Sunday, 30 August 2020

Know Your Enemy - Truly

When I was in South Korea, in the short wake of the war there - my time of military service being the period 1957-’58 - as a draftee (more specifically, as a ‘c.o.’ - conscientious objector; another story), I managed my way from being stationed in the Seventh Division’s Medical Battalion into its Special Services branch, where I shortly became the Director of its Entertainment Section.  In that capacity I helped to write and produce Soldier Shows - entertainment for that Division’s troops, and the troupe going on from there out on tour to other military units in South Korea and even over to Japan - and booked and made all the arrangements for other such soldier troupes to tour throughout our Division, along with doing the same for stateside show troupes, via the U.S.O. and other organizing entities.  It was a great way to spend my two-year hitch in the military, until I could get back to my main interest in my post-college life, which was to find out what Life itself was all about, and, in the meantime, what all was going on in it, especially regarding what this, er, business of wars was all about.  It seemed so - foreign, to me.  I mean, yes, there were different races and religions and nationalities and political ideologies; but we were all in this bigger business of Life together, were all the same in our essence: why weren’t we acting like it, and pulling together, in common cause???

I wasn’t the only guy in our Entertainment Section who felt the same way (as I took it at the time).  There was a Jewish guy - from New York City (a big hint as to where I am going with this report) - who felt similarly, and planned, upon his return to civilian life after his own time as a draftee, to go to wok for the UN - “to help create a better world”.  I wasn’t sure what precisely that would entail for him, but it sounded like a noble aspiration, and I supported him in his idea, of a life’s vocation.  Little did I know then what that precisely might entail, and what his intention in that endeavor precisely might be.

 For by then in my life’s pursuit of answers, both as to the Big One and the smaller ones - just a year out from my having dropped out of my pre-Med studies in university to go searching for answers in particular to the Big Question, about Life itself - I didn’t know of one of the hard specific facts: of how so many Jews - to become better known to me, in my research, as Khazarian Jews, and then as ‘the Khazarian mafia’* - were involved in their clandestine and very long-time plot to take over the world and impose on it their totalitarian ’New World Order’ - a vision, and regime, of controlling all the world’s peoples to within an inch of their lives, including, but not limited to, what they could say or do, or even think.  Which was hardly my vision for the world.  Was, to be more specifically, the exact opposite, in spirit, of my vision for the world, even by then in my search for answers about Life.

Theirs being characterized by brute Force.  (As exemplified in our day by the Bolsheviks who took over Russia - with the invaluable assistance of some American bankers - and the current regime controlling Red China, with their Social Credit system being an example of 'The New Normal' that our Wannabe Masters want to impose on the world.)  Mine being characterized by, in a word: Love.  In the spirit of our Creator Source.  Wishing us well, in our passage through the educational, bramble bush-filled experience of 3D Life, in a Dualistic world.  

And now, here we are.  At a cosmic Completion stage of The Journey.   On the verge of 

Two Roads Diverging In the woods.  And which one we take will make

all the difference.         

With the Khazarian mafia having served The Plan.  In their way.  So, may they be cut some slack, as they are tried for their treasonous actions along

The Way.  Which can well be described, as well, as

The Royal Highway.  As befitting

gods in the making.   

But needing to graduate from The Course actually to make it to that end.

P.S. And believe me, the pedophiles who are part of the revolution trying to take down the U.S.A. and install their totalitarian NWO on its ruins are not going to be considered in the same category of those revolutionaries who deserve to be cut some slack.  That’s not what I am talking about, when I refer to those who are just playing a part in this Drama that we are involved in, in which and by which to catch our consciences.  They know precisely what they are - have been - doing.  And it is
     Not.  On. 
     As for the rest: 
     By their auras they will be known.

* My understanding of that historical situation goes like this (with a nod including to, but not limited to, Arthur Koestler, and especially, in that larger category, to Flavio Barbiero,  in researching genetic lines): The Khazarians were a Turkic people, at an early point nomadic but then many settling in the area of Europe roughly occupied by Crimea and Ukraine today, who got a terrible reputation for their people robbing travelers through that area, to the point where the leaders of the countries to the east and west of their territory met with their king and insisted that he impose a religion on his people, in order to get them to start behaving in a civilized manner, and between Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, he chose the former.  History doesn’t record if he did that because of the idea of being a Chosen People, which would fit his, and their, arrogant attitude towards their neighbors; in any event, that was the origin - more or less - of the Khazarians having the Jewish faith, who then began settling further afield, especially to the west, and became the nucleus of what has become known as the Ashkenazic Jews, as opposed to the Sephardic Jews of northern Africa and Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin.  Many of the latter undoubtedly being of actual Jewish blood, with the bulk of the former being Jews by, er, virtue of conversion.  And to this day, there are major differences of socio-political opinion between the two ‘tribes’.

Saturday, 29 August 2020


To and for me, to engage in the voting process before it has been cleansed  - completely - of its fraudulence is tantamount to being complicit in the commission of a crime; or more specifically put, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  And especially in my old home county of, er, Los Angeles; and I refused to vote there, upon my return to my old home town, and home country itself, after living the bulk of my adult life abroad, once I discovered the nature of that beast.(1)  I now live in a different state, one whose voter registration rolls could reasonably be considered as being far more clean in this regard, for this state having so many Christians living here per capita, in the denominational form of Mormons: this state being their ‘home’ state of Utah.  But even here, there is no proof that the VRRs are regularly cleaned, of the names of dead people, duplicates, people who have moved, etc.  And with only two-thirds of the states requiring ID to vote, what does that say to the state of voting in this country?  With all of the illegal aliens in the country, and other non-citizens??  It is the same old signal as sent out in California: Accept to be registered to vote under the federal Motor Voter Law, whether you are legal to do so or not.  Nobody will check on you after the fact.(2)

I find this ‘practice’ despicable.

I won’t have it.

Not in my country, you won’t.

Now.  Having said all that.

The voting systems in this country, with all of their opportunities to cheat (and including via the electric voting machines, which are notorious both for being capable of being hacked and for the act itself), and the proof already in of massive exercise of said Opportunity, are symptomatic of the general tenor of corruption going on in this country.  And in the world; where some countries have had to resort to the dipping of a voter’s finger in purple dye in order to keep duplicate voting from occurring.  But I would have expected better from this special country, where the Individual is the sovereign.  Not the state, or royal, or cleric.  The Great Experiment in self-government  - failing the test.  A terrible, terrible shame.

