Saturday, 29 August 2020


To and for me, to engage in the voting process before it has been cleansed  - completely - of its fraudulence is tantamount to being complicit in the commission of a crime; or more specifically put, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  And especially in my old home county of, er, Los Angeles; and I refused to vote there, upon my return to my old home town, and home country itself, after living the bulk of my adult life abroad, once I discovered the nature of that beast.(1)  I now live in a different state, one whose voter registration rolls could reasonably be considered as being far more clean in this regard, for this state having so many Christians living here per capita, in the denominational form of Mormons: this state being their ‘home’ state of Utah.  But even here, there is no proof that the VRRs are regularly cleaned, of the names of dead people, duplicates, people who have moved, etc.  And with only two-thirds of the states requiring ID to vote, what does that say to the state of voting in this country?  With all of the illegal aliens in the country, and other non-citizens??  It is the same old signal as sent out in California: Accept to be registered to vote under the federal Motor Voter Law, whether you are legal to do so or not.  Nobody will check on you after the fact.(2)

I find this ‘practice’ despicable.

I won’t have it.

Not in my country, you won’t.

Now.  Having said all that.

The voting systems in this country, with all of their opportunities to cheat (and including via the electric voting machines, which are notorious both for being capable of being hacked and for the act itself), and the proof already in of massive exercise of said Opportunity, are symptomatic of the general tenor of corruption going on in this country.  And in the world; where some countries have had to resort to the dipping of a voter’s finger in purple dye in order to keep duplicate voting from occurring.  But I would have expected better from this special country, where the Individual is the sovereign.  Not the state, or royal, or cleric.  The Great Experiment in self-government  - failing the test.  A terrible, terrible shame.

Anyway.  Time’s up.  It’s time to move on.  Ready.  Or not.

Into a New World, wherein we leave The Old behind, and embark on a New Stage of the Operation.  Operation

Gods in the Making.  After their Creator Source.  Precisely after.  As chips off the old block.  As it were.

And is.

Facing, now, a watershed moment in that Enterprise.  As collectively, those who are ready to move on - in an Ascension process - will do so; and experience the fruits of their labor, as they come into their inheritance on the technological level, in the form of such innovations as free energy devices, and antigravity devices, and what is known (to some) as ‘Med Beds,’ and the perfecting of such abilities as telepathy and teleportation, and on and on.  In a state, no longer of Economy.  But of Abundance.  And so, the Apprenticeship on the elementary-school level, over.  As I indicated: For some, of us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

For the others?  Ah.  Well.  Better luck next time.  Meaning, at your next bite at the Apple of Life in a 3D, Duality/Polarity realm.  Or to say, not really a realm.  More like a construct.  A matrix.  A  hologram.  A classroom.  

You don’t think the Dark is real, do you? 

The Dark is a shadow.  Of something that is Real in and of itself.  Is the temporary - relatively speaking - absence of Light.  Which simply


And Is, now, to shine more fully on this sorely put-upon Earth.  A live Being in its own right.  Now, to move on, on its own path to its own inheritance.

As are we.   

Each at our own speed.  And needing, now, to keep up with the Ascension of our Earth.  Or be left behind, for this Go ‘Round.  This cosmic time of collective Harvesting.

And be fully aware:

Corruption does not exist on the higher levels.  Everything that is on those levels needs to be able to withstand the intensity - the frequency - of the Light involved on each level of consciousness.  Or it simply can’t exist on that level.  To say:

We don’t need ID cards beyond this state of being.  All is revealed, in that Light.  We are here simply to learn lessons.  ‘Life’ not merely being a matter of existence in and for itself only.  

So,  Prepare to leave behind the level, the state of consciousness that says, tell you, that ‘The purpose of life is to make money’.  

Its Purpose - its true Purpose - is far, far more than that.

So, as we as a collective on this material level - this ledge of ‘being’ in a creation - start reaching for the stars:

May you reach far enough inside of yourself to join those who are moving on.  And Up.  Inside of themselves.   As their inner voice dictates.

The only ‘dictator’ that we should allow in our lives.  And especially now, at this very real

Turning Point. 

P.S. Oh.  And as far as this Turning Point goes - into the home stretch of the ‘exercise’ we have been engaging in, for a long time in Time -  be aware that an awful lot of error has occurred along that Way, one; and two, which we will need to iet go of, in order to enter the beginning of the higher frequencies of The Light.  And among those errors is the category of religions which Humanity has concocted along said Way.  
     You have been warned.  That this business of becoming a god in your own right is no picnic.    


(1) No voter ID required, much less with a photo; no requirement to prove one’s citizenship in order to get on the voter registration rolls; no cleansing of the VRR  - until Judicial Watch forced some degree of cleansing on the County recently; but even then such cleansing doesn’t get down to the basic level of proof of citizenship to get on the roll in the first place.
   A roll which has on it (in some County that I read abut) such ‘citizens’ as M. Mouse… 

(2) And what’s with this business of making the Voting materials, and including at the voting precincts themselves, available in other languages??  One still has to be able to read and write English in order to become a naturalized citizen.
   A requirement that is undoubtedly scheduled for deletion as we, er, speak.  As we move towards a ’system’ of voters only needing to be resident in the country.  And in however many places…

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