Sunday, 9 August 2020

A Matter Of Perspective

In the small courtyard at the back of the house where I am currently living with my niece and her family, she has hung a couple of hummingbird feeders.  In the late mornings when I am having my breakfast (I stay up late, ‘surfing the net’.  And in any event, at my age I feel that I am ‘entitled’ to one of the little amenities of/in life, of sleeping in) I like to go out to the long (beautifully inlaid by my niece) table out there, amidst a variety of chairs, and enjoy the view, and the laid-back ambience.  But staying there long enough, and not otherwise distracted by engaging in conversation with any other of us two-legged creatures, I have discovered an interesting phenomenon.  To wit: Hummingbirds have personalities.

This observation is in the form of having discovered that one of the hummingbirds in particular is in the habit of staying close to one of the feeders and ‘guarding’ it against all comers; either by perching on the wrought-iron fixture from which the feeder is hanging or ‘lying in wait’ in the large bush alongside his self-determined possession, and engaging in brief, er, dogfights.  It may be fun for him as well, in the limited lives that hummingbirds live; but…         

What a limited life he lives, guarding jealously ’his’ feeder; while his brothers and sisters enjoy flitting around the neighborhood, utilizing their formidable flying talents to their fullest… 

Now.  Having said that; and for some reason, while observing this little drama this morning, this little vignette of Life, I got to thinking of the report that I read yesterday about how Michelle Obama had come out with a comment regarding the coronavirus Lockdown, as to how it was giving, er, ‘us’ an Opportunity to ‘fundamentally’ reconfigure our country’s economic structure, and - quoting from the report - “redistribute the wealth” from the ‘rich’ to those in more need.  

Ah.  The Truth.  Out.  

To be dealt with however we do…      

And then there is the matter of Dave Hodges, an otherwise admirable conservative commentator on the Internet, with his own site, who said the other day on it, dogmatically:

“You are either for Jesus or you are against Jesus.”  Well; fair enough.  So far.  But he went on, in the same breath, as it were: “You are either with Satan or you are against Satan.  You can’t have it both ways.”  And even more explicitly, from his perspective: “Do you serve God or do you serve Satan.”  And he concluded his little diatribe with: “Do the right thing…This is a spiritual war.”

As to the letter point: It is, indeed, Dave.  But you would do well, and it would be wise, not to confuse the fundamental issue.  To say, in other words:

Do you serve God.  Or do you serve a human construct.

There is a difference.  As we all defend our various chosen turfs.

P.S. And you will have noted that I referred to the little hummingbird as a ‘he’.  Which makes sense, in the normal sense, of the various hormones that are expressed in the various creatures of the Life experience.  
     Or are confused.  As they are in our Human day.  And deliberately.  By revolutionaries, attempting to overturn ‘the established order’ of the day.
     Another story.  Or to say, another part of
     The Story.   


P.P.S. And regarding The Story: The message I would have responded with to an Official President Trump Approval Poll, rating his “recent job performance” (I marked it ‘Good,’ not 'Great’), but which also required my tel. number, and I don’t give that info out on the Internet:  
     “He needs to stop the nonsense about this non-pandemic and draw the drama to a close with a major push for the treatments for the virus that have already proven to be very effective against it - and head off any vaccine for it, which will be dangerous, in the hands of the NWO crowd.”

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