Anyway.  Time’s up.  It’s time to move on.  Ready.  Or not.

Into a New World, wherein we leave The Old behind, and embark on a New Stage of the Operation.  Operation

Gods in the Making.  After their Creator Source.  Precisely after.  As chips off the old block.  As it were.

And is.

Facing, now, a watershed moment in that Enterprise.  As collectively, those who are ready to move on - in an Ascension process - will do so; and experience the fruits of their labor, as they come into their inheritance on the technological level, in the form of such innovations as free energy devices, and antigravity devices, and what is known (to some) as ‘Med Beds,’ and the perfecting of such abilities as telepathy and teleportation, and on and on.  In a state, no longer of Economy.  But of Abundance.  And so, the Apprenticeship on the elementary-school level, over.  As I indicated: For some, of us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

For the others?  Ah.  Well.  Better luck next time.  Meaning, at your next bite at the Apple of Life in a 3D, Duality/Polarity realm.  Or to say, not really a realm.  More like a construct.  A matrix.  A  hologram.  A classroom.  

You don’t think the Dark is real, do you? 

The Dark is a shadow.  Of something that is Real in and of itself.  Is the temporary - relatively speaking - absence of Light.  Which simply


And Is, now, to shine more fully on this sorely put-upon Earth.  A live Being in its own right.  Now, to move on, on its own path to its own inheritance.

As are we.   

Each at our own speed.  And needing, now, to keep up with the Ascension of our Earth.  Or be left behind, for this Go ‘Round.  This cosmic time of collective Harvesting.

And be fully aware:

Corruption does not exist on the higher levels.  Everything that is on those levels needs to be able to withstand the intensity - the frequency - of the Light involved on each level of consciousness.  Or it simply can’t exist on that level.  To say:

We don’t need ID cards beyond this state of being.  All is revealed, in that Light.  We are here simply to learn lessons.  ‘Life’ not merely being a matter of existence in and for itself only.  

So,  Prepare to leave behind the level, the state of consciousness that says, tell you, that ‘The purpose of life is to make money’.  

Its Purpose - its true Purpose - is far, far more than that.

So, as we as a collective on this material level - this ledge of ‘being’ in a creation - start reaching for the stars:

May you reach far enough inside of yourself to join those who are moving on.  And Up.  Inside of themselves.   As their inner voice dictates.

The only ‘dictator’ that we should allow in our lives.  And especially now, at this very real

Turning Point. 

P.S. Oh.  And as far as this Turning Point goes - into the home stretch of the ‘exercise’ we have been engaging in, for a long time in Time -  be aware that an awful lot of error has occurred along that Way, one; and two, which we will need to iet go of, in order to enter the beginning of the higher frequencies of The Light.  And among those errors is the category of religions which Humanity has concocted along said Way.  
     You have been warned.  That this business of becoming a god in your own right is no picnic.    


(1) No voter ID required, much less with a photo; no requirement to prove one’s citizenship in order to get on the voter registration rolls; no cleansing of the VRR  - until Judicial Watch forced some degree of cleansing on the County recently; but even then such cleansing doesn’t get down to the basic level of proof of citizenship to get on the roll in the first place.
   A roll which has on it (in some County that I read abut) such ‘citizens’ as M. Mouse… 

(2) And what’s with this business of making the Voting materials, and including at the voting precincts themselves, available in other languages??  One still has to be able to read and write English in order to become a naturalized citizen.
   A requirement that is undoubtedly scheduled for deletion as we, er, speak.  As we move towards a ’system’ of voters only needing to be resident in the country.  And in however many places…

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

If I Didn't Know Better...

…I might well think that the Democrats actually believe in their own rhetoric, for all the ‘righteous indignation’ that they can feign.  But calling simple common-sense measures to clean up the notoriously fraudulent voting and electoral systems in this county ‘voter suppression’??  You’ve got to be kidding.  And then there is the incessant labeling of Pres. Trump as a ‘racist’ for his strong stand against ‘immigrants,’ when the matter obviously has to do with illegal immigrants - a border-crashing category that includes drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and outright terrorists; all of which categories of lawbreakers it is his executive-branch responsibility to interdict.  ‘Racist’?  The mind boggles at the audacity of the Left to attempt this kind of smearing.  Atrocious behavior.  

But let’s cut to the chase, of the attempt of what can fairly be called a coup on Trump and his revolution-stifling administration.  As lately, that attempt has taken a rather sinister turn.  For one thing, there was the statement of Rep. Ayanna Pressley - she with Marxist/Maoist ties -  that “there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives”.  Now, that could be considered - besides the comment of a revolutionary, describing someone or something in the way of their overthrow intention - an incitement to violence at the weakest of times.  But let’s consider it in terms of the current climate, of such a political, er, ‘campaign’.  Consider this statement yesterday from Nancy Pelosi, calling Pres. Trump and his GOP supporters in Congress, quote, “enemies of the state”.  (Yes, you heard that right.  That is precisely how far this propagandic verbosity has gotten.)  And that said at the same time as dear old Hillary tweeted the following ‘notice’: “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.” 

Under any circumstances…do you hear a party line at work here??  And insurrection???

And then Speaker Pelosi capping all this revolutionary rhetoric off with the following icing on the cake:

“Trump is leaving that office whether he knows it or not.”

Please understand.  This is not just an old biddy slurring her words and thinking after an afternoon nip too many at the sherry bottle.  This is the clear statement of a woman who is involved in an insurrection move against a legally sitting president, about whom, if he wins in November, the Left are announcing - like the Bolsheviks of today that they are - they intend to take him down, in an overthrowing of the American duly elected government.  This is sedition if there ever were an example of that term.  And it needs to be dealt with accordingly.  

Along with all the other examples of sedition going on in the country these dark days.  Such as so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ and states.  And.  And.  And……..All, leading precisely towards


And Gitmo.

Monday, 24 August 2020

On Things Coming To A Head

Let me count the ways that our Wannabe Masters are beginning to close the trap, in order to establish their Luciferian New World Order.

