Saturday, 11 July 2020

On Not Getting The Memo

Longtime followers of this blog will possibly remember this story, in a different context.  But it bears repeating in this one.

I referred to a short story that I wrote, many years ago, about a guy at home, in the L.A. area, idly watching a ballgame emanating from Dodger Stadium, when he ran out of cigarettes, and went out to get some more.  On the way he happened to drive by that stadium - and there was nobody actually there.   And then -

And then we come down to our day.  And it is appearing, more and more, that, in regards to the novel coronavirus pandemic, there is no there there.  In sum: We can't trust any of the figures being bandied about, as regards either the number of CoVid-19 infections or fatalities.  Example.  In the New York City area, it was reported, back at the height of the First Wave, that there was such-and-such a number of hospitalizations.  But more than one 'citizen journalist' reported on the Internet that when they happened to go by such-and-such a hospital, there was no such action actually going on.  And then came the reports - again, on the 'citizens' media,' the Internet - that the emergency hospital set up in Central Park to handle the anticipated overflow of hospitalizations was quietly folded up, without having had a single admittance.  And the same for the hospital boat that had been delivered nearby, to handle the same potential overload of patients.  Nothing.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  And it is also being reported - via that same independent media; and with telling detail - that none of the tests for the ncv can actually be trusted.  (With the likes of unvalidated testing procedures, and test positives coming up for the likes of goats and paw paws, and financial incentives to call tests positive for the CoVid-19.)  And how, with 'contact tracing' kicking in, all of those being traced are not only being considered but being called as testing positive for the cv-19 infection.*  

Why all this?

The financial remuneration to the hospitals by the federal government/Medicare aside (and so simply pure venality at work), it fits with the statement attributed to a former Director of the CIA: "We'll know that our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

And speaking of 'fitting':

Refuse to wear the (ill-fitting) masks that your Wannabe Masters are attempting to get you to be accustomed to.  As a way to get you to be conditioned to submit to their arbitrary authority over you; and thus, for your having agreed - or at least acceded - to come out from under the protection of constitutional law.  And under the arbitrary law of tyrants.  The ubiquitous masks being a very visible sign of the herd's subservience to the state.  So, make its absence an equally visible sign of your civil disobedience.  And when someone asks you why you are not wearing The Sign, say to them, politely: 'Oh - you obviously didn't get the memo.'  And explain to them - from the information (still) available on The People's Media - the number of ways that the masks are not only ineffective, but dangerous to the wearer.  And thus, help wake up more and more of your fellow 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  Before it's too late.  And they miss this Round's


P.S. You did know that all of this is part of an ideological agenda called Pressure From Above And Pressure From Below, didn't you?  That 'people of color' were being used by powerful puppet masters, who plan on being the real rulers of the roost after the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A. is carved up like no longer the proverbial but now the you-should-excuse-the-expression Thanksgiving turkey??  A hint was conveyed to 'you' when, early on in the ncv invasion of this country, U.S. tv station taking heads reported that the number of fatalities from this strange new virus had now reached - wait for it - 33.  That particular figure repeated over and over, throughout the country.  Not of total national deaths.  But the same figure being referred to in many states for their state's total.  All at the same time.
     1) What are the odds.
     2) Think Ordo Ab Chao.
     3) For those of you of a certain age: You do remember JFK's speech, shortly before his assassination, wherein he referred to the nation's enemy in terms of being, not 'a monolithic communist conspiracy'.  But instead, gave a warning about "secret societies".  Don't you???
     And if his son were still alive today, I am sure that he would be doing everything he could to avenge the assassination of his father, by such not totally invisible enemies.                    

* Shades of how the CoVid-19 fatalities are being catalogued as 'PIC'.  Which stands for pneumonia, influenza, and CoVid-19.  Which makes sense, in a way.  Because the symptoms are basically the same.  Which is how a lot of the 'cases' of CoVid-19 are simply being diagnosed.   With quote marks around the latter word and term as well.
   And even with all of this perfidious persiflage, the reported number of fatalities are not keeping up with the reported number of cases.  So that the fatality incidence is showing up as being hardly no worse than a bad seasonal flu.  Pandemic?  No.  More like what people who have done their (lockdowned?) homework on the matter are calling it: plandemic.

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