Saturday, 4 July 2020

On The Sending Of Messages

A number of years ago, after returning to my old hometown in Southern California to see my retirement days out in the sun and on the beach, from having lived overseas for the major part of my adult life, and having registered to vote (until I discovered that it is a crime to vote in California; or more precisely, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Another, although allied subject to this one), I one day received in the mail a summons to serve on jury duty.  Having by then done a fair amount of research on the Internet on Things In Our Time, when I presented at the appropriate desk in our city's courthouse I let the fellow there know that I would refuse to serve in a court that was operating under Maritime Law, rather than American Common Law, and for 'them' to be forewarned.  (To which I received no comment.)  In the event, and after lunch, before my name was called, an announcement was made that the rest of us waiting to be summoned could go, as they were going to cancel the rest of the day's court sessions.  So I never had 'my day in court'.

Two things.  Number one: Life circumstances caused me to move out of state and up into Utah a little over half a year ago, where life has been relatively laid back regarding the coronavirus 'pandemic'.    Oh, the (Republican) governor of this state has issued some guidelines, as recommended by his medical authorities, regarding Social Distancing, and numbers of groups (thus canceling all sorts of meetings); but there has been none of the onerous and ill-advised 'Stay-at-Home' edicts going on in particular in states and cities governed by Democrats.  (Ill-advised, because it impedes the development of herd immunity, number one; and number two, because normally you quarantine the ill, not the healthy, and asymptomatic.)  As I have followed the ramifications of this (quite apparently man-made) virus, in particular on the 'alt media' - which is where one has to go these days to get real information, not the 'fake news' as commented on so clearly and indefatigably by Pres. Trump  - I have seen that the Democrat governor of my home state is getting very Bolshie about the matter, to the point of employing Watch Lists and Strike Teams (can you get more Stasi-like than this???).  If I were still living there, I hope that I would have the temerity to continue to go down to the beach - a you-should-excuse-the-expressions stone's throw from my then apartment - and still there on my beach chair reading something of value, waiting to be arrested, and say to my interlocutors something like:

'Since the facts are that the real figures regarding numbers of infected versus numbers of case fatalities place this virus in the category of nothing more than a form of the annual flu, it is you the officials who are engaging in overkill, and you need to stop it, before the economy is irretrievably destroyed; which would seem to be the purpose of the far Left in this matter.  Oh - and also, how come you haven't come across the information that there is an excellent treatment for the CoVid-19, even for the particular 'target' populace, of the elderly and those with underlying health conditions?'

And maybe then I would get my long-delayed day in court.      

Number two, and to the specific issue of our judicial system:

Having been otherwise engaged at the time of Pres. Trump's live broadcast of his speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3, I watched the rerun of it this afternoon.  And I noted a detail that, unfortunately, not enough Americans would have caught.  (I say unfortunately, or otherwise we wouldn't be in half the trouble that we are in at this time.)  And that was that the flags behind Pres. Trump at his podium did not have the gold fringe on them that identifies the American judicial system as being under the auspices - and control - of Maritime Law, or Admiralty Law.  My old 'nemesis,' as it were.  And this means that Pres. Trump is sending, thereby, a message.  To the Deep Sate, on the one hand, and to the American people on the other: that

a major Change - and for the Better - is coming through.

And I won't even need to have my day in court to see that important event - for both this country, and for the world - happen.

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