1. To build on the ‘beta test’ going on now in New Zealand - under their oppressive female prime minister, who has decreed that all those in, er, ‘her’ country testing positive for the novel coronavirus must go into isolation camps (and so much, then, for the scientific and longstanding concept off herd immunity) -  the WMs in the U.S. plan (copies uncovered) to activate FEMA ‘medical martial law’ camps.  From which there is planned to be no return.  As the preparatory presence in this country of a huge number of discovered guillotines attests to.   Except, perhaps, for those worthy, er, souls selected to be chipped, via the vaccine to be rolled out ostensibly to counter the ncv, but in reality to prepare the ‘inductees’ to be slaves to the LNWO; while their insidious and longstanding plans to cull the ‘herd’ of all extraneous “useless eaters” goes into effect.  (And as telegraphed as well by the intentionally created mass famines which are creeping towards the mass of humanity, on sinisterly silent feet, as we speak.)

2. A ‘morality’ pill introduced into our water supply (similar to the induction into it of fluoride and lithium to keep us docile and sedated; which, of course, has already been going on.  Our WMs not missing a trick) - building on Jose Delgado’s Mind Control experiments starting in the ’60s - to keep us amenable to staying in at least varying states of Lockdown.  While they use the current pandemic-that-isn’t to trash our economies, and cause societal collapse; exercising the Opportunity of Crisis to further their odious plan.*

3. No ”contrary material” to be allowed to be either printed or broadcast.  Such a position - of censorship - being finessed as we speak by both the MSM and Social Media platforms.
   (A point of awareness: All of this sort of thing was pioneered in the former Soviet Union - where, e.g., all written material, and including the samizdat ‘subversive’ publications, was printed on paper that the Soviet administrative commissars could identify by their watermarks - and is personified in our day by Red China’s Social Credit system.  Which form of totalitarianism is championed by the U.S.’s LNWO crowd of our day, as an ideal ’New Normal’ prototype for this country.)

4. Mosquitoes are being released in this country as we speak that have been genetically modified to block fertility in female mosquitoes.   
   Mosquitoes carrying an anti-fertility agent…What could go wrong?  Especially in the hands of extreme statists??  Who already are involved with plans to marry Man with Machine, in a movement called Transhumanism???

There’s more.  But you get the idea:

The world currently is in the controlling hands of some ‘people’ - for the lack of a better word at the moment - who need to be replaced.  By people acknowledging that they are, essentially, spiritual beings having a human experience.  And who need, now - at this time of high urgency - to live up to their potential    

in that direction.

Understanding that we are living in a simulation, before we can be trusted with

the Real Thing.  Which reflects our higher state of consciousness  - of awareness - at that time.  And so, must be earned.

P.S. It turns out that the situation in New Zealand is even worse than indicated above: Those in the quarantine camps who were put in there because they refused to be tested and who continue to refuse to be tested will be forced to stay in the camps for another tract of time (14 days, to be precise), and another, until they give in to their Big Momma.  Seriously.  
   ‘Feminism’ having run amok.  And as in this country, with various Democrat-party female mayors and governors showing that they can be just as arrogant as - and sometimes more so than - their male counterparts.  Taking The People of their cities and states out from under the protections of the rule of law, and putting them in the hands of petty little dictators.
     It would almost be amusing if it weren't so serious.

* You did know that both the infection rates and fatality rates for the CoVid-19 epidemic have been inflated, didn’t you?  And if not, why not?  The info has been readily available on - oh.  That’s right.  It’s only readily available on the independent/alternate media.  And some - a lot - of you have chosen to get your info, of what all is going on in the world, from the MSM.  Thus playing right into the hands of our WMs.  
   It must be the fluoride, and/or lithium.  So that’s alright, then.

On Reading More, And Enjoying It Less


It is not for me to come to the defense of the Founders of this country.  I am in spirit, if not in fact, one of them - they, who though men of their times, were also men for all time.

Let them rest in peace, with their inheritance intact.  And not be trashed by their lesser.

Nor is it my place to put down unduly the Christian religion, in which I am not a believer, for, as I take it, good reason.   That religion - as with the Founding Fathers of this nation - inculcates a spirit of caring for one's fellow man that has served me in this incarnation; especially now in my elder years thereof, in the form of the open heart of a niece of mine, who has taken me in to the bosom of her family, when I was in need of another roof over my head, potentially to spend my waning years here on this plane in a degree of comfort.

Never put down stops along
The Way.  

Sunday, 23 August 2020



‘“We Have A Lot of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World” – German Doctors on COVID-19 – Collective Evolution’

 More than 500 German doctors & scientists have signed on as representatives of an organization called the "Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee" to investigate what's happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19.

“Why are so many professionals and experts in the field being censored, ridiculed and shut down by organizations like the WHO? Should we not have the right to examine information openly, freely, and transparently?”

This from an article at CE by Arjun Walla posted on August 17 - making the case that the COVID-19 virus is in fact no worse than a seasonal flu - as sent to me by a friend today.  My generic response, as triggered as well by certain circumstances coming up in my personal life:

I am being blocked, by way of frozen-off download, from sites and specific articles on sites that the Censors don’t want to give me, and presumably others, access to, for political reasons, because of their ‘sensitive’ subjects.  This is unacceptable behavior.  It must be stopped.  Immediately.

And on another side of that same ’story’: Although I am not being kept in lockdown in my state, as others unfortunately are in their home states, I am being muzzled, by this nonsense masking going on - with masks that don’t even work against the novel coronavirus; which shows that it is just for the symbology of it, of our being submissive to our Wannabe Masters.  And I DO NOT CONSENT.

There is no good reason for all of this lockdown business.  It is merely serving the purposes of the NWO crowd, in order to bring us out from under the protections of constitutional law in this country, and to help set up Crisis conditions in all our countries, which the NWO crowd intend to, er, ‘capitalize’ on, in their plans for overthrow of the status quo.  It is all part of their plot to fasten a totalitarian regime on the planet, to be based on Force; which is the Dark side’s reverse version of

the Real Thing.  As we prepare, in actuality - on the other side of the, er, 'crowning' of The Process - for Liftoff.

Hang on.  This is going to be an interesting ride.  Into

The Light.  Of

A New Day.


