Wednesday, 1 July 2020

On The Lighting Of Fuses

On the ship to and from South Korea, in the aftermath of the Korean War, er, Police Action (Pres. Truman failing to secure proper constitutional authorization for going to war before committing the nation’s troops to what was euphemistically called the above, under the flag of the UN; an act that severely helped set the stage for much of what has commenced since, in the area of unconstitutionality), I was amused by the somewhat quaint naval terms periodically emanating over the loudspeaker.  Such as: ’Sweepers: Man your brooms.’  And in the evenings: ‘The smoking lamp is lit.’  

My fuse is lit.  And growing shorter by the day.  And well past the stage of just smoking.

Example.  An article on the Internet, forwarded to me by a friend, regarding some hullabaloo amongst the far Left in their attempts to mount a nation-wrecking offense at this time, in this case involving the presidential faces carved in stone at Mount Rushmore and Pres. Trump planning to hold a July 4th ceremony there, and some Native Americans inveigled into commenting in a disparaging way on it, caused this response from me:  

“’President Trump has been criticized for disparaging minorities.’  Excuse me?  What in hell are you talking - 

“Oh.  I get it.  Because he has been attempting to secure our borders (which is his responsibility as the Executive) against illegal aliens. Among whom are drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and outright terrorists, positioning themselves for Der Tag: the call for uprising in our midst.  Right.  Those minorities.  Got  ya.  And gotcha.



I am getting sick and tired of my intelligence, and that at least of the awakened American public, being insulted by the far Left in this sort of way.  Of how Trump has been, and is being, accused of being ’racist’ and ‘xenophobic’ and ‘anti-immigrant’ because of his attempts to DO HIS JOB of being responsible for the security at the borders of this country.*

And then there’s this (to enlarge on my post of late last night, for more clarity on the matter):

from ‘JUDGE Forced To STEP DOWN Forced To Resign After BLM Thugs BULLY Him For Using EVERYDAY STATEMENT!’ -  June 29, posted early June 30

A federal judge in Los Angeles resigned as chief judge after using the ‘racist’ term “street smart” to describe a black court official.

“Now the Marxists have decided that the term ‘street smart’ is somehow offensive and racist.

“U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney made the announcement he will be stepping down in an email and said he apologized to the black woman he offended…

“The judge not only resigned, he groveled to the Marxist outrage mob.

“‘This term was one of many words I used to recognize and compliment Ms. Gray regarding her work on the Court Reopening Plan,’ Judge Carney explained. ‘Please know that I had no intent [my emphasis] to offend Ms. Gray or anyone else by my use of the term. To me, the term means a person of great common sense, initiative, and ability to work with people and get things done. It saddened me greatly to learn that some people view the term to be demeaning to people of color.’”

To say, to some “people of color,” Judge.  Those who have been radicalized by the New World Order crowd, in their current - and longstanding - attempt to bring down this country - of a free and independent people - and make it into a state like that of - the current - Communist China.  

The current.  But not to last.  Because 






* What is the far Left trying to do here?  It seems rather obvious: They are attempting to bring down the borders of the country (and thus make it a no-country), in order for the people that they incite to take advantage of the situation to flood into this (former) country and help them BRING IT DOWN, and make it into just a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order.  Planned for the whole world this time.  Not just the likes of the - former - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).  With the current Communist China as their desired ‘model’ for the future of the world.  That is to say, a world ruled by Force.  
   The reverse image of The Real Thing.  But to continue.


P.S. As for the far Left’s attempts to bring Pres. Trump down, I see another front in that war being introduced, in the form - as broadcast in the pages of the New York Times - of accusing Russia of inciting the Afghans to kill American forces in that country, and giving them a bounty for each such casualty, and attempting to smear Pres. Trump for doing nothing about it.
     My, how unhappy the far Left is with Russia, and Putin, for ‘giving up’ on communism.  Or at least, for not falling in line with their attempted New Order of Things.  To be ruled by an iron fist - theirs.  And so, wishing to incite a war between the U.S. and Russia.  Crisis equalling Opportunity, and all.
     N.B. This same friend sent me an article on this, what is being called ’The Russian bounty story,’ asking me if I thought it was a hoax, and commenting that “It is certainly dominating the air waves.”  My response:

