Wednesday, 22 July 2020

On Thinking Big

In my last blog I ended it with asking you, as regards a New World, to "think big."


Dana: A World Run on Love

Steve BeckowJuly 22, 2020

“Dana” is the Buddhist term for donations.
The world is about to become a dana economy, a donor economy (following the Reval) and, in preparation for that, I’d like to look at the notion.
Why a dana economy? Because lightworkers will have been gifted enormous sums of money by the Divine Mother (1) in the hopes that they’ll observe a soul agreement, which they have no memory of, to redistribute that wealth, equitably, across the globe.
That’s dana on a global scale.
I intend to use mine to fund Six Point Plans in every country I can – that’d be universal basic incomes, universal medicare, dental care, and pharmacare, universal accessibility to education, etc. (2)
That means, in essence, that I’ll be donating monies that have been more or less donated to me. I’ll be receiving and passing it along. I’ll be a pipeline for the redistribution of wealth.
Remember that the Reval is not the only abundance plan, as Michael acknowledges here: “There will be several waves of abundance.” (3)
From the Company of Heaven’s standpoint, everything has been in place since at least 2018:
Archangel Michael: Now understand, years ago we have said to you, the channel has shared with you about how we have returned to Earth, shipload after shipload after shipload of gold and that was to anchor this Re-evaluation and St. Germaine’s blessings basically.
So, in truth, already everything is in place. (4)
So the hold-up is not coming from the Company of Heaven, who may end up gladly paying for it if terrestrial forces cannot reach agreement. It’s coming from our ranks.
Why dana? Why not “enlightened self-interest” and “trickle-down economics”? Did they not work to distribute the globe’s wealth equitably? No, eh? Huh.
They simply resulted in hoarding? And the world’s wealth became concentrated in fewer and fewer hands?
Dana is the exact opposite. It is two sets of open hands, one with wealth for the giving, one with a need for the receiving. At the moment of exchange, dana belongs to both people and then it is let go of in love.
It’s both a form of connecting and a means of generating the flow of love. It’s also a modelling of, a lesson in non-attachment and trust in the Divine to replenish. Of our post-Reval gifting, Michael said:
Archangel Michael: This is the prelude. This is how your society is to work. It is the equality of sharing; of giving and receiving. (5)
Of course in the higher dimensions supply is limitless and endless. But supply would be greater here if we believed less in limitation. Nevertheless we attract those conditions to us, I think, by extending our generosity as a society and as individuals.
Generosity is another of the divine states. All the divine states share being portals to the higher dimensions. Generosity releases love.
We’re about to go into a dana or donor economy as a model, a template for an introduction to a world that works for everyone, a world run on love.
The faster we replicate its arrangements on Earth, the faster the world they point to will manifest. That’s my hypothesis and firm faith.
(1) AAM: The provisions will come from a variety of sources and, yes, we will use you and some human beings to help deliver but that doesn’t mean it does not come from the Company of Heaven and the Mother herself. It does.
Yes, she uses vehicles and that is the way it is set up. That is part of the plan, for people to learn how to be generous without condition.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 10, 2017. Hereafter AAM.)
(2) As a pipeline, I’ll be helping to reintroduce sequestered Illuminati funds back into the economy. I’ll be doing it through funding Six Point Plans around the world.
Six Point Plan

One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.
Two, universal (free) medicare, pharmacare, and dental care. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in that country, without distinction.
Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education (K-Ph.D.) for all people living in that country.
Four, universal elder care, child care, and single-parent care.
Five, the elimination of personal debt.
Six, the elimination of the national debt. (“The Big Change – Part 1,” May 8, 2020, at
(3) “That is why we have also said (this is an aside), there will be several waves of abundance.” (AAM, March 10, 2017.)
(4) AAM, July 13, 2018.
(5) AAM, Oct. 10, 2017.
Do I believe in each and every item in this list of a/the New World?  I have certain reservations.  (Particularly in perhaps inadvertently leading people to think that they can get something for nothing.)  But I feel that Steve is on the right track; is tapping into the right zone of inspiration.  And others have their versions of what is called NESARA/GESARA.  Let's see how it all unfolds.
But unfold it will.  Because
it's that time.

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