Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Headlines For Today

* The masks: 

Various comments on them & their ‘employment’.  A summary: 

A symbol of oppression; a psy-op to encourage submissive  behavior; their wearing and mandating being all about submission and control - and making us sick, and thus more susceptible to the virus, or other infectious diseases.  And Broward County, FL is now even requiring citizens to wear masks WITHIN THEIR OWN HOMES.  Dictatorial types abound in the country.  Our rights being trampled on.

P.S. Something ominous about some of the virus tests.  A simple swab from the mouth is one thing, and sufficient to get a sample of a virus.  The test type that rams a swab high up into one's nasal cavity is something else.  That is dangerous in the extreme.  DO NOT CONSENT TO SUCH A TEST.  Something more is going on with that test than as advertised.  (It could be planting a chip, e.g.  Just as a vaccine could.)

* Dr. Mike Adams,

To keep the pandemic going is part of a scam, to force everyone to take a vaccine shot for the virus (and with boosters, for even more money out of the deal).  We are being controlled in a Big Pharma national medical system.

There should be a law barring Big Pharma from advertising direct to the public.  The industry has too much power (financial clout) over our institutions.

We need to get back to health via pennies on the dollar - via, that is to say, natural products.


It’s not a constitutional crisis.  It’s an insurrection.

They created the pandemic.  They created the riots.  It is all part of a plan.  Their overthrow/revolutionary Plan.  Which actually is part of a larger Plan.  Of the Patriots.  (To take down the Deep State.) 

* Me:

And of an even larger Plan.

The Plan.

P.S. An outfit called the Committee to Defend the President has asked Trump supporters to send him a message of thanks.  My contribution (although it wasn’t accepted for delivery because I failed to enter a figure for a financial contribution, since I will no longer give out my credit/debit card info online, having been burnt in the recent past by hackers):

Dear President Trump:

Only someone with particularly broad shoulders and an iron will could have withstood all that the far Left Democrats, the Deep State, and their comrades in the MSM have thrown at the main stumbling block to their totalitarian takeover plans.

You are that man.

Keep up the good work. 

’Stan’ Stanfield


The bottom line:

What it is all about is Agenda 2030, and the NWO crowd enforcing it from the top down.  Where the Dark side’s desire for a global government and global economic system and global religion is the reverse image of

the Real Thing.  Brought about by

a Process.  Roughy speaking: called (in Hegelian terms) thesis - antithesis - synthesis.  With elements of both sides of the dynamic becoming part of the end result.  To say: 

There is nothing wrong per se with the likes of a cashless society, and a global system of exchange of goods and services, and a digital ID, and concern for the environment.  It all comes down to the mentality behind the construct.

So: Dark side version of a kingdom on earth.  Or

the Real Thing.

Take your pick.

And I encourage you, in doing so, to

think big.

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