P.S. And I note that, as part of The Process still,  the state of Massachusetts has just mandated that all K-12 students have to have the season's flu shot (with other such scrofulous states, like California, quite likely to follow).  Not only is this sort of thing a version of Red China's approach to its subjects, and part of 'the New Normal' that the NWO crowd wish to impose on this country.  But my understanding, from my research in the independent/alt media on these sorts of things, is that the flu vaccine can set up people for dangerous and even fatal reactions to such as a season's coronavirus du jour, as happened in previous such outbreaks.  So, our Wannabe Masters are trying to get as much mileage out of this manmade novel coronavirus as they can, in killing us off, and/or weakening us, for their totalitarian takeover.
     These are really evil people.  More like termites.  Or reptilians.
     Rise to the occasion, People - and throw them off with such determi-nation that they either come over to the Light.  Or disappear from our experience.  As we go Up.  Out of this vale of tears.  
     And receive our just reward.  For having passed
     The Test.

It's Rather Elementary, Really

‘Know Thyself.’

Good advice.


We humans don’t  - can’t - create souls when we have children.  We put the pieces together needed to 'create' - manifest - a vessel for souls to have the ability to incarnate into this material realm; this realm of Polarity (and Duality, and - seeming - Separation).  The soul is separate from the individuated personality; involved in this Process for purposes of its education, its unfoldment of consciousness.*  And it goes through many lives - the experiences of many lives; said experiences controlled by the Law of Karma - in order to learn all it can each time - each bite of the Apple - about itself, and the Purpose of Life; and prove its worth, before moving on, on its educational Path, into the higher realms, the higher frequencies of experiences.  This material plane of existence - this construct - being rather like element-ary school.  And in which there comes a Time to move on.

This class is graduating.  Meet the requirements, in ‘degree’ of consciousness.  Or be left behind, for more seasoning, in the Field, and seasons, of Life.

It’s rather elementary, really.

* Its individuated consciousness, and the larger consciousness of which it is but a part.  Ultimately all the way back to its Creator Source.  Its Creator experiencing Itself through its parts.


P.S. You want to make God shake Its (proverbial) head sadly for humanity?  From

New Jersey Judge Scraps Local Election Result after Candidate Charged with Voter Fraud

'The Passaic County Board of Elections disqualified 800 ballots in the election...'

Joshua Paladino - August 23, 2020

A New Jersey judge ruled Wednesday that the results of a May special election race must be scrapped after mail-in voting led to rampant voter fraud.

The local election fraud comes as President Donald Trump predicts massive voter fraud and confusion if the Democrats are able to send 51 million ballots throughout the country for the presidential election.

State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela called for a new election in November to determine who will hold the disputed Paterson City Council seat, Paterson Press reported.

Paterson Council Vice President Michael Jackson and Alex Mendez who seemingly won the race, according to the fraudulent vote totals, have been charged with voter fraud as well as Shelim Khalique, of Wayne, and Abu Rayzen, of Prospect Park.

All four of the suspects have asserted that they are innocent.

Mendez will face Councilman William McKoy, who lost the May 12 special election race by 240 votes.

The election was nullified after law enforcement agents within the USPS informed the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office that they found hundreds of mail-in ballots in a single mailbox in Paterson and many more found in Haledon, a city a few miles away.

The Passaic County Board of Elections disqualified 800 ballots in the election.

Both McKoy and Mendez claimed that their supporters were unable to vote or had their ballots disqualified in the election.

McKoy hired an attorney, who brought an injunction against Mendez to prevent him from taking office. The motion was accepted and Mendez was not sworn in to replace McKoy as Paterson’s Ward 3 councilman.

Mendez and McKoy both said they expect victory in the November election.

The city has been a hotbed for election problems, with more than 3,200 ballots having been disqualified after the May election, though the elections board did not say that voter fraud led it to toss out the ballots.


P.P.S. You want to make God weep for humanity??:

“Babies are their highest currency.”  Mel Gibson on Hollywood elites.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Color Me Red - In Anger

1) Calling Kamala Harris “colored” gets a news anchor on the radio in Cleveland fired.  What??  When did the word ‘colored’ become Politically Incorrect???

Le’s see.  There’s the NAACP, which stands for the National Association of -  oops.  Sorry.  I just about made an offensive comment.  I think…

And then there’s the fact that Joe Biden was being pressured by the far Left of his political party - and as widely reported on the MSM -  to pick as his running mate ‘a woman of c- ‘ - oops.  Sorry!  

And then there’s the current ‘identity politics’ going on of the far Left pitting ‘whites’ against ‘people of c- -  oops.  Golly gee, I almost said it again…

Madness.  Sheer madness.  

P.S. From ‘Radio Broadcaster Fired After Racial Description of Kamala Harris’ - Johnathan Jones - August 22

“WTAM issued a statement saying that cutting Cornell over his Harris comment was an easy decision.

“‘We are aware of the reference made on WTAM by Kyle Cornell. We take this matter very seriously and addressed it immediately,’ the station said.

“‘The term used is extremely offensive and does not align with our station’s core values and commitment to the communities we serve. He is no longer with WTAM,’ the statement added.”

Dear WTAM Management:

You are a fool.  And as a fool, you have been fooled.


Duane ’Stan’ Stanfield

P.S. A woman of color.  A woman of color.  A woman of color.  The far Left of the Democrat Party called for Biden to pick, as his running mate, “a woman of color”.  Got it?


2) (A friend emailed me an article today, with embedded video, on adrenochrome, with the video going into all manner of references to satanic orgies and such, by ’the Elite’ and their minions.  My response:)  

Sometimes I'm tempted to believe in Dualism, that 'the world' is the creation of a demiurge.  [Based on] how evil stuff can be here.  But at other times - the majority thereof - I take it all as part of The Process.  To know, really, how bad - and seductive - things can get, and can we really and truly choose The Way of The Light.  And I don't mean Light as in Luciferian.

I am reminded of the scene in one of the Indiana Jones films where our hero is in a face-off with a Middle Eastern bad hombre who goes through a whole panoply of moves demonstrating his ability with his sword, and Harrison Ford finally, with that look on his face, of having had enough of this silly business, just ends the whole drama by pulling his gun and shooting the guy, downing him with one bullet.  It's 'that look' that I feel sometimes.  As in, Do we really have to go through all this nonsense??  Apparently the answer is Yes.  Some people learning the very hard way.  To really get The Lesson.     



