitrary dictates of their Wannabe Masters, issuing one ‘emergency’ decree after another - thus bypassing the rule of law of constitutional government - and undoubtedly gloating at the sight of the sheeple going dutifully along with it all, the whole charade.
If I had achieved the degree of infiltration into this country’s, and the rest of the Western world’s, institutions - of education, the media, government, entertainment, the medical profession - that the NWO crowd has, and was as committed to revolution/overthrow of the existing order as they are, was of that mental persuasion - and in this particular case, clearly of the mentality of the Dark side, for wanting to take away people’s basic rights, as sovereign entities, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights - I would quite possibly have done the same thing. And after all, it’s up to The People to look after themselves. If they let scoundrels and mountebanks - and worse - rule over them, who’s to blame?
It’s time to move on, out from under The Spell, people. And inherit
The Real Thing.
That being the ultimate point of
The Exercise. For those fractals of their Creator Source who can stay
The Course. By first entering Graduation
Time. Meaning
The Now.
The Now.
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