Wednesday, 15 July 2020

One Of A Number Of Doctors...

With Their Heads Screwed On Right

From ’Breaking Down Covid 19, by Dr. Kelly Victory
(Dr. Victory is a board-certified  trauma and emergency specialist with over 15 years of clinical experience.  She served as CMO for Whole Heath Management in Colorado.)

Two things: 1) Just to report, Paul, that this didn't load for me to play. I suspect foul 'play'. 2) I had heard this report from Dr. Victory before, and my comment is that she did a very good job. There has been so much propaganda out there regarding this purported pandemic, with both the infection rate figures and the fatality figures having been inflated - but even then, the fatality rate figures have not kept up with the infection rate, so that it is proving to be hardly more than a bad seasonal flu. Plus there are a number of treatments for it that are proving excellent (the HCQ cocktail, budesonide, vit. D, etc.), and, it is only a major threat to the elderly with compromised immune-system conditions. We need to get off the Fear wagon and stop our country from being collapsed into the hands of the NWO crowd, who are behind all this takedown business that is going on. The more Americans who listen to the likes of Dr. Victory on this CoVid-19 business, the better.


Other doctors in this genre are:

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi

Dr. Richard Bartlett 

Dr. David Samadi

Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis

Dr. Scott W. Atlas

Dr. Jeff Barke

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Knutt Wittkowski

Dr. Scott Jensen

Dr. Dolores Cahill 

Dr. Russel L. Blaylock

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, D.O.

Dr . Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Simone Gold et al (the so-called 'America's Frontline Doctors')

The Honor List goes on.

Of doctors not only 'telling it like it is' regarding this CoVid-19 business, but about Big Pharma medicine in general, including in particular the dangers of vaccines.

But everything will be coming out, in the Great Wash of the Great Awakening.


Because only the Truth will be able to withstand The Light of The New Day.

Sort of how viruses cannot exist in the presence of the heat and sun of summer.  So:

a New Beginning.

All the Darkness:


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