are the same as living by and in Unconditional Love. That is to say: Total.
My response to an email from a relative regarding a major issue of our day in the U.S., and, by resonant extension, the world, at this propitious time:
"Does Kamala parentage make her Ineligible to be POTUS?"
A: Yes, indeed - and doubly so, since neither of her parents were American citizens at the time of her birth.
Don't ever let anybody - and that unfortunately includes some Republicans - tell you different from the fact that the definition of a 'natural born' citizen at the time that it was codified by the constitutional Framers as an eligibility requirement for the office of POTUS, and subsequently by Amendment as well to [apply to] the VP office, is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. It is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' - and that eligibility requirement STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. It cannot be changed by Resolutions of Congress or Supreme Court questionable interpretations of the law or anything else; only by amendment.
The reason that some Republican [Party] officials have tried to waffle on this issue is because they have tried to slip through their OWN ineligible candidates for the office of POTUS on this basis, in 2016, namely, Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and a couple of other early candidates. Which is why the Repub Party honchos kept quiet on the fact that Barry Obama was ineligible on the same basis. (The irony is that he may in tact have been eligible, if his actual birth father was, rather, Frank Marshall Davis, his communist mentor in Hawaii, who he looks a lot more like than Barack Hussein Sr. Or was in fact Malcolm X, by a different mother than Stanley Ann Dunham - a communist follower of Malcolm X's from New York City, with their baby 'parked' with a 'legit' family in that community, to be groomed for major political office in his adulthood, with his true background possibly ruining his, and their, chances if known about. All, another story. But the outcome is the same: He would then face imprisonment for fraud, perjury, and treason; instead of just the last charge alone.)
Background here: Both the Dems and the Repubs tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, to get the 'natural born' eligibility criteria for POTUS eliminated, and they failed each time in trying to get such an amendment started through Congress, such was the sensitivity around the issue at the time. So what did those honchos do? They decided to collude with each other - since between them they control the media and judges in this country - and slip Obama through on the American people, to pave the way for their ultimate destruction of the Constitution, since it stands in the way of their takeover of the country and ultimately the world. Which [process] they are deeply engaged in now, under the cover of the covid quarantine. So this is a huge issue. And I am trusting that this attempt by TPTB to slip K Harris through on the American people on this issue will be their Waterloo, with so much chicanery and deceit starting to come out regarding the Obama admin's attempted takedown of Trump before and after his election, and regarding this phony 'plandemic' of the virus, which is hardly more in actuality like a seasonal flu rather than a pandemic, and for which there are some very successful treatments already anyway, before a vaccine comes out that they want to administer to everybody, for ulterior, and outright satanic, purposes.
But all that is another story, too. Just to say, for the one you asked about: Check out the quote for yourself; it's right here on the Internet: under Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.
The bottom line:
Honor the Wholeness. Stand in your truth, yes. But keep an open mind. And ultimately,
Honor the Wholeness. As we move out of the holograme and closer back towards
P.S. And note how those who are wishing to assert Power Over Others are exercising their 'truth' in this, one of the latest moves in their arsenal:
A YouTube video by Dr. Kelly Victory, a well-speaking critic of the CoVid-19 pandemic panic, on the subject of 'Breaking down Covid-19,' has been blocked by them, as being contrary to their 'Community Guidelines'.
Well, they would say that, wouldn't they.
P.S. And note how those who are wishing to assert Power Over Others are exercising their 'truth' in this, one of the latest moves in their arsenal:
A YouTube video by Dr. Kelly Victory, a well-speaking critic of the CoVid-19 pandemic panic, on the subject of 'Breaking down Covid-19,' has been blocked by them, as being contrary to their 'Community Guidelines'.
Well, they would say that, wouldn't they.
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