An article came my way this evening/last night that a) offended me, and b) prompted me to forward it to a friend. It was about a chief judge in the L.A. area who wished to compliment a person for having what he called 'street smarts' - i.e., good common sense and awareness. Apparently some BLM characters took him to task for it, and he groveled, apologized, and resigned his position over it. My accompanying comment to my Forward:
"To call someone having 'street smarts' has now been declared by some blacks or other to be a 'racist' comment - and the judge let them get away with their faux 'offended' bullying. And it reminded of something that [a relative] reported last evening at the dinner table, how she had come across a report on her smart phone that 'we' can no longer use the term 'master' as in the Master bedroom of a house. I don't know what we are supposed to call it in place of that, er, 'offensive' term. But I know what I call the argument:
Along with the likes of some Antifa thugs defacing a statue of George Washington. And. And. And.............
Hear it straight:
Nobody -
nobody -
is going to hijack my country.
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