Monday, 6 July 2020

And Another Thing...

...On This, Er, New Day

from ‘What’s Really Behind the Riots?’ - Alex Newman - July 6:

It is becoming increasingly clear that revolutionaries wreaking havoc in the streets and their allies in the Deep State are using old communist tactics to wage war on America… (Emphasis in original)

What Is Really Going On?

In reality, all of these slogans and issues are simply the cover story. Leftists have long used the infamous slogan, ‘The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.’ That could not be more obvious today, as those seeking to remake America use the longtime communist strategy of applying ‘pressure from below’ and ‘pressure from above’ to trap Americans in their pincer grip to reconstruct America. As this article will prove, the Deep State figures behind the scenes, and the dangerous extremism of the communist revolutionaries they are funding, are barely even concealed. And they know exactly what they are doing.

“The revolutionists and their backers — billionaire globalists such as George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty — are attempting to undermine civilization, limited government, the rule of law, Christianity, traditional morality, free markets, and individual liberty by equating them all to ‘white supremacy’ and ‘structural racism.’ Of course, the idea that those concepts are inherent only to ‘white’ people, rather than civilized people everywhere, is self-evidently ridiculous, and potentially racist. Yet anyone and everyone who might dare to defend any of those bedrock principles of American society, including the founding ideals such as ‘all men are created equal’ and are ‘endowed by their Creator’ with God-given rights, are by definition racist defenders of white supremacy who must be destroyed, according to the narrative…

“Even at the highest echelons of government, analysts have recognized and exposed the true nature of what is going on. ‘Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed,’ explained then-U.S. National Security Council Director of Policy and Planning Rich Higgins in a memo for President Trump about the Deep State assault on his administration. ‘Atomization of society must also occur at the individual level; with attacks directed against all levels of group and personal identity. Hence the sexism, racism and xenophobia memes.’

“The movement sweeping America (and even Europe) is about setting people against each other, fomenting unrest, and attempting to crush America’s system of local policing, while moving toward nationalized and even globalized police and centralized governance. Also on the agenda, as this article will show, is advancing a ‘New World Order’ by discrediting even the founding ideals upon which America was based — the very ideals that abolished slavery, ubiquitous throughout human history, and achieved full equality under law for all people. Simply stated, the riots aim to dismantle American and Christian civilization, and replace them with something new…”

Indeed, Alex.  Indeed.

And “something new” WILL replace The Current Order of Things.  But not what the NWO crowd think it will be.  Or what a simple Reaction to their plotting would be. Rather, something a tad more creative. This, currently, all being just part of

a Process.  Into 

something altogether -

because of its global nature, now - 


And just in time, it would appear.  More.  And more.

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