Sunday, 5 July 2020

On CoVid 'Contact Tracing' Noncompliance

Various states are getting very Bolshie about their quarantine 'directives'.  Which are basically not laws; engaged in in order to get the U.S. populace (and other nations) inured to the idea of living outside of the rule of law - as in constitutions; which enshrine civil liberties - but rather to be accepting of arbitrary decrees by their political masters.  Which is precisely what happened in Germany in the years leading up inexorably to the dictatorial rule of Hitler.  But to continue with my main point of this blog.  Which is to point out how we are being bamboozled by these, our Wannabe Masters.

Who are now engaged in inflating the coronavirus infection numbers - in the so-called Second Wave - in order to keep us in a Lockdown mentality, totally at the mercy of our political betters.  How are they doing this?

Two ways in particular have been uncovered, by investigative journalists in the alt media:

1) Persons with even just a 'cold' virus - which is, after all, the family of viruses that the novel coronavirus belongs to - are being identified' as down with the nvc.  And

2) 'Contact tracing' numbers are being manipulated as being simply declared to be ncv positive.  (And thus - horrors! - part of the herd immunity cohort, which, apparently ironically to the MSM, is how such infectious disease epidemics are stopped.  Go figure.)

All of this in addition to the application of the cynical idea of 'presumptive diagnosis' - i.e., if you are sick with any number of other influenza or pneumonia type conditions, many of our WMs are recording this as being due to the nvc.*

All of this chicanery and deceit a) simply an excuse to keep us locked down, and thereby the nation's economy destroyed, thus providing the Crisis/Opportunity for the Cabal/Illuminati to take over, and impose, from its 'Stay-at-Home' authoritarian beginnings, their total-control prison state; and b) an insult to our innate natures, as sovereign beings - 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  Who will, sooner or later, wake up to what is going on, and understand that

* Quarantines are for the sick, not the healthy;

* The 'masks' thing is simply a sign of our compliance to our WMs, with no real value other than that; and in any event

* The actual figures for infection rates in relation to the fatality rate places this virus in the category of simply another circulating virus;

* The overwhelming number of fatalities comes from the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, thus they can be targeted for treatment, with the rest of us getting on with our lives as normal; and as for treatment:

* There are a number of treatments for the CoVid-19 that, especially when engaged in early, have proven to have excellent prophylactic results.  Among them: the hydroxychloroquine cocktail (with zinc - the 'bullet' to the 'gun' of HCQ - and the antibiotic azithromycin, to help cut down on secondary conditions); the nebulizer-delivered steroid budesonide (cutting down the inflammation involved); vitamin D3 (why do you think that various viruses disappear in the warmer/sunnier months???); intravenous bolus doses of vitamin C; various herbs and other immune system-enhancing nutrients; hyperbaric oxygen chambers; and other treatments to be announced and uncovered.  In short:

WE DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR A VACCINE TO TREAT WITH THIS VIRUS - AND WILL BE FAR BETTER OFF WITHOUT ONE THAN WITH ONE.  (For its People-tracking properties.  Plus the fact that vaccines won't work with a virus that is constantly mutating.)

So - over to You, to do your homework in this regard.  And start engaging in civil disobedience-like noncompliance with the authorities.  And thereby. graduate out of the control of our WMs.  And into the Light of

a New Day.

In leaving The Play behind.  And beginning to engage with

The Real Thing.


*  Some of this fraud being due simply to venality, with the medical people involved getting more money from the government/Medicare for a CoVid-19 diagnosis than other respiratory ailments, and tripled for treatment by ventilators (which are proving to be dangerous in use with this particular virus).  But since the effect of their venality plays right into the hands of our WMs, we can consider this as a 'presumptive diagnosis' of outright Dark forces' purely political proportions of its own.  Sauce for the goose, as it were.

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