Friday, 24 July 2020

In A Nutshell

An expat I know from my spiritual community days over in Scotland, living now in the south of England,  has emailed me wanting to know how things go over here, for me and for the country.  My response (trimmed of more personal stuff):

 "As tor the virus thing: Utah is one of the states less frequented by it, with a very low fatality count - and that's with even a rather laid-back take on the matter.  Oh, there is a statewide 'policy' of 'Social Distancing' and a limit of numbers in groups to 10 (& schools & churches closed), and with [all or at least] most stores requiring a mask to enter; but, e.g., at the local small reservoir, where I take the dog for its walk, the people are enjoying the sun sans masks and all the other 'guidelines,' and the police are leaving well enough alone.  In this conservative state it is not as bad as in the 'blue' states, which according to the color 'code' in that political identity matter is shorthand for the states run by the Democrats.  What you may not know so much about, not having been here for as long as you say, is that the Marxists are now coming out of the woodwork in almost full force, especially with the advent of Trump's win in the 2016 election raining on their slowly slowly parade into their New World Order, and things are actually reaching civil war peak, is how bad things have gotten on that 'front'.  The word - at least in the independent/alt media - is that the Trump Dept. of Justice is about to release a bunch of unsealed indictments (from quiet beavering away by grand juries around the country) that will, presumably, bring a large number of people involved in both child sex trafficking (& worse; very much worse) and political shenanigans to justice, including some very big names, and that could well trigger the NWO crowd to attempt to head it all off with a very large false flag op, which could include an assassination attempt on Trump.  But other than that, life goes on pretty much as usual.  (I jest.)

"Speaking of the coronavirus: Has the word reached the UK that this 'pandemic' is not actually one, is more in the nature of a seasonal flu; and additionally that this whole scare thing is a beat-up, in an attempt to get as many people as possible to accept TPTB's vaccine for it, which will contain a nano particle of a 'chip' - a la the Christian's belief in such a thing 'in the Last Days' - that will put us deeply under the thumb of our wannabe masters, in their Red China-like totalitarian police state??  So that things are indeed coming to a head along such lines, whether precisely like the Christians believe or not.  In any event: It is turning out that we live in interesting times...

"which may include an election in November or not, things having gotten that bad over here. (To some people I echo the expression: 'The Democrat Party is not the party that your parents knew.'  In short: We are on the verge of a Bolshevik-style Revolution here, with over a generation of students having been indoctrinated in our 'institutions of higher learning,' cough cough.)

"As for me: I spend most of my time reading from my various books and magazines (in all this sort of thing), and after taking the dog out for a walk (or going on a longer one just on my own, up a nearby scenic canyon along a creek) I go online, both to a number of favorite websites and to my plethora of daily emails (being a Gemini I like to keep up with things), which takes me both to dinner time and to the wee hours thereafter.  Which rhythm suits me fine. I am, in short, enjoying the time to 'keep up with things' in these retirement days and years of mine.  For however long it will last.  And for however long the U.S.A. will as well.  It is, truly, that bad over here, [friend].  

"But then, nobody ever promised us a rose garden.

"And, as they also say: Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

"Sign me

"a believer in at least that perspective on things"



The bottom line, and my advice, in a nutshell:

Question the narrative.

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