And that's my report for today.

On The (Eduction) Path, And The Last Test Thereon

In my last bog I talked about us humans becoming gods, as we move on and up the spiral stairway to the heavens via The Plan, and return ultimately - at least, given the opportunity to do so - to Unity.  And I would like to highlight one aspect of that situation.  Having to do with reincarnation.

Consider.  1) There is considerable evidence in by now, from studies and oral and written reports with elements of confirmation, of, as I call it, ’the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma’.  (And thus that the universe is a just universe.)  2) If we are indeed ‘chips off the old block,’ we are imbued with the essence of our Source.  And that makes us potential gods in our own right.  How would we come to embodying fully that potential?  Through a Process of Education, and raising of our consciousness thereby.   And no soul could reasonably accomplish that ‘job’ via just one incarnation in this realm of Duality, where such education, and resultant progress (on The Path that I have referred to repeatedly in these pages, for emphasis), takes place (including the karmic balancing-out aspect of the matter).  Otherwise we would just stay on a level of relative childhood.

Some would say, and have argued, that that is all there is, as we simply eternally adore our Creator.  But I would ‘argue that there is more, far more to The Plan than that.  That  ‘the Mormons’ have it essentially right when they talk about how ‘As Man is, God once was, and as God is, Man may become’.  They have just couched their belief in the terms of a religion that fails to appreciate just how that ‘may’-ness condition can come about, in its being based on centuries-old ideas about Sons and children of God, and so forth; an ancient concept even at the time - the purported time - of ’the Messiah,’ called Jesus.  ‘Recorded’ In a ‘New Testament’ that is sorely in need of closer inspection, by large numbers of people.  Mainly of very sincere people, wanting to do the ‘right’ thing.  But unaware of the larger context of that religious concept, and the political background to that ‘testament’.* 

And I am fully aware of the whole ‘Anti-Christ’ thing, which will put some very sincere people off in considering all this.  For awhile.  Until they ‘tune in’ for themselves to their precise, underlying natures (and The Plan of Life).  And not take someone else’s word for their understanding of

how it all works.

This, the last test.  Before


Which involves


Of gods in the making.

P..S. A note of awareness:
     TPTB, aka ‘the globalists,’ had it partly right. in going for a One World - One Government - One Religion.  Just under the wrong flag.  The flag of the Dark side.  But it was part of a deliberate Process.  Of our education.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
     I have referred to this historical Process before in these pages.  To recapitulate: In (what I think are valid) Hegelian terms, a ‘thesis’ - a socio-econo-political position - is established, which generates an ‘anti-thesis,’ in an action-reaction way (as exemplified by the Law of physics called To Each Action There Is an Equal And Opposite Reaction), which results in a ‘synthesis,’ i.e., a position/condition taking on parts of both sides of the ‘equation’; but since the process is incomplete until it reaches its conclusion, that synthesis just becomes the ’thesis’ of a further unfolding, until the process has run its full course, to the global level.  Our Dark-side Wannabe Masters have taken the Process to that level, by pushing for a global government, controlled by them with an iron fist - by Force, rather than by Love.  There is built into this dynamic the unfolding as well of the religio-spiritual component, where the NWO crowd, who are essentially atheists (forget the satanic aspect for the moment, for ‘demonstration’ purposes), are opposing ‘religion’.  Out of the whole dynamic in fact is to come a One World with not either a ’normal’ religious component or an atheistic component, but a spiritual component - i.e., Truth personified - taking The (historical) Process to its natural Conclusion:
     A - the - kingdom of heaven.  As part of the spiral stairway to the heavens, just a cut above the old 3D realm of Duality and (seeming) Separation.  Now to function on the 5th Dimension level (the 4th being part of the 3rd; a bridging level).  On our way to the consciousness- raised level at the end of the whole Process.  Which some investigators into all this have said is the realm - of Unity - just above the last of the ‘stair steps,’ the 12th Dimension.  Those details don’t matter, at this point.  At this point, all that matters is that   
     life on Earth is going Up.
     With you.
     Or without you.  

And just to mention one little detail of this Process, before its Conclusion: 

The UN is planning to carve the former U.S. up, like a turkey, into regions controlled by China, Canada, Russia (half of Alaska, the other half to be controlled by Canada), Mexico (‘La Raza’/Aztlan +), the EU off the - former- East Coast, and Japan to control the Hawaiian Islands,   And there are other ‘plans’ for such a carve-up. My Message to both the UN and the other planners:

 In your dreams.

P.P.S. As we approach the November elections, and the Democrats are making very emphatic noises about not accepting a potential Trump win - in large part because it’s all ‘on the line ‘ for them now, with prison awaiting a lot of them if he does - is a civil war in this country inevitable?  My Answer:
     Only between supporters of the Dark side and the side of the (true) Light.
     And that war has been going on for time immemorial anyway.

P.P.P.S. And I see that New Zealand, under their female commissar, is beta testing the outlawing of barter for The People’s ability  to get around TPTB’s intention to take down coinage, in deer to impose a cashless society, and thereby put us all under their thumb by forcing us to go online to engage in such exchanges - a ’service’ that can be turned off at the whim and will of our Dark-side Masters.
     “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”   Henry Kissinger.
     As part of a larger, globalist commentary and perspective: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”  Thus the nee for all those aspects of social life to be taken out of such cynical, and untrustworthy, hands.
     Coming up.

* Which I have gone into in these pages before.  Not to deal with that subject here.

The Big Secret - Shhh

The family that I am living with in the state of Utah, of a relative, has children in the local high school, which has just started up again, and we all - with some extended members of the family present - went off last night to the school’s first football game of the season.  Where almost everybody there was wearing ‘the virus’ masks.  Not being one to, er, play games, I took mine off after gaining admittance to the event in part by wearing one, after having been cautioned by the head of the household that that would most probably be part of the ‘price’ of admission.  Fortunately I was supported by said person in my little act of rebellion, who, after having done his own homework on the subject, initiated the stand and, knowing my own position on the subject (hint: They do not work.  Shhh...), quietly encouraged me to join his team of one in showing our allegiance rather to common sense.