     “Dave of the X22Report - whose site/reports I find valuable - says 1) it is not confirmed, which is why Trump's intel agencies did not pass the report on to him, and in addition have castigated the NYT (a staunch anti-Trump source) for its leaking of classified info, whether confirmed or not; and 2) it is part of DT's enemies's attempts to bring him down/keep pressure on him, leading up to the elections, to attempt to get him out of their way, of their attempted overthrow of the country, a la the Bolsheviks' Revolution.  Dave seems to have a bit of an insider 'take' on things, and spends some time reviewing the 'Q' intel drops in each of his reports (he also iv's interesting people on his site).  every eve (by ab. 6pm EDT) except Sat.

     “This 'Q' phenomenon is a very interesting one.  Whoever it is or they are, it has been proven that they have direct contact with Trump, and it is part of his 'back channel' way of letting the public know that there are things going on in the bg that they can't tell the the public about just yet.  But that time is rapidly coming, by the looks of things.”

And it can’t come soon enough, for me.

P.P.S. And speaking of ‘intent’.  A great, very judicial comment from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; who, thereby, has announced very clearly that he will not support legislating from the Bench, aka ‘activist judges’ treating the Constitution as ‘a living document,’ subject to their judicial amending process:

from ‘Clarence Thomas erupts on his own chief justice: Scathing dissent in 5-4 ruling against restrictions on abortion’ - WND Staff - June 29, posted June 30

In a scathing rebuke Monday of a ruling supported by Chief Justice Roberts against abortion restrictions, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling has no constitutional basis and must be overruled.

“Thomas issued the dissent in the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in June Medical Services v. Russo to strike down a Louisiana law. The law requires that individuals who perform abortions at clinics have admitting privileges in a nearby hospital.

“The majority found the law unconstitutional, concluding it places an undue burden on women seeking abortions.

“But in his 20-page dissent, Thomas called the right to an abortion an erroneous precedent grounded in a ‘legal fiction.’

“‘This Court created the right to abortion based on an amorphous, unwritten right to privacy, which it grounded in the “legal fiction” of substantive due process,’ Thomas wrote. ‘As the origins of this jurisprudence readily demonstrate, the putative right to abortion is a creation that should be undone.’

“Thomas pointed out that the Supreme Court in the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut case acknowledged the Constitution did not protect a right to privacy. Instead, the court ‘explained that this right could be found in the “penumbras” of five different Amendments to the Constitution — the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth.’

“‘Rather than explain what free speech or the quartering of troops had to do with contraception, the Court simply declared that these rights had created “zones of privacy” with their “penumbras,” which were formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance,’ Thomas wrote.

“‘This reasoning is as mystifying as it is baseless.’

“Thomas said ‘the idea that the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment understood the Due Process Clause to protect a right to abortion is farcical.’

“He pointed out that in 1868, when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, a majority of the states and numerous territories had laws that limited, and in many cases nearly prohibited, abortion.

“’It would no doubt shock the public at that time to learn that one of the new constitutional Amendments contained hidden within the interstices of its text a right to abortion,’ Thomas wrote. ‘The fact that it took this Court over a century to find that right all but proves that it was more than hidden — it simply was not (and is not) there.’

“Thomas criticized Roberts for claiming to adhere to stare decisis, or precedent. It's the legal doctrine that gives deference to previous decisions.

“Thomas argued the justices exceed their constitutional authority whenever they ‘apply demonstrably erroneous precedent instead of the relevant law’s text.’

“’Because we can reconcile neither Roe nor its progeny with the text of our Constitution, those decisions should be overruled,’ Thomas asserted. ‘Because we lack jurisdiction and our abortion jurisprudence finds no basis in the Constitution, I respectfully dissent.’”

And well done for doing so, Judge Thomas. Because that is Truth speaking.

And Truth




The End


The Drama

and the Beginning of

The Real Thing.


to a Theater of Operations

very near


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