Tuesday, 21 July 2020


from thecommonsenseshow.com: ’Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Left will ”steal every election untll the end of time” via vote-by-mail’ - July 20  (article by Kyle Olson republished from Breitbart.com):

“Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) sounded the alarm over vote-by-mail and the danger it poses to election integrity during a Friday appearance on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily…

“‘In my view, the only way Trump loses in November, is if you have a proliferation of voting by mail in state after state, particularly the swing states,’ Patrick said in a clip played during the show, adding that Trump’s campaign team is ‘on top of it.’…

‘The lieutenant governor cited the recent appearance of Greater New York Black Lives Matter President Hawk Newsome on Fox News, who said, ‘if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.’

“‘If they’re willing to burn the country down, tear a statue down, you don’t think they’re going to go steal some ballots out of a mailbox?’ Patrick said…”

Etc.  But let’s listen to that again:

“if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”


…so, has this business gone far enough?  For you?

It has for me.

The bottom line:

This novel coronavirus thing has now proven - to those who have availed themselves of the information that has come out at least in the Independent/alt media - to be no more virulent than a seasonal flu, is not the pandemic that it was at first feared to be.  Or at least, was presented to us as being.  Another story to the point of this particular blog.  Which is to say, in conclusion to its subject, and issue:

So we can now get back to normal.  And stop this nonsense - this tool of and for corruption - of Mail-In Voting procedures, in the present mental and emotional climate.  And not only ‘get back to normal’ regarding our elections.  

But clean the whole mess up.  


And a lot of other things along with it.

In actually not just ‘getting back to normal’.  

But moving on.  On

The Path.  Giving us our

Curriculum.  As

spiritual beings having a human experience.  On our Way




The Plan.

Which certainly doesn’t have a programmed. built-in desire that we, in experiencing, and exploring, our individuality, get lost along The Way.

But allows for it.  As part of

The Process.

Of proving our Selves worthy of being a god in our own right.  Upon


And not before.

So, to some of my fellow fractals of our Creator Source, I say -

and warn - 


Slow down.

And think before you act.

Your life depends on it.

As to Who You are


That is to say:


the classroom.

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