There is rebellion and there is rebellion.  If you are rebelling against an honorable position, then you are merely a rebel.  If you are rebelling against a dishonorable position, then you are showing true grit, and an allegiance to right over wrong.  Consider.

The fact of this matter about the novel coronavirus is that we are not in a pandemic.  As I have indicated in these pages before, but it bears repeating, until sanity prevails in this matter: both the number of infections and the number of fatalities due clearly to ‘the virus’ have been proven - by those with eyes to see and ears to hear beyond the MSM’s version of ‘truth’ - to have been inflated, with the ‘true’ numbers of both (roughly speaking) indicating that it is, in reality, on the order of a seasonal flu.  Certainly something to be aware of, and to practice some measure of precaution regarding.  But not to the extent that its response has taken, and especially in those states run by Democrats, who have succumbed to the virus of their far left infection carriers, whose inhabitants - shall we call them comrades? - are attempting to collapse this country economically, and in racial warfare, and every other sort of ‘identity politics’ that they can generate, as part of their Marxist tactics, in order to take it over and - on the basis of the ideology of Ordo ab Chao - make it over into simply a part of a region of their long-desired New World Order, a totalitarian state wherein and whereby some - the ‘Enlightened’ Ones, and their minions - will rule over the rest of humanity, thought of by them as mere cattle, with no rights but those that the Ruling Class deigns to allow them.  And take away at their whim, and pleasure.  (And oh, how they seem to gain such pleasure out of it.)(1)

And so:

1) We need to stop the masks and lockdown business.  (In a quarantine you separate the ill from the healthy, and let the healthy circulate, in order to achieve, er, herd immunity.  That would be the proper application of a word associated with cattle.)  And in any event:           

2) How many thousands of people have died from this epidemic because people in positions of authority and responsibility - and including in the mass media - have failed to pick up on treatments for it that have been proving very successful, both as treatment/cure and preventive?(2)  And why has this happened??:

3) Because of the power over us of both Big Pharma and their bought-and-paid-for shills in the medical industry - who make such ‘good’ money on prescribing toxic chemicals with some positive side effects, called drugs - and the toxic MSM.(3)

The latter another subject in itself.  Just to say, here, and for now, that there are many heads that need to roll, before this thing is through, to its natural Conclusion.

And only so to speak, about the heads.  As opposed to what would have actually happened if these creatures amongst us -

who are rebels of the worst variety - 

had succeeded in their malevolent plans.

I have a message for them:

Not in this universe, you won’t. 

And if you stay stuck in your present level of consciousness, you will never be given the right to be a god in your own right, capable of creating such as universes.  And hummingbirds.  And so much else.  Having flunked

The Test.

P.S. Question: Is the mask requirement being pushed so firmly so that the Antifa rioters can have an excuse to do their thing and not get identified for it?  And/or does it have to do with conditioning us to think that TPTB can do whatever they want with us, under the guise of the pandemic, and so we no longer have various rights under the rule of law, i.e., the Constitution??  And/or does it have to do with atomiziing us, in preparation for our being newly cast as Transhumanist machines, subject to the bidding of our masters???
   Just asking.


(1) But why not, if you gain pleasure out of torturing children for their adrenochrome, and then killing them, and then, even, eating them.  But why not, when you have gone that far down that dark road.  In for a penny.   

(2) I have listed these in these pages before, and very recently.  And also of some of the nutraceuticals that people can take in order to beef up their immune systems.  But I wont go into all those here, or in these pages, because I don’t want to give the Internet Police too obvious an excuse to shut me down, for ‘practicing medicine without a license,’ or ‘engaging in disinformation/misinformation,’ or whatever the excuse/charge that they decide to pull out of their, er, hat.

(3) And so there is a nexus between the far Left and the far Right, the communists and the fascists.  As befitting, not a linear construct, but a pyramid.  Of power.  Controlled at the top by the same All-Seeing Eye, of the surveillance state.
   But to continue.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Some Of You Are Going To Hate Yourselves...

      In The Morning

I have now finished reading a most impressive and dare I say ‘woke’ article in the (early-arriving) August 24 issue of The New American magazine entitled ‘Monumental Hypocrisy’.  And I wish to say something here, in the heat of my emotions generated by the substance of this article, and all that is going on in this country - my country - of a dark nature these dark days, before the dawn of a new One.

To this nation’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, and including in that latter category all those mindlessly tearing down the monuments to and of this nation’s history, I say:

Nobody overthrows the United States of America.  Not on my watch.  And that of its Protectors.  

A nation that was founded not just by men of their times, but men of all times; taking one possible and practical step at a time towards their ultimate goal, of a nation - and a world in consequence - where “all men” - and by intended meaning, mankind; in our day better known/referred to as humankind - “are created equal,” and “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”.  As children all of the same Creator Source.  To say, as a learned French gentleman once put it: as “spiritual beings having a human experience”.  To become, ultimately, gods in their own right, as pieces of that Continent, parts of that Main.  Once they have graduated from

The Course.

Which includes learning from their history. 

Not erasing it.  

And thus:

All the statues and monuments that have been toppled down and defaced - which are monuments to this nation’s history, and the lessons to be learned therein and by - need to go back up, or be replaced with exact replicas.*  And those who wreaked that havoc on this nation’s memorials to its history need to be engaged in some way in that activity; to whatever extent that they can reasonably manage, whether financially, hands-on, or some combination thereof, or in whatever form.  As this nation heals from its wounds, and thence moves on, into a new era.  An entirely New Era.  And with the world at large. For all those who are ready to move on.  And.Up, into The New.  Characterized by an understanding of what life is all about.

That it is all about the education of apprentice gods, on their Path to Perfection.  

And you - you - will not be able to make those magnificent next steps if you fail to make amends for wrongs that you have inflicted on your nation, and your fellow actors and actresses on the stage of Life.  This school that we have been given, and ensconced in.  Life after life.  Preparing us for our graduation, into the higher realms; the higher degrees of that educational process.

Don’t be left behind.  It would be a shame to lose your presence.  In the New World aborning.  

And I assure you, that it is not to be the totalitarian New World Order planned for it by the Dark side of

The Process.  Giving us the free will to make our Progress by.

P.S. And for those of you who have been engaged in wreaking havoc under the banners of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and those politicians and media persons who have aided and abetted all the mayhem that has been engaged in in the wake of the death in police custody of George Floyd, I have a word as well.  To wit:
     That was a terrible triggering event.  But there was something very suspicious about it.  It had the appearance of being staged for ‘the cameras’.  So, we will get to the bottom of that appalling, and unfortunate, event.  As we will get to the bottom of all of the scenarios and agendas that have been acted out on this Stage in recent times, in furtherance of the plans of the powerful people behind the attempt to fasten a malevolent New World Order on humanity.  For, in this just universe that we are strutting and fretting our hours upon the stage of, nothing is left to chance.
     And All will be revealed. 
     Including what has been in your heart.
     Unless you have  been deprived of such qualities as empathy, by your Wannabe Masters.  In which case, that sort of factor will come out as well.  In the wash.  Leading us to said
     New Era.  On the spiral stairway to
     the heavens.


* If they are to come down, they will come down by a vote of the appropriate authorities involved.  Not by force.  This being a government of, by, and for The People.  Not either the mob or The Powers That Be.  Increasingly, now, The Powers That Were.

How To Eliminate Problems

Illuminate them with facts.

Example 1.  'The masks.'

There have been a number of reports of 'altercations' over people not wearing 'the masks'.  The latest: Two reports from passenger planes.  On one, a woman with six children was unceremoniously kicked of the flight because she was having trouble with getting her 2-year-od daughter to wear her mask.  On the other, two women got in an actual fight over one of them not wearing 'the mask'.  Let's look at some facts of the matter.

1. The masks don't really work.  And in fact, can cause sickness, from their being receptacles, of our noxious exhalations, rather than effective barriers.

2. The 'pandemic' isn't.  Both the number of infections and the number of fatalities have been inflated.  (Including with the tests notoriously 'infected' with giving false positives.)  And even at that, the fatality incidence puts the novel coronavirus in the category of a seasonal flu.  And you don't put the whole country in a state of quarantine/lockdown over a seasonal flu, or cold.

3. It has a specifically targeted segment of the population: the elderly and/or those with underlying medical conditions/a compromised immune system.  Every other cohort of the populace is basically asymptomatic - and need to circulate, in order to build up herd immunity.  And in any event:

4. There are very successful treatments for this virus (or whatever it is; it has never been fully purified/isolated).  Among them: Hydroxychloroquine or Budesonide or Ivermectin, each in a treatment 'cocktail' with zinc and either the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline for secondary infections.  Plus various nutraceuticals for beefing up one's immune system, esp. vitamins D3 and C.  (See a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath on proper treatment for you.)  And note that the treatments work best at the first sign of symptoms, not too far into the infection.  Or can be used as prevention.

So let's stop with the masking already.  This is a political issue.  Not a medical one per se.  And speaking of the political-issue side of the matter: Whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.    Another story in itself.  And: STOP THE ROLLOUT OF 5G.  Also a subject too long to go into here.  Just to say that it is involved in this whole sorry mess of an agenda.  By people who are trying to inflict a total state of control over humanity.

And along that same line:

Example 2. The LGBTQ+ 'phenomenon'.

Notice how messed up things have gotten with so many people involved in the LGBTQ+ political issue these days?  Biological males insisting on being treated like a female, and vice versa, and permutations in between??  And many people insisting that it is simply a mental illness and Christians insisting that it is 'sinful'???  Well, actually, 'it' is is both of those, but neither.  I will explain.

There has been scientific evidence for a good long while that the fetus can have its brain affected at a particularly early stage of fetal development (I think it's about the 8-10-week period; it has been some  time since I read material on this subject), by the maternal hormonal bath that it is developing in, whereby male-patterned brains can be 'wired' into biologically female bodies and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  There are a number of causes of  this imbalance.  Faulty adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both.  Endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics in the environment, from such as plastics, pesticides, and The Pill.  Stress - of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional (there is evidence that more homosexually-inclined male babies are born in the wake of wars than the normal background 'noise' can account for, e.g.).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.  We have, in short, not been paying enough attention to what has been going on in our society FOR TOO DAMN LONG.

And this situation has been exacerbated by the outright satanists amongst us, who, knowing of this possibility, have been deliberately inflicting 'gender dysphoria' on their babies.  Why?  Because Ordo Ab Chao.  Crisis 'breeds' Opportunity.  They have been behind the scenes of our current social unrest. And have been lusting to take over the world for the Dark side for millennia; and know all the tricks.  Including some new ones.*  And 'we' have been falling into their trap.  Like the dumb animals that they think of us as being.

Its time - and almost past, ladies and gentlemen, to

Wake.  The.  Hell.  Up.

And claim your proper inheritance  As a spiritual being having a human experience.

And understanding your responsibility in that matter.


* Like how to induce terror in children, so as to be able to harvest them of their adrenochrome, from which they get a high.  And then dispatch the children, as having served their purpose.  And often, eating them as well.  Because they are into that 'sin' as well.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

On The Potential 'New Normal'

We Are Being Invaded

By Chuck Baldwin 
August 20, 2020

The invasion has begun. And if it is not repelled, Liberty will cease to exist. And that is not hyperbole.

They’re here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We’re not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I’m afraid it is a little more serious than that. People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.

You know the people I’m talking about. Some of them are probably your friends and family, people you have known for years, and who had always seemed completely rational, but who are now convinced that we need to radically alter the fabric of human society to protect ourselves from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms at all) in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99.6% survive, which, it goes without saying, is totally insane.

I’ve been calling them “corona-totalitarians,” but I’m going to call them the “New Normals” from now on, as that more accurately evokes the pathologized-totalitarian ideology they are systematically spreading. At this point, I think it is important to do that, because, clearly, their ideological program has nothing to do with any actual virus, or any other actual public health threat.

As is glaringly obvious to anyone whose mind has not been taken over yet, the “apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic” was always just a Trojan horse, a means of introducing the “New Normal,” which they’ve been doing since the very beginning.
The official propaganda started in March, and it reached full intensity in early April. Suddenly, references to the “New Normal” were everywhere.

The slogan has been relentlessly repeated (in a textbook totalitarian “big lie” fashion) for going on the past six months. We have heard it repeated so many times that many of us have forgotten how insane it is, the idea that the fundamental structure of society needs to be drastically and irrevocably altered on account of a virus that poses no threat to the vast majority of the human species.

And, make no mistake, that is exactly what the “New Normal” movement intends to do. “New Normalism” is a classic totalitarian movement (albeit with a pathological twist), and it is the goal of every totalitarian movement to radically, utterly transform society, to remake the world in its monstrous image.

That is what totalitarianism is, this desire to establish complete control over everything and everyone, every thought, emotion, and human interaction. The character of its ideology changes (i.e., Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.), but this desire for complete control over people, over society, and ultimately life itself, is the essence of totalitarianism … and what has taken over the minds of the New Normals.

In the New Normal society they want to establish, as in every totalitarian society, fear and conformity will be pervasive. Their ideology is a pathologized ideology (as opposed to, say, the racialized ideology of the Nazis), so its symbology will be pathological. Fear of disease, infection, and death, and obsessive attention to matters of health will dominate every aspect of life. Paranoid propaganda and ideological conditioning will be ubiquitous and constant.

Everyone will be forced to wear medical masks to maintain a constant level of fear and an omnipresent atmosphere of sickness and death, as if the world were one big infectious disease ward. Everyone will wear these masks at all times, at work, at home, in their cars, everywhere. Anyone who fails or refuses to do so will be deemed “a threat to public health,” and beaten and arrested by the police or the military, or swarmed by mobs of New Normal vigilantes.

Cities, regions, and entire countries will be subjected to random police-state lockdowns, which will be justified by the threat of “infection.” People will be confined to their homes for up to 23-hours a day, and allowed out only for “essential reasons.” Police and soldiers will patrol the streets, stopping people, checking their papers, and beating and arresting anyone out in public without the proper documents, or walking or standing too close to other people, like they are doing in Melbourne, Australia, currently.

The threat of “infection” will be used to justify increasingly insane and authoritarian edicts, compulsory demonstration-of-fealty rituals, and eventually the elimination of all forms of dissent. Just as the Nazis believed they were waging a war against the “subhuman races,” the New Normals will be waging a war on “disease,” and on anyone who “endangers the public health” by challenging their ideological narrative.
Like every other totalitarian movement, in the end, they will do whatever is necessary to purify society of “degenerate influences” (i.e., anyone who questions or disagrees with them, or who refuses to obey their every command).

This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion.
The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.

What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway … as, of course, it is also mine.

Make no mistake about it: This is the Liberty Fight of our lifetimes. In truth, this attack is much more threatening than the ones from Kaiser Bill in WWI and Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito in WWII, because this attack is being perpetrated from within.

Daniel Webster rightly warned:

There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.

And in a speech before the United Nations, Russian communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, "America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within."
The destruction Webster warned of and the fall Khrushchev promised has now begun. And it’s happening under the auspices of the government of Donald Trump and the U.S. medical establishment.

Christians and conservatives practically worship Trump as the provider and guardian of America’s peace and safety. And historically, our physicians and medical providers (our healers) have been held in utmost regard as role models of protection and safety by the vast majority of the American people.

This verse of Scripture is appropriate at this point:

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them. (I Thessalonians 5:3 KJV)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is reported as saying, “The CIA killed my father and uncle – do not trust the medical or the national security establishment!”

In a recent interview, Robert F. Kennedy admitted that the Central Intelligence Agency had his father and uncle assassinated, and in that light, he has been speaking out against the medical community with regard to vaccines.  Kennedy warns Americans not to trust the same people, the national security establishment, who murdered his father and uncle and added not to trust the medical establishment as well.
You are watching two men, Dr. Ron Paul, who himself was a career Republican Congressman, and Mr. Kennedy from a famous career Democratic family, who both agree on the issues of medical tyranny facing us today, because they both understand that the threat to America today over the fear of COVID, is a non-partisan issue.
While neither man waxes eloquent as some who use those teleprompters.  What you will find are men who, though coming from politically ideological different viewpoints, agree about medical tyranny.  It needs to be stomped out.

But trusting the medical and national security establishments is what most Americans seem to do best. If you doubt that, just walk into any Costco or Walmart and count how many people are NOT wearing those stupid “masks of the beast.”

Under the totalitarian interpretation of Romans 13 that most pastors and churches have embraced, Christian people are among the most sheepish and compliant adherents of despotic government in the country. The only freedom they seem to know is whatever crumbs of freedom the state tosses their way.

Christians seem to be indifferent to the fact that any attack against our Liberty is an attack against the God who gave us Liberty. In other words, it is an attack against our Faith.
The major reasons for this indifference are:

1. The rejection of the authority of Christ over our eternal and temporal salvation.
2. The slavish misinterpretation—even propaganda—of Romans 13.
3. The almost universal surrender to the “Spirit of Party.” (G. Washington)
4. The rise and dominance of Christian Zionism over evangelicalism.
People who are under the delusion of Romans 13 misteaching, party partisanship and Christian Zionism are living in spiritual blindness and—as were the Galatian Christians—spiritual bondage. As a result, they are not even fully capable of resisting despotism—which is why most of them are NOT resisting this invasion of the New Normals. 

Thomas Jefferson said:

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.

I urge readers to watch my message from last Sunday entitled, “Whom Resist.”

Under the guise of safety and security, our medical establishment and surveillance state have generated an intense internal invasion against our liberties that MUST be resisted, or Liberty will be thoroughly and completely eviscerated in this country. And if Freedom is lost to America, it will be lost to the rest of the world.

As was quoted at the beginning of this column:

This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion.
The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.

What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway.

Right now we are finding out how much Liberty means—or doesn’t mean—to us.

© Chuck Baldwin


The antidote to The New Normal, besides information about it, like this?  The knowledge that there are treatments available right now for the novel coronavirus (or whatever it is).  Besides various boosts to one's immune system, which any good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath could tell you about (and esp. vitamin D3), there is:

Hydroxychloroquine or Budesonide or Ivermectin in a cocktail with zinc and an antibiotic for secondary infections, either azithromycin or doxycycline.  Do your homework online about these very successful treatments, and update your family physician about them if he she hasn't had the time to check into all the information that is available about them, mostly on the Independent/Alt Media.

And let's nip this New Normal in the bud.